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Member postings for vintage engineer

Here is a list of all the postings vintage engineer has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Odd bolt size
31/03/2019 20:31:43

If you want odd bolts, try working on pre-war French cars! They made up their own sizes and pitches!

Thread: Non-Drip Gloss Paint
30/03/2019 21:18:49

I have found the best paint is the ones that contain large amounts of lead. It goes on like a dream and leaves no brush marks.

Thread: Have your fathers habits rubbed off on you. Just for fun
30/03/2019 20:47:01

I would get one fitted then you can ring when you want a cup of tea!

Posted by Steve Neighbour on 30/03/2019 18:01:55:

My late father was an absolute stippler for doing 'anything' properly - which is why my wife says I procrastinate for ages before doing what to her appears to be a simple job - well, I have to consider all the 1000 & 1 things that could 'go wrong' !!

I like an earlier post didn't have a very happy childhood, Father was very strict and discipline was always delivered via a leather belt or ruler . . thankfully a trait I didn't copy when raising my kids !

I suppose the one person who I owe much to was my Grandfather, he had a workshop and a very ancient 3 speed lathe, which with an abundance of patience taught me the basic principles of machining, I honed these fledgling skills further by completing an 'indentured engineering apprenticeship' (what ever happened to those ?)

Now that I too approach retirement, I'm busy building my dream 'man cave' and will soon install a nice lathe of my own (my wife suggested that I should also put a phone in it, so she can call me when she is off to bed) !!

Would she be offended if I got one with an answering machine I wonder ?

Edited By Steve Neighbour on 30/03/2019 18:02:45

Edited By Steve Neighbour on 30/03/2019 18:03:26

29/03/2019 22:28:43

Hope not!smiley He was a selfish alcoholic a**ehole! sad

Thread: Making split bronze bearings [ silver soldering ]
22/03/2019 09:13:15

The best way is to use solder paste. Machine both halves flat, coat with solder paste, heat up till it melts then wipe off with a piece of leather. This should leave you with a couple of microns of solder on the bearings Now clamp the two halves together and heat up to fuse the two halves together. If you use too much solder you will have to shim the bearing after cleaning up.

Thread: 1/2" x22tpi tap?
18/03/2019 17:00:43

I work on Bugatti's and they use M7, M9, M11, M15 etc!

Thread: Steel identification
17/03/2019 23:20:35

Most scrap yards use these now, especially on stainless steel and ali-bronze.

Posted by David Colwill on 17/03/2019 15:20:05:


I had to order a length of 16mm diameter EN24T from a supplier in Birmingham because it was out of stock at my usual suppliers. When I turned up the chap started rummaging around on a rack saying this might be it, he promptly went off to the office and came back with a small handheld gun which he pointed at said steel. A small LCD display clearly labeled it as EN24t and listed its chemical composition. I went away very impressed.

Sadly these things are £8000 plus. Given the way electronics is going, perhaps every home workshop will have one one day



17/03/2019 10:35:46
Posted by duncan webster on 16/03/2019 21:22:46:

What size do you need? Someone might have a bit kicking around. I'd be surprised if EN8 woudln't do, there's not that much difference

There is a lot of difference. I have seen steering arms made from en8 snap like carrots! I always use en16t or 24t and so far none have ever broke.

I always mark offcuts with number stamps so I don't use the wrong steel for the wrong job.

Thread: Wazer
17/03/2019 10:25:40

You would need to do a lot of cutting to get your money back!

Thread: Aluminium Firebox
14/03/2019 21:48:12

Molten aluminium and water is highly explosive!

Thread: What thinner for Enamel paint.
13/03/2019 00:09:07

Owatrol oil.

Thread: Boiler material
10/03/2019 16:23:27

It depends what temperature you will running at. There must be a formula for calculating heat versus strength of steel. The higher the temperature the weaker the steel becomes. The comes a point where you get a sudden catastrophic failure, that's why steel beams in buildings have to be incased in plasterboard.

Thread: If starting again, what would you buy with a budget of £5k?
10/03/2019 10:30:34

Not a lot! Might get some of the big stuff, lathe and mill not much else. A couple of years ago I did a rough calculation of the value of my tools and stopped when I got to £50K. Some of my Stahlwille spanners are over £30 each! A Hoffman dividing head second hand will set you back £500+

Thread: How do you make a lifting eye
08/03/2019 10:21:58

It would be too hard to make a die and hammer them out as they are quite small.

Posted by Michael Gilligan on 08/03/2019 07:25:37:
Posted by vintage engineer on 07/03/2019 22:30:35:

They are normally drop forged,


That's true for the real ones ^^^

but steamdave has confirmed that he is making a 'decorative' miniature


07/03/2019 22:30:35

They are normally drop forged,

Thread: EN1a vs EN3 steel
06/03/2019 10:11:02

EN3 is a weldable mild steel. EN1A contains lead to give better finish but is crap to weld.

Thread: Myford Lathe on Ebay
05/03/2019 20:08:18

This looks like a bargain for someone. Lathe

Thread: 3/16 bsw screws
28/02/2019 10:07:18

Meccano screws.

Thread: Slitting saw speeds
22/02/2019 21:21:27

Start off slow and increase speed until it cuts without building up any heat.

Thread: Clarkson Tool & Cutter Grinder Fixture
22/02/2019 18:55:19

Does anyone have drawings to make a universal head for a Clarkson tool & cutter grinder?

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