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Member postings for Peter Greene

Here is a list of all the postings Peter Greene has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Anyone got a Rhubarb clump still going?
14/01/2023 01:03:53
Posted by Jeff Dayman on 14/01/2023 00:29:22:

Excellent rhubarb for stewing and for baking.

... not to mention combining with strawberries! Something I discovered when I came to Canada all those years ago.

Thread: Cell Phone Pricing
14/01/2023 00:54:19

The sub-brands of course were those independents which were originally set up, amid much government fanfare, to be allowed run independently using Bell/Rogers/Telus infrastructure ... until they were "squeezed" so much that they were subsumed into the giants.

Even Sir Richard succumbed (Virgin has been part of Bell for years).

Incidentally, if you want to see the original CBC story from which I got the above link, its at:

CBC Story

It makes interesting reading. It cites Australia as being a sensible equivalent to Canada in terms of geography and population - yet with much (much) lower rates.

Now, Bell & Rogers are squeezing Telus ..... so it goes on. Won't get any better in my lifetime.

Edited By Peter Greene 🇨🇦 on 14/01/2023 00:58:57

Thread: Some VERY interesting LED modules
13/01/2023 22:00:47

That is good; thanks Michael.

Thread: Cell Phone Pricing
13/01/2023 21:58:59


Thread: scams
13/01/2023 18:35:36
Posted by Nick Clarke 3 on 13/01/2023 16:01:51:

I know it is hijacking your thread .....

(... "but I'll do it anyway"  ).

Whenever I see a statement like this I get a mental picture of someone parking in a no-parking zone - then turning on his emergency flashers to advertise the fact.

Sorry, Clive - back to you.

Edited By Peter Greene 🇨🇦 on 13/01/2023 18:38:07

Thread: Vent - please ignore
13/01/2023 01:34:31
Posted by V8Eng on 12/01/2023 23:27:53:

I have noticed that the word “Gotten” is being used in the now.

Not to mention mis-use of "alternate" instead of "alternative".

11/01/2023 22:30:45

I do not "reach out to" people.

I "contact" them.

Thank you.

Thread: Hydrogen
08/01/2023 19:50:48
Posted by Michael Gilligan on 08/01/2023 16:51:13:

In the honourable rush to save the planet, I fear we may throw the baby out with the bathwater.

... at least that will reduce the population.wink

04/01/2023 01:29:58

Thread: Useful Boxes
01/01/2023 17:34:36

I've got stacks of Altoid tins that I can't bear to throw out. FWIW Thingiverse has a number of listing for 3D-printed inserts for these tins for various uses.

Thread: Listening to my first AudioBook
01/01/2023 17:29:47

Back in the days when I used to walk 2 - 4 miles every day, I played fiction book-tapes on a Walkman for company. The quality was generally pretty good - mostly read by actors with good speaking voices. I got most of them from the library.

I guess these days they would be audio files played from a phone which would probably overcome the disadvantage of the Walkman: it was difficult to skip back a bit to overlap after a break.

Thread: Video Camera … Lens Bayonet
31/12/2022 19:50:19
Posted by Michael Gilligan on 31/12/2022 19:16:27:

...I in desperation, I turn to the forum:

gee ... thanks Michael!


Isn't C-mount a standard movie/video camera fitting and therefore somewhat universal?

..... after more thought .....: you're talking about the other side of the interace right?

Edited By Peter Greene 🇨🇦 on 31/12/2022 20:20:18

Thread: Storm in America
30/12/2022 17:06:17
Posted by PatJ on 30/12/2022 12:46:08:

As usual the cold blast did not last in the Mid-South.

Didn't last long in the North either ... right now it's 13C in Toronto area.

30/12/2022 01:11:48
Posted by Hopper on 27/12/2022 12:53:54:
Posted by larry phelan 1 on 27/12/2022 12:35:51:

The "Experts" know as much about Global Warming as my dog knows about the Internet.

Yes expertise is vastly over-rated.

Trouble is, there's no real definition of "Expert". It's usually an appellation used by the media for anyone from a local lab or college who will talk to them.

I remember the epidemiology expert in Toronto who told us at the start of CV19 that we had learned a lot from SARS and this new one wouldn't be too serious a problem. Didn't hear much from her after that.

26/12/2022 19:18:53
Posted by Nigel McBurney 1 on 26/12/2022 12:30:45:

When I read that Montana is down to minus 50 I do wonder how farm animals survive and does antifreeze work

How would that be implemented then .... would they drink it or would it be injected in a suitable orifice or what?


25/12/2022 01:58:12
Posted by Michael Gilligan on 24/12/2022 07:42:51:

Spare a thought for our friends in America !

... not to mention we us Canadians


Edited By Peter Greene 🇨🇦 on 25/12/2022 01:59:04

Thread: Yet another scam
25/12/2022 01:52:31
Posted by Howi on 24/12/2022 09:05:43:

Why do people believe them?


I don't think you understand how this operates. One in a million believe them so they make a million calls to find that one.

What's being discussed is the nuisance value of the other 999,999 calls. As far as I can see, everyone here is just as informed as you profess to be. They're just commiserating on the nuisance.

Edited By Peter Greene 🇨🇦 on 25/12/2022 01:55:25

Thread: Another EVRI calamity.
25/12/2022 01:45:40
Posted by Clive India on 24/12/2022 13:12:09:

Why not get together, decide what the numbers should be, and put up signs accordingly.
Then anyone will be able to find you.

... but presumably the packages are addressed to the names not numbers so how would that help?

Thread: Confused by a magnet
24/12/2022 01:39:23

That looks right interesting. I shall try that as soon as I find out where the iPad went.

Thanks, Michael!

Thread: Yet another scam
23/12/2022 19:23:17
Posted by DMB on 23/12/2022 19:13:41:

... just to keep them on the line as long as possible to delay their next call.

I haven't found that works at all these days. If they haven't got me talking on their terms within about 5 sec, they give up and move on.

What I'd like to do is let my wife answer the phone. She has dementia and would run rings around them before they realise. Unfortunately she might also press buttons (what "nasty" does happen when you do that?).

Anyone know of a buttonless phone?

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