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Member postings for Bob Unitt 1

Here is a list of all the postings Bob Unitt 1 has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Recycling old CDs
14/01/2023 11:07:49

Some of them make useful mirrors - I have one on the front of the pillar of my Myford VMB vertical mill, so I can see what's happening at the back of the setting-up or milling operation.

Thread: Q-Cut inserts
07/01/2023 12:21:52
Posted by lfoggy on 06/01/2023 16:03:59:

I Have the same tool purchased from Greenwood some 10 years ago. I bought 10 inserts at the same time. Pic of tool and insert pack below. Fortunately the inserts last for ages but I am now running out as well......

I bought mine 20 years ago with 3 inserts, and I've just started on the 3rd. I can see numbers on the boxes in your picture, do any of them relate to the inserts ?

Thread: A poor early Christmas present.
06/01/2023 19:48:52

Posted by Simon Johnson 2 on 06/01/2023 16:00:36:

The tool holders are all stamped with the W or M so this probably shouldn't be seen as a mark of age or originality.

My understanding is that the 'W' holders were made by a particular sub-contractor in the south-west. I got mine in 1997, is there any chance that yours were old stock ?

Thread: Exhibitions
06/01/2023 14:16:42

I dare say you'll only get retailers going back to the shows if the shows are seen to be viable, which can only happen if they actually take place.

Thread: Q-Cut inserts
05/01/2023 19:35:23

Posted by DC31k on 05/01/2023 19:17:56:

The insert for the one pictured is the 151.2 code, similar to the one here:

Ouch, £160 for a minimum of 10 surprise Does anyone know of a source of single inserts ?

Incidentally - the tool is 2-7/8" long, and the insert 3/8" long.

05/01/2023 18:08:18

Posted by DC31k on 04/01/2023 18:48:28:

Posted by Oldiron on 04/01/2023 17:45:45:

Hi Bob, This post may help.

Be aware that there were two versions of the tool produced. The post to which you refer relates to the Mark I version and the insert code mentioned there (151.2 etc.) only fits that version.

This thread is about the Mark II version, taking a different insert code, the one mentioned by JasonB.

I thought that in the Mk 1 the insert was retained by a screw ? Anyway, a picture being worth a thousand words, here is the Q-cut in question :-

Q-cut parting tool and inserting device

Q-cut insert

04/01/2023 17:37:48

I have an early Greenwood 'Q-cut' Mk 2 parting-off tool. Now Greenwood is gone, I need to find an alternative source for the inserts. Can anyone point me in the right direction, please ?

Thread: Yet another scam
24/12/2022 08:32:09

I usually just respond with "Does your mother know what you do for a living ?"

Thread: A poor early Christmas present.
19/12/2022 18:19:51
Posted by noel shelley on 19/12/2022 11:39:54:

Myford contracted out the making of their QCTP to a fellow in the west country, they had a W stamped on them. I met him and bought some Myford parts a while ago ! This was when Myford were still ar Beeston.

Edited By noel shelley on 19/12/2022 11:40:56

All mine are marked with a 'W' too. They were either bought in person from Myford at Beeston, or from the Myford stand at a subsequent show.

John F - are you suggesting that current Myford toolholders should fit my 1990's toolpost ?

Edited By Bob Unitt 1 on 19/12/2022 18:20:20

19/12/2022 11:01:32

I've just had this same experience - My genuine Myford QCTP was bought, direct from Myford, in the 90's. I recently bought a 'Myford-compatible' tool-holder from one of our usual suppliers (of good repute), and it didn't fit - the 'vee-slots' are about 1/16" too shallow. The suppler accepted the return without a quibble, and refunded me. I'd have liked to try deepening the vee's as everything else fitted, but as it's hardened and ground I didn't bother.

Can someone confirm that current genuine Myford holders still fit the old Myford QCTP, before I get myself some for my Xmas present ?

Thread: What Did you do Today 2022
12/11/2022 12:36:08
Posted by Chris Mate on 12/11/2022 03:33:02:

It does not have an achme thread, but one of those where the one side is striaght and the other side at an angle, not a normal thread either.

AKA a Buttress Thread.

Thread: 'Plastic Wood' equivalent for gunmetal ?
21/10/2022 20:29:40
Posted by Neil Wyatt on 21/10/2022 13:58:47:

JB Weld is probably the best. They have multiple products so look at their details.

The better the surface offers a good key, the better the results.


How do I improve the keying of the surface ? I have some acid-etch primer, would that do it ?

21/10/2022 13:52:45

I'm looking for the equivalent of Plastic Wood to fill small holes in gunmetal castings. Some of the holes are machined surfaces (oops). Is there a one-part equivalent for metal ? and will it need the machined surfaces to be etched for adhesion ? Colour is unimportant as it will be part of a painted object.

Thread: Clocking on a 4 Jaw indepdent
20/10/2022 14:31:08
Posted by Tony Pratt 1 on 20/10/2022 14:23:28:

Practice, practice, practice and you don't need 2 chuck keys!


I agree with 'practice, practice, practice', but I do find that a second chuck key makes it even simpler - and it's easy enough to make one.

Thread: RDG Tools not responding
10/10/2022 19:30:14
Posted by Bill Phinn on 10/10/2022 18:58:01:
An "email exchange" sounds more time-consuming; was the seller likely to feel he had a high probability of getting a worthwhile order out of it ultimately?

I asked a question about a product and they came back with a very comprehensive answer, including a sketch showing dimensions. There was one dimension missing, which I needed to make sure my intended purchase was compatible with the rest of my equipment. At first I thought that my email might have been spam-trapped, as it contained an attachment. I contacted them again through the web-page to ask if they'd received it, but I received no reply.

I'm not impressed, and unlikely to buy from them again - so they'll be getting no 'worthwhile orders' from me if I need anything really expensive in the future.

10/10/2022 16:03:44
Posted by JA on 10/10/2022 14:30:53:

Busy, probably.

It is three days before the Midland show opens and they have a large stand. That is before you consider Myford.


That might explain why they're not answering the phone now, but the first 'loss of communication' happened on Sept 22.

10/10/2022 13:52:44

Anyone know what's happening with RDG tools ? I was part-way through a very helpful email exchange with them a couple of weeks ago, which went dead. I then tried contacting them through their web-page 'Contact us' link but got no response, and they don't seem to be answering their phone.

Thread: 8” scale Burrell tractor finished
30/09/2022 11:56:46

Beautiful !

Thread: UK DRIVING LICENCE [ 2022 issue ]
30/09/2022 10:31:09
Posted by vic newey on 29/09/2022 18:06:38:
Not declaring any medical problems you have that appear on the form not only voids your motor insurance but also leads to prosecution by the DVLA and £1000 fine + big problems if you were involved in an accident with injuries

Case in point in the paper today - Epileptic driver jailed for more than four years for killing toddler

30/09/2022 10:27:03

Oops, I seem to have stirred-up a bit of a hornet's nest wink

One thing I didn't mention in this saga - about 6 months in I finally found a 'contact us' page on the DVLA web-site and sent a query as to WIHIH. Some time after that I received an email from the DVLA acknowledging receipt and issuing me a number (in the 60-thousands IIRC). There was no indication of what this number meant or what could be done with it, and I've still not found anywhere I can use it. The fact it was in the 60,000s suggests to me that more than 59,999 earlier complaints had been received, and all were being put into a large round virtual bin to await the digital recyclers...

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