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Member postings for Phil Stevenson

Here is a list of all the postings Phil Stevenson has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Hand chasing threads
13/07/2023 16:14:26

I'm currently (slowly) acquiring the skill of hand chasing threads in wood, specifically boxwood which is one of the very few timbers that will take a hand chased thread. I'm using 22tpi and the threads are typically for a wooden box so the diameter can be an inch or two so not a tap and die sort of thing. Apart from striking a good thread the skill also is in matching the male and female.

It's made me wonder whether you can hand chase a thread in any metal? Is this a thing?

Thread: What's this called?
16/02/2023 16:01:56

Thread: You think you've seen it all
01/08/2022 10:38:36
Posted by phillip gardiner on 31/07/2022 02:53:48:

What is wrong with organic drinking water, what get's me is the use by date on bottled water.

This is an oft asked question. Nothing to do with the water going "off" but over time nasties can leach out of the plastic into the water hence the time limitation advisory. Of course you can just ignore it completely. Not sure if there is a date on glass bottled water but who in God's name thinks it's a good idea to sell water in a glass bottle?

Thread: My Faith in Human Kindness is Reinforced
03/06/2022 18:31:16
Posted by old mart on 03/06/2022 17:45:09:

You people from the other side of the pond often look down on their lowly relatives from the UK, but at least we never have to think about getting shot, ever.

"You people" Really?

I've travelled / worked / holidayed a fair bit in the States and have never felt looked down upon; if anything much the opposite.

"..getting shot, ever" You obviously didn't grow up in Northern Ireland but surely you must have some remembrance of Hungerford and Dunblane.

I don't think anyone is in any position to gloat about such dreadful human tragedies.

03/06/2022 12:09:55

As chance would have it, I'm currently re-reading Bill Bryson's Made in America - highly recommended as is just about anything by Bill Bryson (if you don't know him, check him out). In it he runs through the founding of the country and the evolution of it's modern culture, language and laws. Bryson rejoices in de-mythologising commonly held views of history in a very entertaining way and goes a long way to explaining why things today are the way they are; (he has done the same for the UK in other works by the way).

Bottom line to me is that there are far more good people in the world than bad ones, we just make a lot less noise. As ever, good news stories are less reported than bad ones.

Yes big cities can be intimidating, in the UK just as much as America fortunately with fewer firearms.

Thread: "Kiv" or Kiev?
31/03/2022 16:51:30
Posted by SillyOldDuffer on 31/03/2022 15:38:38:

Cork - Cobh

The Hague - pronounced 's‑Gravenhage by the Dutch, who are the only people in the world who can say it correctly.

The list is endless.


Endless indeed and maybe a signal not to feel too slighted if somebody well-intentioned gets it wrong.

Forgive me but as a Paddy of sorts I have to point out that the town of Cobh and the city of Cork are two different places. Cobh (formerly known as Queenstown) is in the County of Cork and is probably best known as the last landing point of the Titanic.

God help us alll if the Dutch get shirty about pronunciation of place names and expect us to name places "properly". Fortunately they are among the most relaxed polyglots around.

31/03/2022 15:33:51

Well, lots of interesting points! First and foremost I'm assuming there is universal support for Ukraine's right to self determination and if the relatively minor matter of how to pronounce the name of their capital city gives even a modicum of succour, then that's fine by me.

If I object to anything it is to the BBC's selective wokeness. Thanks Adrian to the link to the Grauniad article - first time I've seen that message in writing but it would appear that pronouncing it "Keev" isn't quite right either. Russians say "Kee-eff", Ukrainians say "Kee-iv"; two consonants but a subtle difference in the last vowel which I would guess will escape most Westerners. I started exploring the derivation of Chicken Kiev (sic) and quickly gave up when I mixed up my Novo-Mikhailovskaya kotleta with my kotłeta de-voljaj po-kyjivśky . I had always thought it was name after a dish cooked for Napoleon when he was havung his dust-up with Russia; how wrong was I!

In the light of what poor civilians are suffering right now, this all seems rather petty. My thoughts are with them.

Anyone want to join a movement to ask the French to stop saying Edimbourg and start saying Edinbruh?

Edited By Phil Stevenson on 31/03/2022 15:35:30

31/03/2022 13:28:16

I've tried and failed to find out when and why the BBC (and others probably) decide to stop calling the beleaguered city Kee-eff and moved to Kiv. No apparent change to Moscow, Warsaw, Vienna and a thousand others. Any enlightened ideas?

Thread: Too lazy or too stupid?
04/03/2022 10:23:28

The biggest benefit of asking a "stupid" question on a forum and getting answers is that dozens of other people learn the solution as well. An answer googled in private gets no wider circulation. Isn't that a good learning process for us all?

Thread: Items which gave most satisfaction to make
08/01/2022 15:14:44
Posted by SillyOldDuffer on 08/01/2022 13:06:33:
Posted by br on 07/01/2022 20:31:10:

So, what did you enjoy making most ? ...

Babies. Unfortunately their maintenance turned out to be enormously expensive. I'm still paying out...



I found practising making babies was far more enjoyable than actually ending up with a baby.

Thread: French tools-of-the-trade stamps
17/12/2021 18:47:38
Posted by clogs on 17/12/2021 16:36:24:

seem to remember a firm in France that make rasps etc by hand....still working.....

no idea of the name now....

ment to have bought a couple before I left but just plain forgot....getting old and excited by the move....

Auriou. Available in the UK.

Thread: Build a Pallet Beehive
27/08/2021 10:49:04
Posted by Jon Lawes on 26/08/2021 17:03:07:

If Alan's idea is so bad, does that mean beekeepers actively make efforts to keep down the population of wild bees?

I know nothing about bee keeping (although I have an interest in giving wildlife a bit of a helping hand) but that is the impression I'm getting from some of the posts. Nobody seems willing to answer your very reasonable question. Do nothing to encourage wildlife because it's inconvenient for (presumably amateur) honey bee farmers? Apologies to the OP; I know you wanted this thread euthanised.

Thread: Call me cynical / Call me thick ... but
06/04/2021 16:41:11
Posted by Robert Atkinson 2 on 06/04/2021 12:50:04:

I have several of those with 3 different models running 24/7. You need three because if you only have two and they are different you don't know which is right nerd

A man with one clock always knows what time it is. A man with two clocks is never quite sure.

Thread: Miracles do happen
30/08/2020 10:14:46

Losing one glove is painful

But nothing compared to the pain

Of losing one, throwing away the other,

Then finding the first one again.

Piet Hein

Thread: Hello
17/08/2020 10:17:46

Hi from yet another West Midlander who likes his guitars. I've been banging out chords for many decades but never made one until lockdown when I started on cigar box guitars. Just about finished five to date and started on numbers 6 and 7, all different in design and make up. I've discovered the Midlands is a bit of a hot-bed for CBGs (you must have come across Chicken Bone John). I'll never win any prizes for my instruments but they all work (!) and they have been great fun to make. Thank heavens I have 2 garages full of accumulated tools and machinery to help with my new found challenges in woodwork, metalwork, electronics etc. Btw, Paul, the guitars on your site look stunning.

Thread: Making Rings
23/01/2020 11:35:27

Not to take anything away from Steve's work - brilliant! - Cliffs Shed on the Toob has quite a lot of detail on ring making from coins. Interesting bloke. Cliff's Shed

Thread: Royal Mail tracking
22/11/2019 20:17:27

To add a little perspective to Royal Mail's reliability, I sell an item on Ebay for under a fiver plus second class small parcel postage, currently £3. I have sold about 300 of this item over the last four years and have only had one reported non-delivery (I had to take the purchaser's word and remain somewhat suspicious as he wanted a refund not a replacement item). Still a 99.7% success rate isn't too shoddy for RM's cheapest plain vanilla service.

Thread: Colchester Lathe Factory
31/05/2019 17:28:47


Sorry, here's a better attempt at the link. I hope ....

31/05/2019 17:26:30

Brief but interesting article on the trials and travails of our surprisingly improved (productivity-wise) steel industry.
31/05/2019 16:47:52

According to a House of Commons briefing paper, in 2016 the UK produced 8 million tonnes of steel; China produced 808 million tonnes. UK is such a small producer it is almost off the graph. This represented something like 0.01 of the UK's economic output. Not many other similar sized industries get quite the attention that steel production does.

I'm sure I read somewhere recently that in the last two years China produced more steel than the UK has in the whole of history.

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