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Member postings for Bob Mc

Here is a list of all the postings Bob Mc has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Tool post grinder step by step
22/10/2021 09:20:45

Another great video Celso... Obrigada yes

Thread: Blackpool Model Show
06/09/2021 19:41:50

Blackpool Model Show...

Thought I would give this a mention as I haven't seen anything about it advertised in ME ... although there is at least one Model engineering club attending the main theme seems to be model boats....anyway I'm going to check it out in October.


Thread: Weston Park model aircraft show
05/09/2021 11:43:28

Although I am not a model aircraft enthusiast, I was persuaded to go to the Weston Park International model aircraft show.

My interest is normally model boats but I have to say that the show on Saturday was very good, the models being displayed were to be honest ...beyond belief! would be hard put to say they were not the real thing either on the ground or in the air, albeit scaled down.

The drone and helicopter displays were also something not to be missed and the manouverability of these models seemed to defy the laws of physics!

The commentator on the aircraft field was apologetic as some of the international display teams could not be there due to covid restrictions but I thought it to be one of the most well organised and interesting shows I have been to,

I was told by my compainions who persuaded me to to that there would also be model boats as well, and there a senior gentleman and his model of the African Queen, God bless him... however there were a number of hovercraft which were quite interesting not least because of the fact that the small pond although having a weed problem did not affect the sailing of these craft one bit, something which I have found to be a rather large problem with the waters of the model boat clubs I have been to recently and rather off putting for the unwary, I just wish there could have been a better representation for model boating.

Just one more item I found fascinating was the pyrotechnic display although in broad daylight with some twenty model aircraft flying between the fireworks interspersed with what I can only call 'bombs' ... the heat of which was felt immediatly with a resounding thump on the chest afterwards ...

My congratulations to the organisers.. Bob.

Thread: Small dc brushed motors
27/08/2021 15:28:49

Sorry to reply so late ...

was away for a few days and didn't see the responses....thanks to all who replied to my question, these have been most helpful...


23/08/2021 08:08:04

Hi All...

am in the process of making an r/c boat, I need to find out which motor to use, I have already used a '400' type motor but have no idea what this means ... I will require a larger motor for the next build so need to know volts/amps/rpm/mechanical size etc.... is there a chart for all this?

will be grateful for any information....Bob.

Edited By Bob Mc on 23/08/2021 08:09:09

Thread: Boat fittings...window frames.
12/08/2021 18:29:53

Thanks pgk & Ramon,

I am only a beginner and I am grateful for any suggestions regarding this build, I will most definately have a look at Wide Awake, I remember seeing it and was tempted....

I was hoping to make the clinker hull using traditional methods but people with experience seem to be saying it is not easy, ... will just have to do it and see what happens..

Thanks again. Bob.

12/08/2021 10:11:12

Another good idea, thanks Perko.

My next attempt at boatbuilding is a model of a 30 foot boat originally built in the Orkneys, Kathleen.

Tthe real thing is clinker built and it seems that this is a lot more difficult to model than a carvel hull but I am going to have a try anyway since my first build attempt has gone so well, and watching it cut through the water whilst under radio control is most pleasurable.

Not wanting to give the impression I am promoting model boating but I can now involve my blessed wife in my interest by visiting various places, stretches of water or boat clubs usually with an attached park or grounds and combine it with a picnic or let her idle her way through countless knicker and bra shops where men from stable backgrounds have needed some sort of counselling or a stiff drink afterwards.

Anyway....picture of the real thing I am about to have a go at... thanks again to all who have given advice.


10/08/2021 18:33:17

Thanks Martin & Bernard,

...Good ideas !!

I do like Bernards idea of machining a step in thick walled tubing..that is something I never thought of doing it that way, got to give it a try....Thanks all...!


10/08/2021 09:09:05

Thanks David,

I was worried that brass angle would deform or split but thanks again and will have a go.


07/08/2021 14:00:20

Hi All...

I have been making a model R/C boat, which is my first attempt at model boat building, and I found that trying to make window frames out of brass to be a most frustrating process; I eventually made the 8 identical frames out of the larger sized brass olives found in plumbing below.


You will notice there is no 'lip' on the frame but when fitted in place it gives the impression that a lip is there, however on my next project I will definately need the lip as would be found on a proper frame.

I am sure I have seen loco's with brass framed windows, is there some magical technique for doing this?

Any advice on this would be much appreciated.....Bob.

nb...the current model below...


Thread: Scale gearbox (or how I leaned to love aluminium)
15/07/2021 21:03:55

Thats a lovely piece of machining Steve, would be interesting to know how you held it in the lathe... also is the differential a bought in item it looks very well made..


Thread: Garmin sat nav
11/07/2021 18:39:02

It seems to me that this satnav service is a big problem, I had a car with satnav and although the maps were becoming out of date, I didn't update the version as I was about to get a much newer car.

I was told by the salesman that the car being the same model but newer was identical to the old one, and I did a calibrated tyre kick test... and sure enough on the dashboard screen there was an icon for navigation. After going through the trauma of parting with a few thousand pounds I collected aforementioned vehicle and went off quite happily... a few days later I thought to try out the navigation ... surprise surprise! there was no on board satnav device, I spoke to the salesman.... " you need a smartphone...everyone has a smartphone" .... "no they don't" I says... I ain't got one! ... its like me....its not smart enough to realise that I should take no notice of car salesmen.

"anyway...he says..its dead easy to get the phone to display the navigation map on the screen... no problem at all"

The fact is I need a larger screen to view the maps, and I don't want something hanging off the dashboard which I have to take off every time I park up, as has been said, the mobile phone icon buttons are too fiddly to mess about with.

So I obtained a smartphone to try it out, the dashboard screen informs me that I need to have the correct app for the service... but no indication of what this is... I trawled the manufacturers websites and went round in circles for a few hours eventually ending up speaking on a chat line..

A very nice lady who informs me that the car needs its software updating..."can I do it online" I says...."no" she have to take it in for that service....."will it cost me" I says...."yes" she says.... so basically I have bought a smartphone and now will have to pay to have what should have been in the car in the first place...!

Its all a load of Old B********ks

Thread: Advice required for model boat nameplate.
05/07/2021 18:55:17

Thanks everyone for your advice,

I had never thought of having an enamel badge with a smaller section I could cut off...that is a great idea...

thanks pgk and all.


05/07/2021 14:55:54

Advice needed!

Could anyone tell me where I could have a couple of nameplates for my model boat made, obviously water resistant material say brass or perspex, I have no means of making something with small text etched or carved or printed.

The nameplate is only ~ 40 x 10 mm long and need only be ~1mm thick, I don't mind paying for this, after all I have spent many hours in making the model and if I make it... it wouldn't do the model justice.

An enamelled badge type would be absolutely fantastic .. however I don't know if there is anyone doing this for 'one offs'..

I feel certain there must be someone with expertise in this subject on this forum and I would be gratefull for any advice.....Thanks...Bob.

Thread: Fun on the water...
24/06/2021 08:34:07

Thanks Neil/Jeff....

The motors in my boat are brushed and although it is powerful enough it would be interesting to know how much more efficient the brushless motors are, including the electronics to provide the voltages....or how much extra run time do they provide?

Also....I am a complete beginner with boats and I opted for plastic propellors, is there any advantage in having brass props?


20/06/2021 20:17:52

Ah yes boats ! that got my interest...

For my first attempt at a model R/C boat I built a twin prop motor cruiser, Ravenna, designed by Jim Pottinger.

The boat building started out when I replaced a venetian blind, I thought it a shame to throw the slats away, they are straight grained and thin enough to be bent into shape with some persuation from a little steam, and the idea came to me that they would be great for making a boat hull.


Hull nearly finished....You can see the slats on the far side.

I have not finished the painting as yet and not put the name to it, however I have tried it out on the water albeit a local stream which showed up a problem with the needed proportional control and rather than go the route of having another box of electronics I fitted two mico switches so that when the rudder is full over it disconects one of the motors and the other gives the turning torque.


The R/C control is a 2.4GHz Spectrum DX7, I think that this R/C system does not interfere with other boating radio signals but am not absolutley certain, I have been hoping to join the Etherow model boat club but at the last attempt to get there we were turned back by police who told us an unexploded bomb had been fished out of the I went home.

If there are any members of the Etherow club lookin in I would be much obliged for information to join, the last time I looked on the website the notice was that the club was in lockdown.




Thread: uv ballast
10/06/2021 11:26:50

Replacement UV lamps & LED UV lamps.

Mick...there has already ben a discussion about this..see thread

Pond filter with UV lamp


Thread: Filing machine uses?
08/06/2021 21:22:03

Replying to 'Artfull Codger'

Thanks for your posting which got me thinking.... and an apology for going completely off topic Mike, although you did say "anyone got any thoughts" YES! I am sure there must be many examples of 'Artfull Codgership' where an old machine of no apparent use would normally be sent to the scrapyard but to someone with a little imagination having an eye to see that something could be made from it or put to some good use.

At the moment many codgers are keen to take on an old lathe and we see old rusty lathes now going for ridiculous prices, I think it is the challenge of sorting out the problems which creates the interest and seeing the end result of what may be a lathe that is more than fit for purpose as it was originally intended, in fact some of these refurbished machines are a thing of beauty.

But I am not thinking just about lathes, in my little workshop I try to think about ways to enhance what machinery I have got using bits and pieces that would be criminal to throw away, or on seeing part of a machine or a tool trying to imagine what use it could be put to with some engineering or metal bashing thrown in, by the way it doesn't have to be related to engineering machinery, there must be lots of other items hobbies etc which could benefit from some imagination.

I don't think suppliers need worry that business will be going downhill, quite the opposite, I recently made a new tailstock barrel for my 80yr old lathe using a morse taper straight sleeve, not easy when you have drill an inch through hardened steel then find a way of grinding down to size .. but did require some diamond drills, a new MT2 sleeve and other bits & pieces, however I now have a nice looking bit of gear which would never be found as new.

Apart from the filing machine and the reciprocating saw mentioned in the post, I have used old sewing machine handles for my milling machine rather than the flimsy aluminium ones supplied, I have used the end bearings and housings from a motor for a third pulley on my Dore Westbury and all sorts of other bits & bobs.

What I am saying is... could there not be a section in ME for this sort of thing perhaps now and again, surely there must be many model engineers out there who have resorted to using odd items in an odd way using "Artfull Codgership"


07/06/2021 11:01:39

Thanks Mike...

although off topic .. just for anyone's interest I also used the same idea to make a reciprocating saw, a bit Heath Robinson but the metal to be cut doesn't know that !

The the saw frame is fitted to the piston head and in theory there is no need for the saw frame to slide in runners but I added a rectangular section to the cylinder head to give extra support... it is actually an rf waveguide fitting.

I set the vice on a substantial cross slide so I can adjust the blade to sit exactly where I want it...comes in very handy. rgds..Bob.


06/06/2021 20:16:42

Made one a while back, uses a small 2 stroke engine as the crank and file holder with extra upper vertical support,

the file used is a flat diamond file with round section handle fitted to piston head...driven by electric Singer motor, its good for making round holes into square after some initial hand filing and it keeps the sides straight .

You could use the blowback from the piston to blow filings away. Bob.


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