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Member postings for FMES

Here is a list of all the postings FMES has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Can this motor be reversed?
09/08/2018 12:25:48

If its a brushed motor, just swap the two brush leads around, if an induction (no brushes) undo the motor ends and turn the armature round.

Seeing this is from a vacuum cleaner (?), it will probably be way too fast for your mixer.


Thread: How would you fix this?
09/08/2018 12:13:13
Posted by Russell Eberhardt on 09/08/2018 11:29:48:
Posted by FMES on 08/08/2018 21:21:20:

Use 'all in one' dishwasher tabs, you won't need the salt then.

I've always been doubtful of those. The dishwasher manufacturer builds in a water softener for a good reason. If hard water dries on the dishes it will leave the hardness behind as cloudiness. The salt doesn't go into the washing water. It is used to regenerate the ion exchange resin in the softener. So how can an all in one work? It cannot remove the calcium ions from the water can it?


Most American dish washers don't have softeners built in for exactly the reason you quote, the whole house has a softened water supply.

All in one tablets do not have anything to do with regenerating the resin in the softener, but merely stop the calcium etc from adhering. They actually do the same job in reducing calcium deposit the same way Calcon does for washing machines.

Funnily enough, they don't have softeners built in either.


08/08/2018 21:21:20

Use 'all in one' dishwasher tabs, you won't need the salt then.

Thread: leaking boiler?
13/06/2018 12:14:06

Terry, where are you?

Thread: Advice
13/05/2018 21:14:46

Use a cobalt drill bit.

Thread: 2 inch face mill problems
06/05/2018 19:04:59

Looks like its rubbing rather than cutting, what are the inserts like?

Thread: Drinking and Driving.
03/05/2018 12:28:08

This is where dash cams are good




Thread: Phone Scam
24/04/2018 19:10:39
Posted by Mike Poole on 24/04/2018 18:42:10:

I had a call about the car accident I had a while ago ( haven't had one). I asked if it was the one my wife and children were killed in, uncomfortable silence at other end. A bit harsh I thought and let Him off the hook after a few moments.


I had a similar one,

When asked if i sustained any injuries I replied i suffered a decapitation.

'Do you have any lasting trauma' was the next question, to which I replied I had severe migraines, a majorly sore throat and i couldn't feel my feet'

The guy was well into offering me all sorts of compensation advice when he must have realised !!!


Thread: WIN 10 again!
09/04/2018 15:13:23
Posted by Ian S C on 09/04/2018 13:40:02:

My lap top is a bit slow starting up, 7 seconds on average.

Ian S C

Thats a bit more like it.

Shows how much crud windoze loads in.

09/04/2018 12:05:30
Posted by modeng2000 on 09/04/2018 10:28:22:

My laptop with W10 Home boots up in under a minute. Perhaps it isdue to the solid state drives.

Oooh, is it broken?

Me gaming tower does 14 seconds from button press to desk top. devil

Bit of a s*d to carry around though.



Thread: Help making model of Walschearts valve gear.
08/04/2018 12:20:28




May be useful

Thread: WIN 10 again!
08/04/2018 12:11:24

Conversely, try loading windoze xp onto a modern laptop, it just won't happen.

I have a Minolta slide scanner that due to it age, will only run on the latest of WXP as I discovered when attempting to run it on a W7 machine - just wouldn't work.

Bought a new laptop with no OS and as I had plenty of XP versions now not being used, went to load up.

After loading in all the various files, the laptop promptly reported that the OS being loaded was not compatible with the current BIOS.

So now you can't even backdate when you want to.

Incidentally, I hardly feel that not being able to see over a car is a valid reason for not buying it. devil



Thread: Round (leather?) belts
08/04/2018 11:29:00

Maybe this will help:




Thread: piston
08/04/2018 11:11:19


Could it be that your piston rod is a shade too long? what is the clearance at the bottom of the stroke?



Thread: Anyone here got Amazon Echo Plus, Alexa?
05/04/2018 09:43:41

Anything digital isn't for a music lover, its simply a tool for for stopping you from getting up off your backside.

Look on ebay and see how many second hand ones are for sale.

And don't forget - it eavesdrops!



Thread: Trade wars and this hobby
04/04/2018 14:39:56

I thought we already had some judging by the exorbitant import duties and Vat imposed on a recent consignment of castings from 'The States'

And I had to register as an importer.

I recall a few years ago there was a cotton embargo on goods received from The States where two T shirts commanded an additional charge of £30 from Mount Pleasant, total cost of the shirts - $18.



Thread: Dro for mill
26/03/2018 14:12:19

Hi Brian,

This may be useful from the Warco Website **LINK**

Scroll down a bit for the application table



Thread: Tufnol (Textolite) as a material for pulley
25/03/2018 09:20:41

Hi Martin,

If its any help, the old Westland Wessex helicopter used a Tufnol pully as a cable tensioner in the flying control system.

It did have a central bore made out of an alloy, with a sealed bearing running on a fixed steel pin.

The cable was approx 3/16 " diameter steel.

For your application I would suggest a similar bore arrangement but without the bearing, say, a brass keyed hub?



Thread: Percolated coffee
22/03/2018 12:04:32
Posted by OuBallie on 22/03/2018 11:28:02:

The result of this first brew just confirmed that NOTHING beats percolated coffee

Might as well drink NOTHING then wink

Thread: Burglar alarm
16/03/2018 23:00:13

Got one of these wired up to the alarm internal sounder **LINK**




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