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Member postings for vintage engineer

Here is a list of all the postings vintage engineer has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Making sense of big numbers
26/07/2020 09:13:54

I am 62 and my resting heart rate is around 45! Does that mean I am going live to over a 100?

Posted by Steve Neighbour on 24/07/2020 21:06:18:
Posted by Martin Whittle on 24/07/2020 20:21:03:

And the universe is getting on towards half of a quintillion seconds old.

Another odd fact: as a rough guide, many animals live for around one billion heartbeats. I suppose we do quite well at usually over 2 billion.

I hope its a lot more than THAT surprise

My ticker usually averages around 75 bpm (resting) and at just over 62 I'm already well over 2.5 billion, I obvioisly need to s-l-o-w down.

I'll let shmbo know that her 'jobs list' is postponed due to the impact it's having on my longevity !!

Thread: Bench grinder wheel wobble
26/07/2020 09:08:24

I was always taught to dress the wheel after mounting.

Thread: Needle roller shaft
13/07/2020 09:50:27

Imperial bearings are just as readily available as metric bearings. I have no trouble getting them and I am sure the Americans haven't yet switched to metric?

Posted by Hopper on 13/07/2020 02:24:53:

Almost all ball and roller bearings are metric these days

Imperials are "specials" and priced accordingly.

Thread: Cigarette Papers
13/07/2020 09:45:28

I use green rizlas and they are about 1 thou thick.

Thread: Hand Planer on ebay
02/07/2020 17:45:41

Tom Senior Large planer

Thread: Non standard taps - what are they ?
04/06/2020 09:10:55

M7 is very common on Bugattis among other odd threads.

Thread: The story behind my forum image
03/06/2020 00:11:45

Our troops who were wounded in Afghanistan suffer a similar problem when put into an induced coma. When they come round they think they are still in Afghanistan when in reality they are safe in the UK. Must be pretty unsettling.

Thread: goerge h alexander milling machine.
27/05/2020 19:04:18

The table unbolts from the carriage, the vertical head comes off and you can remove the large motor. I don't think you can break it down any smaller.

Thread: Turret clock identification
24/05/2020 18:42:43

There two meanings to the term wrought iron. One refers to the material and one refers to the method of construction.

Posted by Mark C on 29/09/2015 18:18:39:

Michael, interesting to see that wrought is available (albeit from a single source). I have often wondered if I could go buy a gate at a big store and then take them to trading standards for contravening goods description? I was told that they last produced wrought iron in the late 60's but that could just be anecdotal, it is obviously still available to date.

I had it pointed out to me by a site engineer when we looked at a fire escape in need of repairs (it was on an old mill). I assumed we could just weld some patches in which caused him much amusement!


PS. For interest, if you see iron work that is riveted together (like a fire escape for example) on something old it is probably wrought!

Edited By Mark C on 29/09/2015 18:20:34

Thread: EN1A or EN8 which is best for hot bending?
24/05/2020 18:26:23

Either will be suitable. I would thread them first. And like Thor said just leave them to cool slowly so as not to induce any hardness.

Thread: Mild steel wheel blanks
24/05/2020 10:31:46

Depending on whether it was made from new mild steel or it was recycled mild steel will affect it's composition. Recycled mild steel can contain all sorts of unwanted crap including boron.

The only mild steel that I know that is made from raw iron ore is structural steel as this has to have a certificate of conformity. Where as run of the mill mild steel doesn't.

Thread: inland seagulls
29/04/2020 21:11:00

We haven't got any down on the south coast anymore!

Thread: Hammer Forging Firearms Barrels
28/04/2020 09:30:52

By forging the barrels, the steel becomes much stronger and denser. Also by forging there is no chance of any drill wander.

Thread: Painting cast iron - What have I done wrong?
26/04/2020 10:29:46

New Hammerite is crap as the EU banned the use of chlorinated hydrocarbons which was the solvent used in the original mix.

Thread: Fake Mitutoyo indicator on Ebay
25/04/2020 11:38:05

If it's too cheap, there is normally reason!

Thread: Gearwheel key
16/04/2020 11:03:21

The key should only be used for location. The drive should be taken by the clamping forces of the bolt.

Thread: Correct boring with a steady - advice please :-)
13/04/2020 12:34:25

On large hydraulic cylinders you will often see steady tracks machined on the outside.

13/04/2020 11:35:39

Depends how you set the steady up as this can cause a taper. I normally set the job up using the tailstock to centre the job then set the steady up. Try running a clock gauge down the outside to make sure it is running parallel.

Thread: Essential and non-essential workers lockdown rules
10/04/2020 10:40:28

There is NO restrictions on who can work and the Police are ignorant of the guidelines if they think only essential workers are allowed to work.

The guidelines clearly state:- work from home if possible. If this is not possible you may travel to work but must observe the two metre rule.

I am still working as I am a lone worker, I have my own workshops and no one else is near me.

If the Police try to stop me from working I will be seeing them in court seeking compensation as I am not entitled to any help from the government!


Edited By vintage engineer on 10/04/2020 10:42:49

Thread: Will cash become obsolete ?
07/04/2020 10:20:26

I work in the vintage car world and we deal a lot in cash especially with French and German customers!

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