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Member postings for Dominic Bramley

Here is a list of all the postings Dominic Bramley has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: US16E Ejection Seat Model
26/08/2022 22:14:21


Would it work if you put some juice in there? And if so will you dare try?!


Thread: Unable to get most recent edition
30/07/2022 08:52:42

I had the same problem - I emailed pocketmags using the “contact us” option in the app and they fixed it.


Thread: Best boiler size for small static engines?
20/07/2022 22:21:31

I would also recommend Martin Gearing’s ME Vertical Boiler that was serialised from Jan 2018 - June 2019 - so is in the online archive if you don’t have the magazines.

I was very pleased with mine and as a beginner appreciated Martin’s very detailed instructions. It happily runs my 10V.

It looks like noggin end metals still sell materials packs which simplifies things further.

Here is a video of mine running :


Thread: 2 inch Traction Engine, which one ?
20/07/2022 21:23:58

Many thanks Jason! Pictures look great! Photobucket probably changed the format of their shared links at some point..

Out of interest, if you were starting again would you still build the 2” or would you go for the 3”?


19/07/2022 21:46:31

Exciting - I'm also going through a similar thought process - although I need to finish my Minnie first - so realistically a year or two away.. Would be interested to know which path you choose after your trip to MJ...

Jason - do you have an updated photo album for your A7 build? I have read an number of your (as always excellent) threads on this and other forums to get a feel for the MJ model and whether it would be within my capabilities - but the earlier posts have a broken link to a photobucket album....



Thread: Vickers Bl 8 inch Howitzer cannon of 1917
13/05/2022 07:29:47

Seeing this thread up and running again has made my day.

Glad you're well Mal!


Thread: Making a Carriage stop for a lathe
06/03/2022 08:20:28
Posted by Nicholas Wheeler 1 on 05/03/2022 22:08:49:
Posted by Derek Lane on 05/03/2022 19:41:21:

Very nice Nigel may have to do that with mine looks easier than having to fiddle with the two bolts underneath the stop assembly

One of my requirements for this sort of thing is that tools are not needed for use. I've posted my current stop, but having made it from aluminium it's spread and becoming less effective. And I've never used the adjustable stop because it's not accurate.

So the new one will look like this:

carriage stop v1.jpg


exploded carriage stop.jpg

I like the look of this design. Grab a couple of pics if/when you make it and it could be a good little article for MEW....


Thread: Good YouTube videos
26/02/2022 08:46:19

I have recently stumbled across Julian Mowlam's channel. A good build log of a 2" Fowler Showman's traction engine. As someone building a 1" Minnie it is very interesting to see the extra level of detail and complexity in a 2" model.



Edited By Dominic Bramley on 26/02/2022 08:47:22

Thread: Mc Donald Model tractor
06/02/2022 20:15:37

Looks fantastic Fred!

Still following. Still enjoying. yes


20/12/2021 21:52:32

Merry xmas and a happy new year to you Fred, and thank you for sharing your endeavours! It has been a pleasure following along!


28/10/2021 19:59:11

Just Amazing!

The suspense has been building for sometime and you didn't disappoint!


Thread: Ploughing engine running on air
21/08/2021 06:20:39

Seems to me that every model I see on here being built down under is stupendously good. I’m just glad model making isn’t part of the Ashes!


Thread: Stuart Twin Victoria (Princess Royal) Mill Engine
10/05/2021 08:53:45

+1 : I've been looking forward to seeing this build yes

Thread: Mc Donald Model tractor
07/05/2021 09:25:06

Still following and still enjoying!

Have been flicking back to page 1 to to compare the pictures of the full size machine. The model is amazingly accurate!



Thread: ME Boiler
14/04/2021 19:29:42

Good job! I agree - your turned down fittings definitely look better than the original. Tempted to redo my safety valve body now!



Thread: Astronomy talks
03/04/2021 19:36:26

Thanks for sharing,

Have you had a chance to watch many yet? - Any you'd recommend?



Thread: What Did You Do Today 2021
02/04/2021 22:20:20

Not so much incriminating as inflammatory. I removed them because I didn't want to be the cause of an off-topic debate in the What did you do today thread..


Thread: Mc Donald Model tractor
31/03/2021 12:22:46

No questions Fred - but I am certainly loving this build. Fantastic attention to detail and a fascinating array of processes being employed.

Being a helpful forum I think a lot of members save their comments for when they feel they have useful advice to offer the builder. This has the unfortunate side effect of the most accomplished builds having relatively few comments. Rest assured though, there will be an awful lot of people following this keenly!



Thread: What Did You Do Today 2021
25/03/2021 19:45:46
Posted by martin perman on 25/03/2021 18:18:50:


Is the little fella in your workshop, he looks happy enough.

Martin P

He's actually in our kitchen in that photo - but has since been moved to our utility. That said if you look carefully in the background of that picture you can just make out an ME boiler, Stuart 10V and a set of Minnie Rear Wheels which have also taken up residence in the kitchen. The wife showed a picture of the boiler to a colleague recently and was asked "why is there a bulb of garlic in your workshop?!" laugh

In other squirrel engineering news - I have been finding it hard to feed the critter milk from a syringe without accidently squirting it too hard and choking him. So I have 3D printed a screw dispenser to help feed the syringe in more gently. After a bit of running in, it is as smooth as silk and I'm genuinely amazed how well 3d printed threads can work. I wish my lathe dials worked this well!



24/03/2021 22:09:58

Made a house for an abandoned baby squirrel out of a Warco DH1 vice box. He seems to like it.



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