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Member postings for Chris Murphy

Here is a list of all the postings Chris Murphy has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Stuck chuck tip
13/10/2022 14:57:04

c1e89174-57cd-43b1-ad06-95524da3bc86.jpeg69dc94c6-49d9-4e96-817d-4e1293342d15.jpeg6251d3d2-42e2-412c-85c3-d0a5a7660060.jpegHi all,

this is the way I get a stuck chuck off, works every time with minimal effort.

it’s sort of the same idea from Steve Jordan’s YouTube site.

just a small piece of metal with a holder on it that wedges in between the back gear bolt and the bolt at the bottom, the lever I clamp in the chuck is some sort of tyre iron I think that I’ve had for years.


chris m…..


Thread: Update on the ml7
13/10/2022 14:42:15

I don’t mind spending money, but some of these things are well expensive.

13/10/2022 12:36:07

4b968919-baee-4334-9771-e898f6cb93f1.jpegHi all,

well this is where I am at the moment with my ml7.

I bought it in mid summer and have been sorting it out bit by bit really.

at the moment it’s working well, you may remember I posted a week or so ago about a broken tooth on the back gear cluster, that’s fixed now and seems to be working fine.

I must admit, it’s an expensive hobby to get into and there’s much more to it than using a wood lathe.

anyway, I’ve always wanted a metal lathe, particularly a myford.

ok thanks

chris m…..

Thread: Backplates
09/10/2022 10:50:36

Hi all,

can someone explain to me why some chucks need backplates and some just screw straight on the spindle as is.


chris m.,.,

Thread: Back gear cluster now removed
02/10/2022 16:05:58


yeah , i placed each shim exactly where they came from so they can go back just as they came off.

hopefully everything will go back together properly 😉

chris m….

02/10/2022 14:05:37

f33f399a-2989-478d-b25e-02b41dc0ec9d.jpeg8db4455e-0bbb-4a02-b4a9-7a1a71d5cbcc.jpegHi all,

well I’ve removed the spindle and managed to take out the back gear cluster.

wasnt too bad of a job to do, now just have to buy a new one.

at least they do still sell them at myford, but blimey, £91 for a new cog.

well I like the machine to run as good as it can, I was tempted to leave it, especially at that price, as I don’t use the back gear that often, but like I said if anything’s wrong with it, I do like to get it fixed.

thanks for the help

chris m…


Edited By Chris Murphy on 02/10/2022 14:08:45

Thread: Back gear cluster replace
02/10/2022 09:45:23

Hi all,

I posted something about this yesterday and it was a tooth missing from my back gear cluster which sits at the bottom of the headstock.

do I need to worry about a tooth missing even though it still seems to work fine when I use back gear, which is not very often, and if I were to replace the back gear cluster how would I go about it.

has anyone ever done it before, if so, could you give a few pointers.

im reluctant to do the job seeing as it’s working ok, but it may need doing sometime.

also does anyone else use their lathe ok with broken teeth.

the lathes a Myford ml7.


Chris m


Thread: Gear seems to be missing
01/10/2022 17:18:24


any idea how I would renew this back gear cog, is it a bit of a tough job.


chris m

01/10/2022 16:28:11


I’ve had it in back gear from time to time with no difference really, strange.

chris m

01/10/2022 16:08:46

de14b7aa-cd74-47f5-9ec3-85afd589fb23.jpegc42ed1b0-43a7-4854-a3b5-a10998fb2208.jpegHi all,

I just noticed a gap on one of my headstock gear wheels, is it supposed to be like this or have I got a piece broken off.

the lathe still seems to function ok.

it’s a myford ml7

chris m

Thread: Cross slide travel
31/08/2022 20:43:49


even when I’m not cutting and moving the cross slide it still gets very tight at the same point.

the cutting tool is level to the centre and cuts well leaving hardly any pip, but as I said it’s very hard to turn at about this point.


chris m…..

31/08/2022 19:37:58


the cross slide moves along fine, but as I’m getting nearer the centre of the work I becomes very tight.

any other ideas.


chris m….

31/08/2022 18:17:35

Hi all,

I have a Myford ml7 and the problem I seem to be having at the moment is that when facing off or parting off, it does the job but the cross slide seems to get very tight when getting to the centre pip.

what id like to ask is if your an ml7 owner how much travel do you get and also does it start to get very tight when your almost at centre.

how far is the cross slide supposed to travel past the work you are cutting.

any ideas or suggestions as to why this would be happening on my lathe.
the cross slide is the long length one by the way.


chris m…..

Thread: Lighting advice
28/08/2022 16:13:13

Hi all,

I have a 12ft x 10ft shed and my lighting in there has never really been adequate.

would anyone be able to recommend any lights that would give me plenty of light in my shed. I’d like it to be nice and bright.


chris m…..

Thread: Rear tool post
24/08/2022 20:29:56


can anyone suggest where to buy a good rear tool post for the Myford ml7.

I don’t have a milling machine or I would attempt to make one.

if you have purchased one for an ml7; can you tell me what its like and where you got it from.


chris m….

Thread: Arceurotrade toolpost
24/08/2022 15:56:01

Hi all,

I think I quite fancy going for the arceurotrade Model 000 Quick Change Tool Post Set, which I’ve had my eye on for a while now, it’s £109, but you have to buy a kit to make it fit my Myford ml7.

the question is, has anyone fitted this to their Myford ml7 and if they have could you tell me what it’s like to use.

id like to know a bit more about it before shelling out the money just in case It doesn’t fit or if it’s not very good.

any info would be appreciated.


chris m…….

Thread: Parting tool problem
24/08/2022 15:50:37

Hi all,

update on my parting problem.

I managed to grind down the RDG holder and the cutter was just a fraction higher,a very tiny amount.

I’ve been trying it all afternoon and still no success.

I’ve tried different speeds, selected the back gear, moved the cutter in and out, cut as close to the chuck as I can.

still a complete waste of time. I’m doing something wrong, I just wished I knew what.

this is the only issue I have with using the lathe, oh well.

the lathe is a Myford ml7 btw.
anyway thanks for the replies.


Thread: Quick change toolpost
23/08/2022 15:50:08


just a quick question.

as per the earlier post, I’ve struggled a bit to get certain tool bits on centre, if I buy a qctp which I’m interested in, does it mean I can basically use any size tool and can move the tool bits up and down in the holder with the adjustable screw.


chris m….

Thread: Parting tool problem
23/08/2022 14:39:45

3fe8d3cc-6d72-47a0-8682-c3f3a600ab61.jpeg0b765787-66df-451b-b938-47567170c02c.jpeg907c254c-41b6-4501-8ec5-cb081cd8b5f1.jpegHi all,

as you can see in the pics, I bought this RDG parting tool that someone recommended and it looks a really good tool. The only trouble is, is that the cutting point is a little bit above the centre of the work, so it’s not cutting at all really, more like rubbing.

my question is, is there anyway I can get this on center point or have I wasted my money. I don’t have a milling machine to reduce my toolpost holder.

I also bought the hss parting tool, this seems to struggle too, but as it says on the side of the tool, it’s more a grooving tool than a parting tool.

any advice.


chris m……9aadc705-0e70-469b-a7b7-58aa7c7fef2f.jpeg

Mod edit, rotated photos.

Edited By SillyOldDuffer on 23/08/2022 15:09:12

Thread: Parting tool trouble
03/08/2022 18:08:32

79059a55-7a3c-4d9c-b680-11036efdfe7c.jpegb5a3c78d-5630-401d-bb76-1f9d8d3d0239.jpeg96ffa397-ed7e-4c87-a6f1-dcccfb5f5e80.jpegHi, hope someone can help.

im having a bit of a nightmare using this new parting tool that I bought from arceurotrade.

I haven’t been able to part properly with it yet and have already broke the original blade, good job I ordered a spare with it. I’ve tried all 3 speeds of my Myford ml7 lathe, still without any good results, just keep getting chatter or the chuck stopping and wedging into the tool, thats how I broke the blade that came with it.

as you can see in the photos, the blade is spot on the centre cutting height, it’s an 8mm by 10 tool holder and lines up perfectly, so I can’t understand why it’s not cutting through properly.

hope someone can tell me what I’m doing wrong, would I be better using a Hss parting tool instead.


chris m…79059a55-7a3c-4d9c-b680-11036efdfe7c.jpeg

Edited By JasonB on 03/08/2022 18:22:48

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