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Member postings for pgk pgk

Here is a list of all the postings pgk pgk has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Ambiguous words
27/04/2022 19:13:29
Posted by Tim Stevens on 27/04/2022 16:59:53:

Another Janus-word for your list - fast.

How do you make a horse fast - tie it to a post.

Regards, Tim

Hmm,,you could just muzzle the horse. Or if it’s an Arab wait for Ramadan?

Yes, I'm putting my coat on...


Thread: Alternative Ways of Retaining Shafts
26/04/2022 15:40:03

1.2mm groove (hacksaw blade) and 2 clips?

Thread: Supplier of 7/32" Dowel Pins Please?
22/04/2022 18:11:29

silver steel?

I didn't bother hardening the axles on my DIY job .. it doesn't get a huge amount of usage and I figured I’d just swap them out if a problem occurred.


Thread: Ambiguous words
22/04/2022 16:27:37

There for you on the sign outside the shop. Perhaps I should drive to yours? Covering your horse, hoars or whores or hoarse and I misheard?


22/04/2022 08:31:46

I could value your work. To spend a penny. A penny for your thoughts.

The phrase that irritates me is the by-line (buy line?)  the local Spar shop uses. "There for you", They aren't there, they're here and not for me but for their profit.


Edited By pgk pgk on 22/04/2022 08:45:20

22/04/2022 06:35:28

..Oft wondered why the guard's van isn't in the vanguard or at least riding shotgun..

Also add 'jig' to the list above.


Edited By pgk pgk on 22/04/2022 06:47:59

22/04/2022 05:19:44
Posted by Hopper on 22/04/2022 03:04:12:

And yesterday you led him toward the lead pipe on his lead, but today you lead him toward the lead pipe on his lead.

but today you lead (van) him toward the lead (ice gap) on his lead (reins) to look for the lead (metal)

"Thank you for sending me a copy of your book; I'll waste no time reading it.” - Moses Hadas

The most misused work is 'organic'



Thread: Ping - and a screw is lost
20/04/2022 08:25:37

Doubtless OTT but there are impact absorption gels- I recall one such demonstrated by dropping a raw egg several stories onto a thin pad. The other OTT alternative might be to disassemble within a bowl of clear liquid

Thread: MicroAire Reciprocating Saw
19/04/2022 17:51:34
Posted by Michael Gilligan on 19/04/2022 15:06:53:

But I have been unable to find any engineering/servicing information about the products.

I was rather hoping that you might have had personal experience of using them.

I used a small orthopaedic air drill reasonably often for internal fixation cases. The most such devices would get in the way of service from staff was a drop of sterile oil up the air inlet. Reciprocating and oscillating saws really only get used in more fancy work - such as wedge resections where bones have healed at an angle (neglect or poor fixation) or in joint replacement efforts. That's getting into the province of specialist centres. Some of the tools have centrifugal clutches. On the few occasions I got into fancier work such as spinal decompressions where owners couldn't afford referral I found that the recommended bur sizes skipped/jumped in my hands - scary - so I preferred to use a high speed dental drill and smaller bur and take my time 'painting' the bone away with sterile flood coolant. Some colleagues were using ordinary cordless drills with a sterile shroud but such items are a bit clumsy for anything but a large dog.
The ortho drill never needed servicing in my years owing it and I was the main user. Dental handpieces were a different matter - staff have a habit of dropping things they don't own themselves, and the unit was used for all sorts of stuff from genuine dental work to cutting rings off or shortening overgrown rodent/rabbit teeth or beaks. It was more practical to own stuff from the cheaper end choice (and dental handpieces can be cheap to silly expensive) and just replace instead of paying for repair.


Thread: Any tips for working at higher precision? e.g. Do you do this?
19/04/2022 14:09:17

Depends what you're doing with the line afterwards and precision is a relative thing. On a piece of metal my best method would be using a marking gauge on a surface plate with the sheet against a square block. Or simply using preset caliper jaws with one along the metal edge. Since you have erasable ink (or marking blue in my case) one would mark through it. Another alternative would be a10mm wide item lined with the edge and mark along that. Yet another option available to me is to pop a scribe or pencil etc into the mill and use the DRO to measure.


Thread: MicroAire Reciprocating Saw
19/04/2022 11:21:24

It is a surgical product and I recall looking at refurbished variants in my time. I'd expect the company to still be trading,if not then whoever bought them out, and likely quite amenable to being contacted. If memory serves then veterinary instrumentation sold some units 20yrs ago and might be helpful. Our orthopaedic air tools were run from a large compressed Air cylinder rather than a compressor.


Thread: Need a pen to draw the "finest possible" lines?
17/04/2022 16:01:44

I doubt it meets your criteria,.but many moons ago I played about copying a woodcut print using a fine mapping dip-pen. It did draw very fine lines with Indian Ink but one had to check on a scrap first after any dip.



Edited By pgk pgk on 17/04/2022 16:02:06

Thread: cutting pyrex tube to length
16/04/2022 18:46:18

I used the diamond wheel and faux dremel - still took a lot longer than expected and couldnlt get the tool perpendicular - but it worked. Glass tube held in collet chuck.


Thread: Domestic Chemistry
13/04/2022 19:03:25

I'll admit I see no logic to mixing the two together. If it worked for you then fine.

When I needed to clean my oven I found reference to using just baking soda and set too with a will..and ended up with a god-awful mess of caked baking soda on the oven surfaces that took ages to clean off - particularly out of the creases and around the seals. Since then I've just trained myself to wipe the oven out after any usage with eco washing up liquid solution.


Thread: Rising costs of materials
09/04/2022 06:03:51

The last 'financial crisis' hit as an apparent surprise. It shouldn't have been, since they happen regularly enough and always as a result of too much easy money and profligacy. The difference was that this time the global response was to reduce interest rates instead of traditionally increasing them - perhaps as an experiment in financial engineering? Follow that with the pandemic and huge global government spendings and there is a lot for the financial world to be grateful for in a huge cost increase devaluing currency without direct blame - suddenly all those loans become relatively smaller.


Thread: TESLA PowerWall Installation?
08/04/2022 18:25:23
Posted by Martin King 2 on 08/04/2022 17:01:55:

Hi All,

I never did go for the Tesla PowerWall I started this thread about as I could not make the numbers work for me regarding payback.

However with the new massive price hikes it may be worth revisiting this.

This is the place to ask:


Thread: UK plans eight new nuclear reactors to boost production
07/04/2022 23:29:42

Coal reserves is an interesting argument. The figures quoted can be known accessible reserves from known mines or known land resources or the elephant of North Sea reserves estimated 3-23 trillion tonnes. So no theoretical shortage..

Thread: Is it really a joke
07/04/2022 23:19:53
Posted by Hollowpoint on 07/04/2022 22:44:39:

Interesting. But just wait until your ev is permanently connected to the internet and can be switched off by the government whenever it feels like! 🤫🤣🫣

In addition to tracking you via a chip in your pocket and listening to all your conversations and watching you at home via PC or TV and checking your front door camera or tracking you via CCTV ?

Nah, It'll never happen, folk wouldn't stand for it....

Thread: UK plans eight new nuclear reactors to boost production
07/04/2022 15:44:28

Governments love big vanity projects and infrastructure plans. I bet a huge order for brown envelopes is imminent.

Thread: Is it really a joke
07/04/2022 15:32:27

There's so much wrong with that article I don't have the interest in refuting it all. Point 1- ev charging v garage. You don't need a facility with huge underground tanks so chargers can be in any carpark. For overnight charging 7.4kw chargers are fine. For fast charging on the go a 50kw charger would be thought slow. 150,250 even 350kw chargers exist but with reality of what batteries can take and charge reduction as they fill then 120kw chargers will do and fill a 75kwh pack from 20 to 80% in half an hour.

2000cars in 12hrs = 160'ish per hour so 80 fast chargers is more than enough. Anyone know of a motorway services or city carpark with 80 spaces? There are 24 tesla chargers at the Heathrow Hilton already with speeds from 120 to 250kw without West London being plunged in darkness (and no petrol). It's perfectly doable.

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