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Member postings for Jon Lawes

Here is a list of all the postings Jon Lawes has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Owners of the Hoglet V Twin
14/07/2018 10:17:06

Just musing, could it be the o-rings are being rapidly degraded by the oil/fuel? Are they of a material that will be resistant? The black gank could be rubber...

Thread: Aircraft General Discussion
13/07/2018 18:38:34

What years were you there Bill? I started with them (fresh faced and runny nosed, from the MoD apprenticeship) in about 1999 I think. Still on site but not quite in the same capacity.

12/07/2018 22:18:42
Posted by Hopper on 09/07/2018 06:49:43:

...And talk about maintenance! 100 hours of it required for every one hour in the air....

The ETPS Lynx' were getting 40 hours maintenance for every hour in flight towards the end of their lives...

(Whats the plural of lynx? Lynxes? Lyni?!)

Thread: 5 inch 0-4-0 Shunter
09/07/2018 18:45:53

Coming along nicely!

Thread: fire warning
08/07/2018 17:17:01

A lucky escape!

Thread: Children's safety in the workshop.
06/07/2018 14:45:54

Where are you roughly in the country Nige?

Thread: a new skill
05/07/2018 19:47:54

Glassblowing, and potting on a wheel I reckon.

Thread: Amelia Earhart
02/07/2018 16:24:33

Navigation was a hell of an achievement back then, especially over such a large expanse. I suspect those who did succeed was more luck than judgement.

Thread: hi
01/07/2018 19:25:21

Hi John, nice to meet you .

Thread: Workshop to drool over.
01/07/2018 19:06:41
Posted by mark costello 1 on 01/07/2018 17:59:43:

45 years experience and still leaves the chuck wrench in the chuck.

Good point! On the rare occasions I do this myself it reminds me I'm still learning....

Thread: Am I getting an irritable old git?
01/07/2018 18:54:30

It's a two way street. I suspect (apologies if I'm wrong) that I'm one of the younger forum members at 38. Someone called me a Tyro the other day and I had to look it up on Google to check it wasn't insulting!

Thread: New machine work lamp
01/07/2018 18:51:59

Nice bit of engineering that.

Thread: Welding Cast Iron
01/07/2018 16:39:34

Thats the difference between an engineer and the layman! Someone else would have just bought another....

Thread: Workshop to drool over.
01/07/2018 14:07:05

I've got a tiny lean to on the side of the house. It's so small I have to mount things in the vice in such a way that I can cut them without banging my elbow on the wall.... but it's mine.

Thread: Teaching a 17 year old how to use a lathe
01/07/2018 14:03:29
Posted by JOHN MOSLEY 1 on 30/06/2018 18:03:02:

Gosh what a lot of advise, I wonder how I have got to 68 years old.

Advice was requested, and a wide range of experience given. If experience is there to be learned from you'd be a mug not to do so. If it isn't there to be used then you do the best you can.

Thread: Drill for Milling
30/06/2018 15:11:29

It might be alright if you use it gently but the Walker Turner I have has been used as a mill in the past and its definitely worse off for the experience. If you don't mind that it might not enjoy the experience it might be ok as long as you don't take major cuts, but they are just not used to side loads.

Thread: Lost and Found
30/06/2018 12:52:10

Variation on the theme; my friend drove to a job a hundred miles or so away from home. He got back very early to his house and his girlfriend asked how come he was home so early? After a few moments of being puzzled he realised when he stopped for a coffee halfway there he got back in the car and accidently set the sat-nav to "home" rather than his destination. He then blindly followed it without thinking. I should stress at the time he was in his late twenties so you can't really blame old age!

Thread: Teaching a 17 year old how to use a lathe
30/06/2018 12:47:21

To maintain interest make sure you apply it to things he might be interested in. I've made basic mountain bike parts with my son (bar ends, that sort of thing) which seems to have kept his interest. At 17 a gearknob might be good, something like that. Rather than trying to push the engineering in its own right, show him how it can help him support an interest he already has.

I used to teach in a college and most of the students were keen enough, the two biggest issues were trying to stop them throwing themselves into it at a million miles an hour, and keeping the projects small enough to maintain a lad or ladies interest. A wobbler engine from stock is a great starting point, I suspect a stuart single would be a bit much for first ever project if no metal has ever been cut prior. Maybe it would be a good second project.

Thread: Stuart Engine as motive power
26/06/2018 11:46:45

I've got a spreadsheet at work that I made which woks out optimum ratios for running from a Sirius, it would adapt easily for you but we would need to know wheel size, typical RPM for the engine and your desired speed. I sketched up a design for a two speed box that would give up to 4mph (max!) or 10mph (max!) to give torque or speed as desired. Those speeds were purely speculative and not fully researched.

I'll grab the spreadsheet when I'm next in work and you are welcome to use it.

Thread: LBSC 3 1/2 Britannia
25/06/2018 22:06:52

More grist for the mill!

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