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Member postings for derek hall 1

Here is a list of all the postings derek hall 1 has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Model Engineers' Day at the Forncett Steam Museum
01/10/2023 08:05:48

Hi, I will be travelling up from Newmarket today for my first ever visit to Forncett Museum.

Hopefully I might get to meet some of you, perhaps we ought to have a secret sign or name badge yo help us recognise each other !

All the best


Thread: Grinding and sharpening coated end mills
08/09/2023 08:47:54

Wow, thanks for all the quick replies !

What a great forum this is !



08/09/2023 07:45:36

Hi everyone

Just a general question, now I have almost completed my Quorn grinder as it has taken me so to build it!, I have noticed that not only normal uncoated end and slot mills are available but coated versions of end and slot mills.

My question is therefore while the Quorn should be able to deal with the normal (traditional?) End and slot mill cutters, what about the coated variety such as those on the ArcEurotrade web site I.e. TiAIN and TiN cutters?

If so would the same grinding wheel for standard HSS be suitable? Or are these coated variety whilst supposedly longer life, be regarded as non resharpable and therefore disposable after getting blunt?

The current attractive 15% off sale in ArcEurotrade has a lot to do with my question!

All the best


Thread: Pre-Paint Degreasing
05/09/2023 08:39:33
Posted by Dave Wootton on 05/09/2023 07:36:24:

I must warn of the extreme danger of putting metal machine parts in the dishwasher, if the wife comes home and catches you the repercussions are most unpleasant!

I speak from experience........


In addition to never admitting to using the domestic oven for anything other than domestic duties.

No matter how little evidence is left after you meticulously cleaned up (even after watching lots of forensic science/police series on the telly to get some hints and tips) after temporarily commandeering it engineering/workshop purposes, she will know.....



Thread: Quiet floor pads for lathe
15/08/2023 09:02:13

I have fitted anti vibration machine mounts on my Myford and they seem to work ok.

I got mine from Ebay, exactly the same as Warco but 4 off at half the price of Warco....



Thread: RDG Dies
10/08/2023 13:21:38

I have a tailstock die holder set from Arc that has metric holders and imperial holders.

I would like to know what the "target" internal dia of these holders are supposed to be and tolerances.

It is a very good piece of kit but I find that when a die is inserted into a holder there is not much space to open up the die slightly with the adjusting screws.

I am wondering if i should bore out some of the holders slightly to give me the degree of adjustment that a hand die stock generally gives...



Thread: Down the Drain
10/08/2023 13:16:18

I worked for Anglian Water pre and post privatisation and yes the industry did need investment, but I asked the question at various forums in the lead up "who come first customer or shareholder?" they didn't answer me.

I know that shareholders are not generally hugely wealthy top hatted landed gentry but are companies that are looking after and investing our pensions, but I have always felt uneasy about selling off essential services such as water, electricity etc.

I sort of get competition but as an Anglian Water customer I do not have a choice of getting my water from Severn in effect there is no competition.

Its all well and good fining companies for polluting rivers with sewage, but all that happens is they pass on the costs of this fine to us the poor old customer. So we end up paying for their incompetence.

Thread: Use of coal, oil and fossil fuels
08/08/2023 14:11:06

When I worked for Anglian Water, a sewage treatment works had its pumps and capacity set at 3 x dry weather flow. Once that exceeded the sewage treat plant could not cope, and excess was either stored in large tanks or overflowed into rivers.....

Thread: Myford Super 7 Narrow to wide guide conversion
08/08/2023 14:08:31

Thanks everyone for your responses.

I thought I had most of GHT articles from the ME. I must have missed his article on the conversion. Maybe it was in his book (which I do not have). I assumed that the book by GHT was just a collation of his articles in the ME, obviously there maybe more extra info in the book than I realised.

I will take a closer look at the conversion, but once again thanks to all.

Kind regards


08/08/2023 09:06:13

Hi everyone,

Just after a bit of advice, I think its time to convert my elderly 1963 Super 7 from the narrow guide to the wide guide method.

I know there have been one or two articles detailing this, and they are very useful, the problem is that these articles detail converting the non quick change gear box models.

As i understand it there is an issue of ensuring that the leadscrew and half nuts still engage correctly when the saddle is converted to wide guide.

Since my Myford S7 does have a QC gearbox what difficulties will arise if I attempt the conversion from narrow to wide?

Has anyone done the conversion on a non powered cross feed, QC gearbox Myford S7?, and hints and tips?

All the best


Thread: Use of coal, oil and fossil fuels
07/08/2023 07:19:09

What happened to Tidal Energy?

In the Severn river the tidal range is the second highest in the world. We are an island surrounded by strong tida water, surely there is a way to harness this without too much stress on the environment?

Or is it that the money isn't there due the the usual short sightedness of the politicians.

It's taken years to agree to a new power station at Sizewell, it will take years to build it. HS2 is well over budget and is now a smaller project than it was originally planned. Crossrail took years to build went over budget and time to construct was longer than planned.

It seems any major project or change to infrastructure we cannot do very well anymore, the issue with all these grand schemes is that takes much longer to build and costs more than original costs.

I guess it's due to lack of strategic long term planning or is it a lack of knowledgeable qualified people at the top who are capable of making informed decisions.?

Thread: oops voyager
02/08/2023 08:58:03

Probably one of those "Are You Sure You Want to Reconfigure the Dish Array Thingy?"

Yes No

There is of course no "maybe" or "I will think about it later" option !

Thread: Kennet tool & cutter grinder
29/07/2023 06:43:21

That would make an interesting article about how to pre balance a grinding wheel before fitting it to a grinder.

Once the wheel is fitted to the grinder it should be dressed but it shouldn't be too out of balance or need too much dressing.

The safety issue of course is fitting a wheel that is out of balance direct from the manufacturer straight onto the grinder with the risk of it causing too much vibration and possibly bursting.

So it's a chicken and egg situation, how do you know if it's out of balance before you fit it to the grinder, which brings me round to the first sentence in my post...!

Thread: Experian - an eye opener.
28/07/2023 08:20:15

Hi Robin, a pension I have is also with capita, and I too got the email. I also joined for free, Experian.

Fortunately I dont get bombarded with emails from Experian, so although my data may have been compromised so far it appears not to have been used by the criminal filth.

As for taking responsibility, I agree with Kiwi Bloke, capita will just carry on as there is no punishment. I think if anyone has lost money then they should be reimbursed. Maybe all those affected should get some compensation other than a free years subscription to Experian.

Thread: Help Valuing Late fathers workshop equipment
27/07/2023 08:58:40

Sorry for your loss Mat.

As Chris mentions this sort of situation where the model engineer in the family sadly moves to the big workshop in the sky with unlimited workshop space, tools, castings and time, what is left behind for the family to identify and dispose of is getting more frequent.

The problem is putting a value on these items and what you think they are worth compared to what they sell at. Obviously the worst case scenario is where you need to clear out the workshop quickly is to engage one of the specialist firms who advertise in the ME, but they are a business and will be looking to make money on the deal and you will end up disappointed with the offer but at least the space is cleared.

If you have the time then take the route as Chris suggests, maybe a local auction house would be an option to shift some of the bigger machines?



Thread: Multiple Bearings in Spindle
25/07/2023 14:16:51

Further to my post, I found the article I was looking for !....

There was a construction article in the Model Engineer three parts to it dated 19th June, 17th July and 21st August 1992 by a Mr. D. Broadley called "A Grinding Spindle".

He described a heavier duty version of it in the last part, for those who have access to older copies of the ME it is worth a look.

Thread: Unacceptable bodge or not
25/07/2023 11:51:58

In Anglian Water we used just PTFE thread tape, just a couple of turns and its fine. Done it that way for years with no problems, but be careful not to overtighten.

During my apprenticeship in the shipyard some used hemp and "boss white" jointing paste ...



Thread: How to sale dads stuff
24/07/2023 13:06:15

Sorry about your loss Stephie,

There was a similar post earlier this year and someone recommended using a local "auction house".

I live near Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk and we have an auctioneer called Lacy Scott. Every quarter they do a toy and model auction that regularly has tools and machines in the auction.

Maybe you have something similar nearby. Not sure if you will get the best price though as it depends who turns up to bid.

Glad to see so many keen to help you out on this forum in this sad time for you. I guess most of us on this website have got workshops like your Dad's, full of stuff that is unidentifiable to the non-engineer.

Best wishes


Thread: MK Metals
21/07/2023 06:47:44

I always use M - Machine metals never had any problems all the years I have ordered from them...

Thread: Multiple Bearings in Spindle
21/07/2023 06:45:16

What about looking at the design of Professor Chaddock's Quorn cutter grinder and maybe base your design on that?

There was another article in the ME years ago about making spindles, I will need to find out who and when it was published and I will report back, unless someone beats me to it !

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