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Member postings for Brian H

Here is a list of all the postings Brian H has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Penetrating Sealant
12/05/2021 09:37:09

Plus 1 for Captain Tolley. Also useful for boats and showers etc, as long as the surfaces can remain dry before immersion.


Thread: new member from Sheffield
11/05/2021 07:57:41

Hello Dominic and welcome. Do you have access to any machinery?


Thread: New member
10/05/2021 07:39:21

Hello Mohamed and welcome. What sort of projects are you hoping to do?

If you have any questions at all, just ask on here, someone is almost certain to have the answer.


Thread: Hello from Walton on the Naze
09/05/2021 15:24:47

Hello Stuart and welcome. I'm afraid that I'm not much good with railway engines but I'm sure someone more knowledgeable will be along soon.


Thread: Can one buy pliers with parallel jaws that lock like mol
05/05/2021 18:47:07

I have a couple of parallel jawed pliers that lock onto the item being gripped. They are called Speetog plier clamps and they look like this;

The screw on top closes the jaw and determined the amount of holding force.

They don't appear to be made any more but sometimes turn up on ebay etc.


Thread: Just starting out
05/05/2021 17:50:47

Welcome Andy, it sounds like a serious setup! I have an Alexander 3A but not used it in 3D yet. I used a cheap inverter to run the 3 ph electrics on mine. (I'm no electrician but one of the other members on here was VERY helpful).

I don't know how fay away I am from you, I live near Mansfield.


Thread: Vitamin B12 / Pernicious Anaemia
04/05/2021 17:45:23
Posted by SillyOldDuffer on 04/05/2021 15:51:44:

Until a hundred years ago Pernicious Anaemia was fatal. And after a successful treatment was found it was horrible - victims had to eat about a pound of raw liver daily. Yuk!

Double yuk! I'm a vegetarian.


04/05/2021 07:34:15

Hello Michael, you are not alone. I was diagnosed with this about 10 years ago and have received the injections 4 times a year to keep the problem under control and, as you say, it appears to be just one of those things.

Many thanks for posting the link which is very informative.


Thread: Strange Plug Gauge Sizes?
03/05/2021 16:01:17

Martin, gauges are usually made to be a push fit meaning that they will be very slightly undersize because if they were dead size you would need a press to insert them.


Thread: New member from Ireland
03/05/2021 08:33:45

Hello Steve and welcome. Sounds like you are going to be busy (or held up) for some time to come.

Hope it's all sorted soon.

Brian (very near to the centre of England)

Thread: Triumph Watchmaker's Lathe
02/05/2021 22:24:39

I don't know if this is the lathe in question? But it certainly looks similar.



Edited By Brian H on 02/05/2021 22:27:04

Thread: Problems trying to sell-on a 'Swiss' Army knife
28/04/2021 22:53:34

You could always try ""


Edited By Brian H on 28/04/2021 22:54:06

28/04/2021 16:42:40

Or, how about this?


Edited By Brian H on 28/04/2021 16:44:22

Thread: Myford Backplate tapered thread size
14/04/2021 15:18:46

This may help;



Thread: Clayton steam wagon 2“ castings & boiler
13/04/2021 07:04:24

Nice to see that the Clayton is still popular. It was the first steamer that I built when the series was published in M.E.

I made mine as an articulated tanker so that a seat could be attached using the filler cap to secure the seat to the tanker body. It ran very well with two persons on solid ground and coped with short grass as well.


Thread: Pattern making using 3D printing
12/04/2021 18:59:57

Many thanks Luker, look forward to it.


Thread: Engineering Courses - Midlands
12/04/2021 17:57:56

Very nice to see that courses are available. Does anyone know if there are any in the Mansfield, Nottingham, Derby area? Especially for TIG.


Thread: Pattern making using 3D printing
12/04/2021 17:54:37

VERY interesting article. Are there any 3D printing materials that can be used in the same way as 'lost wax' ? That is without the need for runners.

I realise that this would destroy the pattern but it would be easy enough to print another.


Thread: Hello from Scotland
12/04/2021 13:07:26

Hello Tom and welcome.

With equipment like that you must be thinking of making something a bit bigger than '0' Gauge locos!

If you have any questions you know where to come.


Thread: Springbok liner b1 4-6-0 locomotive in 5 in gauge p
12/04/2021 08:33:35

Try this;


Any questions about the build or boiler testing etc. you know where to come.


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