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Member postings for mark smith 20

Here is a list of all the postings mark smith 20 has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Household paint. An observation!
18/06/2023 18:38:49

Bedec Barn paint is an excellent all round paint for exterior use on wood ,and most surfaces , but unsure how many colours its available in.

Thread: Tomato seed recommendation?
11/03/2022 10:35:09

Don`t know if they`ve been mentioned but at the moment the ones i keep going back to is the `Sungold F1 hybrid seeds. They are more expensive than the usual seeds and you only get around 10 seeds in a pack . Ive tried loads of so called heritage varieties and they were terrible ,in northern England climate.

My greenhouse is around 15ft by 10ft and i have even got away with only 2-3 plants. `They grow so fast and vigorous and probably the sweetest tasting ones ive tried. They also seem to be the most resistant to black mould etc...

the sungold can grow enormous .

I had some success with the Russian black varieties but some were disastrous.

Edited By mark smith 20 on 11/03/2022 10:36:15

Thread: South Bend Heavy Ten Fixed Steady
27/12/2020 16:55:21

I think they a 1/4" x 20 UNC

27/12/2020 13:53:12

They are nice rests , i got both with my SB 9A. A few pics and one of the thumb screw attached.

steady rests.jpg

steady rest 1.jpg

steady rest screw.jpg

Thread: help needed
12/12/2020 14:47:44

Just an update ,i reconected the dropwire cable to the orange wire with a dropwire 2A scotchlok gel crimp,whilst doing it the other drop wire side broke of the other crimp. So i reconencted that with a new one.

Now the phone line is working but the FTTC speed has only gone up to 25 down 4 up. So i guess i may have to ring bt and get them to check it out . Should be getting 60-70down and 20 up.

Thread: Is this Gold?
07/12/2020 19:38:05

A few years back i bought a load of wood work tools in boxes at an auction. In one of the boxes was around 10 of these in the photo 8" long unused in boxes., Plus several others of different sizes.

I sold the 10 large ones for between £100- £200 each,bought a nice used southbend lathe with the profits. I actually use woodworking tools all the time and didnt find them useful ,more for silver polishing and razor sharpening .The razor fanatics were mostly the buyers.tos.jpg

Thread: help needed
07/12/2020 18:39:52

Thanks for all the advice i think i know what im doing now. Ive ordered 4 2A crimps like the ones already there which allow for two different size wires and will hope for the best. If the drop wire is indeed steel then that would explain the wire snapping off with rust. The current box enclosure in the photo is neither very secure or waterproof. Anyone know of a cheapish better replacement???

p.s i might as well replace the other 2A connector as well as i see signs of corrosion around the dropwire cable input.


Edited By mark smith 20 on 07/12/2020 18:43:00

07/12/2020 15:59:05

The connection was running at around 70 down and 20 up ,its currently at 19 down and 3.5 up. How does it even work if only one wire of the drop wire coming from the telegraph pole is connected?

Edited By mark smith 20 on 07/12/2020 16:00:22

07/12/2020 15:57:59

Thanks for your replies , i think the people saying only two wires are probably correct, there is no sign of the loose black and green ever been connected up to anything.

So that leaves the white wire which is connected to one core of the 2 core drop wire ,the orange /brown coloured one is in the crimp at the bottom of the photo already.

So the only other possible connection is the other core of the dropwire must have broken off from the other side of the crimp with the orange/brown wire in?? Am i on the right way of thinking??


07/12/2020 15:32:21

This is the box under the eaves of the roof from which a cable drops down and into the house to the master socket.

Should the unconnected dropwire cable go into the crimp that only has the orange brown wire in? The the cable has probably snapped off at the neck of the crimp???

What about the loose green and black thin wires coming from the house dide of the cable?

Edited By mark smith 20 on 07/12/2020 15:36:02

07/12/2020 14:59:26

Hi, anyone know which wires go where in this bt drop box connection. I simply cant afford to get BT out at the moment and my internet is running at 1/4 speed and no landline dial tone.

The box was pulled off the wall by ivy that i was cutting back.

The two core black dropwire is only connected on one wire and the only two wires are connected.p1150764.jpg

Thread: Coronavirus
29/05/2020 15:07:43


Thread: oscillating spindle sander help?
29/05/2020 09:14:24

Dave thanks for the explanation, i couldnt picture what was meant by dry joint.smiley

Thread: Coronavirus
28/05/2020 19:49:45

Does anyone else think this lockdown relaxation is too early? I mean estimated new infections in the overall comunity (by office national statistics) of 8 - 9000 a day is not a small amount of people to me.

Edited By mark smith 20 on 28/05/2020 19:50:25

Thread: oscillating spindle sander help?
28/05/2020 17:55:27


I dont understand these bad/or dry joints though, how does it suddenly happen when it was working fine. I can understand vibration loosening things but not dry joints or whatever.

28/05/2020 16:51:32

joseph its fixed i think smiley I reflowed all the solder joints on the pcb and `vroom` it started , dont know if it was a bad solder joint or brushes badly seated , i suspect the pcb.

Thankyou for you help

Edited By mark smith 20 on 28/05/2020 16:51:58

28/05/2020 16:30:16

Between the two actual motor carbon brushes measured removed from the motor im getting no DC but 106V AC

28/05/2020 15:22:18

DID you read that i got -250v DC  when i measured between the two toroids as you suggested??

I get 0.7 V between the live and neutral plug pins.


Edited By mark smith 20 on 28/05/2020 15:26:03

Edited By mark smith 20 on 28/05/2020 15:41:18

28/05/2020 14:55:25

There is 240v ac going into the board  measured with the meter but at the other side of the board ,the points that go to the motor brushes there is no DC but 70V AC when measured between those two points ???

But when i measure between the two toroids i get  -250V DC


Edited By mark smith 20 on 28/05/2020 14:56:33

Edited By mark smith 20 on 28/05/2020 15:19:02

28/05/2020 14:38:08

Where do i put the probes to measure the brush terminals ? One probe on one terminal and one on other ?

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