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Member postings for Clive India

Here is a list of all the postings Clive India has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: electrical fault puzzle
19/09/2023 13:59:46
Posted by SillyOldDuffer on 19/09/2023 12:59:09:
I suspect the roof is leaking, or maybe condensation. The ceiling is common to both lights, and should be dry, but isn't. Have a look inside the light fittings for signs of damp.
How long does a shed roof last? Shallow pitch and flat roofs have notoriously short lives. My felt garden shed roof lasts between 10 and 15 years. Dave

I'm with you Dave. It's dried out. People always suggest the complicated stuff first.

Thread: Titanic submersible
24/06/2023 11:01:19
Posted by lee webster on 24/06/2023 08:39:00:

Snip...If the Titan wreckage is left on the sea bed, along with whatever is left of the occupants, would that sight deter others from visiting the Titanic?

It might.
In my case it won't affect my decision at all.
There are pictures of the wreck available and my interest goes as far as looking at them, no more than that.

The naievety of breakfast TV presenters abounds again - today Ms Diamond was suggesting there should be a release button inside so they could all get out and float to the surface! Shame nobody thought of it winkthinking

Thread: Disc regulator
15/05/2023 09:08:17

MECH have been discussing this subject recently here

Thread: Every answer
13/05/2023 11:25:48

Come on folks, this whole thing is getting beyond the pale. The OP said he had experienced confusion when raising this elsewhere - this forum can only have added to the confusion.
Can we just say "yes, it is a good option providing it is used responsibly?"
SOD - let's be polite and say your last post was simply unhelpful. I think moderators are there to be helpful.

12/05/2023 11:26:39
Posted by Dave Halford on 12/05/2023 10:46:11:

From my armchair and Snip....

Nice one Dave. smiley

I have edited my post to emphasise the max speed on the VFD was set to the normal running speed of the motor and that it was the standard 3 phase motor fitted to the machine from new. It had never had a VFD fitted.

I didn't have an objective to squeeze any more out of the machine - just to make it easier to use.

12/05/2023 09:50:41
Posted by Stephen Follows on 11/05/2023 23:50:15:

Has anyone else noticed that you can find any answer you like on the internet?
Who does one believe?

Yes, you can get any answer you want - including here.
John Haine makes a good point - leading me to saying "it's best to listen to someone who has done it, rather than armchair pontificators."
So, here is what I did. I bought a longbed S7 on an industrial cabinet with EDIT: the standard Myford 3 phase motor.
I chose to keep the 3 phase motor, rather than changing to a single phase motor because I saw the advantages of the features of a VFD - mostly variable speed but other advantages like programmable soft-start etc.
I bought a VFD and fitted it inside, using the controls for start/stop and direction, already on the control panel, just fitting the speed control next to them. EDIT: I set the VFD to give the same max motor speed as the motor rating.
Peter Green makes a good point about cooling at low motor speeds - if you want to do a lot of it, and I mean a lot, then add some motor cooling.
This has worked fine for over 5 years, and I like it.
Note: if you have nerdish tendencies, wanting to constantly make adjustments to the VFD (perfectly fine), it is better to put it outside.
Other methods are available.

Edited By Clive India on 12/05/2023 11:08:31

Thread: Battery powered lawn mowers?
25/04/2023 09:13:24
Posted by John Doe 2 on 24/04/2023 14:16:01:
PS, if your battery does not last, is it really such a problem? Good excuse for a cup of tea!

At last - the whole thing is brought into proportion. laugh
Also, you can put off the whole thing until tomorrow while you build up the enthusiasm by saying you have put the battery on charge.

I find gravel gives a better return on investment than a mower - and releases time for the workshop.

23/04/2023 09:15:06

I'm sure Woke Central will be interested in this, but advice is, never buy a mower that your wife can't completely handle without any reference to oneself. laugh

Thread: An electrical puzzle.
10/04/2023 09:24:41
Posted by Stuart Smith 5 on 09/04/2023 23:49:41:

Your main earth is still provided by the earth terminal at the main fuse.

With a PME (protective multiple earth) system the neutral is connected to earth at the substation and the mains cable and individual service cables to each house have a combined neural/earth conductor rather than separate neutral and earth. At the meter position, the main fuse unit (cutout) has a fused live and the combined neutral/earth is connected to two terminals - neutral and earth to give the separate neutral and earth for the internal wiring. The neutral is also earthed at the end of the mains cable.

With a traditional system, the neutral is only connected to earth at the substation ( although it may also be connected to earth at other points if the cable has more recent alterations using combined neutral/earth cables or if PME type services have been connected to the main).

The earth bonding cables to the water and gas services are to ensure that the electrical earth and any other metalwork in the house are kept at the same potential. The downside of a PME system is that if there is a break in the neutral conductor , the voltage on the earth terminal in the properties past this point will be floating relative to true earth. The additional earth at the end of the main is to provide an alternative path and restrict this voltage.


Exactly Stuart. Agree. Spot on. Thank you very much for the clarity.

Edited By Clive India on 10/04/2023 13:42:04

Thread: Metal workbench
13/03/2023 10:10:35

Sturdy old wooden workbence/table with sheet steel on top. Extra support as necessary from vertical tube?


this baby with added tubular vertical support as required


Edited By Clive India on 13/03/2023 10:21:02

Thread: A photo for anyone who ever claimed a Myford wasn't a "Proper Industrial Lathe"
06/03/2023 09:59:54
Posted by Pete. on 03/03/2023 15:12:34:

Some highly opinionated views from someone who I've never seen upload a single photo of anything they've done in their workshop in the entire time I've been on this forum, where do such strong opinions come from?

No longer valid - he has posted a picture wink

03/03/2023 08:44:09

Before you can argue whether a Myford is an industrial lathe, you might have to define what an industrial lathe is?
I have a Myford - I don't care whether anyone thinks it's an industrial lathe, but I can see a Harrison is better.

Proof of the pudding is soon found if you try and buy one. You soon find a good quality second hand Myford but good quality Harrisons are rare - mainly because they've been used to death in industry.

Edited By Clive India on 03/03/2023 08:46:54

Thread: Electric steam engines, the future!
28/02/2023 09:29:18
Posted by Cyril Bonnett on 24/02/2023 14:36:51:

Has anyone tried an electric steam engine miniature, would it be feasible?

Depends on what you mean by an electric steam engine. Seems to have been taken here as a loco with an electrically heated boiler - in which case I think it is extremely unlikely.

I have seen a 5in. gauge Mallard outline loco with all the action in the tender e.g. battery, motors etc. - if that meets your needs?

Thread: Microsft 'Edge'
19/02/2023 10:23:38
Posted by Mike Hurley on 19/02/2023 10:07:33:
Bet you Microsoft quietly reinstall it at the next major upgrade though!

Think you could be right. I wonder why they don't solve the real problem and develop something as good as the others?
I just wish I had the balls to dump windows altogether - I'm near enough sure anything is better - just don't get convinced enough to invest the time to jump.
I think the real solution lies in teccies realising we want something which works every time and not mess about. I want to be focussed on what I'm doing - not the quirkiness of the software.

I've been really close to going Apple several times though - the price/advantage ratio put me off.

Thread: Finally got a proper lathe
11/02/2023 10:33:15

Nice one Dell.
Just get on and use it.

Thread: Who labelled the X and Y axes for DROs on lathes and mills?
09/02/2023 13:40:13

I don't have any DRO's on my lathe, but I do have DROs

However, does it matter what you call them - as long as you can remember which axis is which?

Different thing of course if you are into CNC.

Thread: Harrogate Model Engineering Exhibition
09/02/2023 12:18:37
Posted by Circlip on 09/02/2023 10:35:31:

So there IS an exhibition in arrergate this year???????????????? Regards Ian.

Wakey, wakey....
Harrogate MEEE

Thread: Engine for sale
08/02/2023 09:54:34
Posted by SillyOldDuffer on 08/02/2023 09:00:33:

"cutting edge centre for well-being"? Surely that's a Model Engineering Workshop...

smiley Dave

Yes! Certainly is.
Being a suspicious type, could this be a cunning plan to enable them to get grants to up their profile?
I've seen other heritage attractions include educational facilities in order to get grants.
It could be an unintentional outcome if there was not enough of the original stuff left to make it interesting.
It's not quite the same if you say "this is where an engine used to be" or, if moved, "this is the old engine from"
Or, are they attracting attention to what could happen in order to raise funds to keep it where it is and build extra.
Let's just hope they know what they're doing.

Thread: Repairing a Soldering Iron
07/02/2023 09:49:49

Since everyone is too polite to say it - these are crap and you should all throw them in the bin and start again with something new.

Thread: Exhibitions
07/02/2023 09:29:56
Posted by bernard towers on 07/02/2023 09:06:06:

What's happened to the Doncaster show?

It's at Harrogate.

The organisers staged it at Harrogate then doncaster and now back to Harrogate

Doncaster continues as a racecourse - what it was designed for and which it does very well

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