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Member postings for John Baron

Here is a list of all the postings John Baron has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Advice for a newbie on tools and tool post for a Myford super 7
23/01/2021 09:18:29

Hello Mark,

I own and run a Myford S7B. I'm a great believer in making your own tools. I made the "Norman" patent tool holders for my lathe including a rear tool post. Drawing & Pictures in my album !

I bought a Dickson tool holder quite some time ago but found it far too expensive as a hobbyist to keep buying tool holders, so I sold it and made the "Norman" one. I have no problems setting the tool hight, no looking for shims any more as I had to do when using the original Myford four tool holder.

As far as grinding my own tools, I only use HSS and sharpen them as needed. The only insert tools that I have are threading ones. It is far more convenient buy and to use those than try and grind the angles for 55 and 60 degree threads.


Thread: testing stepper a motor
02/01/2021 19:32:12

Hi Guys,

I must agree with the comments ! In nearly 50 years of doing electronic/electrical equipment repairs of one kind or another, I've never seen an electrically failed stepper motor ! Bearings, wear and seizing up, are the most common failure followed by the driving electronics. Ones that get electrically damaged are usually down to people playing about with them without understanding what they are doing.

Thread: Grenfell
23/12/2020 14:42:26

I can only agree ! But we keep voting them in...

Thread: engineering equipment/further reading
23/12/2020 14:39:08

Hi Toby, Guys,

Download a copy of the Presto "Counsellor" from, link is near the bottom of the page. Its like a free copy of "Zeus" !

Edited By John Baron on 23/12/2020 14:39:21

Thread: Bit of Xmas Fun, Competition!
23/12/2020 14:34:53

Hi Martin,

OK I'll have a punt, links to fit door handles on each side of a door, the shaft goes through the door into the handle !

Thread: Stent Tool Grinder
23/12/2020 09:09:23

Hi Guys,

Peter asked me to put these pictures on the forum for him of his Collier Caseley. TCG,





Thread: Which Laptop
22/12/2020 22:11:04
Posted by Frances IoM on 22/12/2020 20:19:47:
there are 2 classes of HP machines - those aimed at the business market + priced accordingly which had + possibly still have a good reputation and those aimed at the bottom end consumer market which often seem designed to just make it past the warranty date - don't confuse these two markets.

Hi Frances, Peter, Guys,

I'm running a HP desktop machine, an 8300 small desktop model with an i7 processor, 12 Gb ram and 500 Gb hdd. I'm using Q4OS with the Trinity desktop. I agree with your comments about HP machine classes. I bought mine some time back as an "Open Box" purchase for £200. I'm very happy with its performance.

Thread: Stent Tool Grinder
22/12/2020 20:08:28
Posted by DiogenesII on 22/12/2020 16:29:15:

ER Tap Collets...

Weston Tooling ER Tapping Collets

Also available elsewhere I'm sure..

..I guess you'd only need to buy em' once..

Edited By DiogenesII on 22/12/2020 16:33:19

If you know someone with an EDM machine it would be easy to make an ER collet to suit !

Thread: Rewiring Li ion battery
21/12/2020 14:44:13
Posted by Alexander Smith 1 on 21/12/2020 13:06:50:

I was in Lidl last week and spotted a pile of 20v Li ion batteries at half price but there were no chargers. Being Scottish I couldn't resist as I've been thinking for a while about getting a new battery for a small circular saw which has a defunct Ni cad battery. I have several 20v chargers for Li iion batteries but they have different terminal configurations (using the + terminal plus another between the +ve and -ve terminals. This one has both +ve and -ve at the outside plus 2 other charging terminals in between. I've attached a photo of the battery with the cover off to show the terminals and the charging circuit. I assume that I just connect 20v DC across the 2 inner terminals to charge and use the outer ones to connect to the saw. Can someone with more knowledge of these things please confirm (or tell me I'm being stupid!) thanks.

Sandy sdc11207(1).jpg

Hi Sandy,

It all hinges upon how the battery condition/state is monitored and controlled. You might find that unless the battery circuit can talk to the proper charger it won't allow the battery to be charged at all, even though you may be able to measure the battery voltage at those terminals.

Take great care Li batteries can be dangerous ! Lithium can spontaneously ignite if it is exposed to air.

Thread: Stent Tool Grinder
20/12/2020 17:02:57

Hi Guys,

I've been building a modified "Brooks" TCG ! I will have been at it for two years come next March.

I've used ball races instead of the precision ground bars and made my own spindle design. If I was doing it again I would go the whole hog and use dovetail guides and gib strips. I've done a WIP on another forum along with drawings and photographs.

I'm now into things like control knobs, tool holders and assorted wheel hubs.

Thread: BCA jigborer motor
20/12/2020 16:28:07
Posted by Matt Mackeson on 20/12/2020 11:42:25:

Thank you all for the comprehensive replies. I don't think I have ever had such a quick and thorough set of replies to any post on any other forum!

I took the access plate off and found this handy wiring diagram for the two speed switch. If I understand this correctly the motor uses both star and delta for the two speeeds?


So it seems I have three options:

  • a new dual voltage 3ph with a VFD and adapter plate
  • a rotary phase converter
  • Look further into the VFD's posted by John. From what I understand this would give me a single speed on the current motor but then give me speed control through the vfd?

I am learning a lot about electric motors through all this so thank you all again for the help!


Hello Matt,

Unless I've misunderstood you, the motor would normally only be supplied from a single 380/440 three phase supply. The VFD that I pointed to, will behave in exactly the same way as any other VFD ! So yes you will have the ability to control the speed as you wish.

Only one caveat do not change the motor speed whilst under power. The VFD has to be switched off before changing speed by using the machines own switch. You will damage the VFD if you forget.

That motor will not run at full power on 230 volts even via a 230 volt single phase input VFD with 230 volts three phase output. You will still get the two speeds but only half or less of the HP.


Edited to correct wording !

Re edited to add these VFD's are so cheap that the cost between 1 and 2 HP is very little.

Edited By John Baron on 20/12/2020 16:29:26

Edited By John Baron on 20/12/2020 16:32:23

20/12/2020 11:07:22
Posted by John Haine on 19/12/2020 22:10:49:

Hmm. If you read the overview it is slightly ambiguous. Many of these inverters can output 380V 3 ph if supplied from two phases of a 3-ph supply so the input is 380V, but of course with variable frequency. If supplied from 220V they only output 220V. This one doesn't really clearly say that it does give 380V output since one of the several input options is 380V. Over on eBay there are a lot of rather more expensive devices also from China that will only supply 380V with a 380V input.

Whilst that might be true for some devices it isn't in this case ! Its a straight 230 volts AC input and 380 volts three phase output. Yes there are some 380 volt three phase input 380 volt three phase output ones on there.


19/12/2020 21:45:30

Hi Guys,

I don't know if you are aware that there are 240 volt single phase input VFD's with 380/440 three phase outputs available.


Thread: Free inserts.
12/12/2020 20:18:29

Hi David,

I wouldn't say no to one of the 20 mm ball nose cutters.

And you are not to far away from me, I'm near York.

Thread: New scam to beware of
12/12/2020 20:06:16
Posted by ega on 12/12/2020 11:33:47:
Posted by John Baron on 09/12/2020 19:26:14:

I use "Kmail" on which Ctrl "V" displays the full Email as text, nothing gets returned to the sender unless you want it to. Part of the issue is Windows itself. It will automatically return an MDM (Message Disposition Message) you have to very specifically turn it off.



John Baron:

I use Thunderbird on my Win 10 PC. Recently, I have been getting occasional emails which appear to be scams. I delete these and mark them as spam on my ISP's webmail site. I assume this is of limited value as the scammers no doubt keep changing their send address.

Presumably, if as you say it is possible to deny the sender any confirmation of receipt this might discourage future scam emails? How do I "turn it off", please?

Hi Ega,

I haven't laid hands on a W10 machine since it was released ! So all I can do is tell you what to look for.

Somewhere in your Email client settings will be something like "Security" in there turn off anything to do with HTML

Mine says "Prefer HTML to plain text" No you don't want that. It also says "Allow messages to load External references" You don't want that either.

Then it says "Message Disposition Notices" I've four choices, "Ignore, Ask, Deny, Send" I use "Ignore". All the other three will allow a sender to discover that you are receiving their mail".

After that it asks if I want to "Quote original message", with three options, "Nothing, Full message, Only Headers". I use "Nothing". Be careful with this one because if you use any of the last three in the MDN list it will still send headers.

The next one is with regard to encrypted messages. I do not send anything for encrypted messages. Its a common trick is to send an encrypted message that is just junk which will obtain an MDM even if the other setting have been turned of, so "Do not send MDM's in response to encrypted messages.

You also need to turn on warnings for "Receivers Email address is not in their security certificate and turn on warnings for certificates that are out of date, less than 14 days old or are about to expire.

Certificate validation should be turned on to get the warnings, and Ignore HTTP certificate requests should be on. Again these can be used to obtain information about you.

I think that is about all. But I'm sure that Micky will have other goodies up their sleeves.




Edited By John Baron on 12/12/2020 20:08:34

Edited By John Baron on 12/12/2020 20:09:52

11/12/2020 16:58:41
Posted by Peter G. Shaw on 11/12/2020 11:52:59:

I am running Q4OS with Trinity desktop, Firefox and Kmail. Qcad for drafting and Libre Office for just about everything else. Though I do use the console for some tasks.

Linux Mint is too much like windows ! Q4OS is Debian based


It all gets a bit complicated. My initial foray into Linux involved KDE2 & Suse which I found ok. When I did eventually move over to Linux, Suse was on KDE4 which I could not get on with. KDE3/Trinity was knocking around somewhere but I couldn't find it. In the event, although I do not like Microsoft's various antics over the years, I do like their desktop setup as per W2K & WXP so the fact that Mint with the Mate desktop could be set similar was, to me, a bonus, especially as I do still use a Win32 bit drafting program and a DOS based database system, both of which serve me well and I have no wish to change.

Fairly obviously, I am not an out & out Microsoft hater saying that Windows is Windows and Linux is Linux and never the twain shall meet. I will quite happily mix'n match.

Peter G. Shaw

Hi Peter,

Very much like you, I dropped KDE4 and moved to Trinity. At the time they were basically fixing the bugs in KDE3. A while later I discovered Q4OS with the Trinity desktop and was hooked. Being Debian based and moving away from Debian/KDE4, was a convenient move.

I've used Linux from the days of Yggdrasil Linux, originally bound in a book that my wife bought me as a gift. Those were the times when you had to search the Internet for the drivers and then compile the whole lot to suit your machines hardware. Fun times !

Today its so easy, just download a live CD image, put it on a USB stick or burn a CD and boot from it. It will sort out almost everything for itself, right down to being able to surf the web. And if you run from the CD no issues with malware ! You simply cannot write anything to an already burnt CD. Of course you can then install to your machine if you want to.

So far I've not found anything that I want to do that I cannot on Linux.

I've been told that Microsoft actually write windows software on Unix/Linux !

10/12/2020 21:57:06
Posted by Peter G. Shaw on 10/12/2020 21:30:56:


Ctrl U works on mine.

Linux Mint Mate v.18.1, Firefox, Thunderbird.

Peter G. Shaw

Hi Peter, Guys,

I am running Q4OS with Trinity desktop, Firefox and Kmail. Qcad for drafting and Libre Office for just about everything else. Though I do use the console for some tasks.

Linux Mint is too much like windows ! Q4OS is Debian based

09/12/2020 19:26:14
Posted by Frances IoM on 09/12/2020 09:40:34:
do you mean ctrl U which displays the source of a web page - those of us on older non-web mail systems can readily see the source of emails and the headers which show the true sender. As you point out many non-commercial organisations have too low standards which allow scammers to misuse their system.

Hi Frances,

Ctrl "U" doesn't work on Linux !

I use "Kmail" on which Ctrl "V" displays the full Email as text, nothing gets returned to the sender unless you want it to. Part of the issue is Windows itself. It will automatically return an MDM (Message Disposition Message) you have to very specifically turn it off.

I sometimes ask for one just to see if the recipient has received the message. There are several MDM's that can be asked for.

09/12/2020 09:28:29

Hi Guys,

I just do a "Ctrl V" to see the full textual contents of any Email ! I don't know if that works on non Linux machines.

Its surprising what information you can glean about the sender of this junk. A lot actually comes from universities and other educational establishments.

Thread: Copper Tube.
09/12/2020 09:21:32

Hi Guys,

In the old days before I retired, I used to straighten 50 foot lengths of 6 mm copper tube for making coils by stretching the tube. It was anchored at one end to a steel peg and stretched by pulling it with a four foot lever at the other. The very slight reduction in diameter didn't matter at 144 Mhz.

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