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Member postings for I.M. OUTAHERE

Here is a list of all the postings I.M. OUTAHERE has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Controlling air
10/10/2020 09:07:51

If you are playing with water then try places that deal in fish tanks or aquariums , also look at scuba diving gear .

10/10/2020 08:14:58

Yep Aussie !

Also look at Medical stuff - just a thought .

What is your project ?

Understanding what you are trying to achieve will help the forum members to help you ,

Thread: Home Automation Technique
10/10/2020 08:06:31

Maybe the sketch for an Arduino to connect to the net and control a relay while reading a few sensors will be to big for it - as useful as they are they do have limitations ! Maybe an ESP32 for this ?

If you just want to compare the outside humidity to the inside and then control a fan an arduino is all you need but if you want to be able to read these off a smart phone or computer that is a different matter .

I personally would be more worried where the moisture is coming from and how to stop it getting in rather than removing it once it is there .You may need to look at some other technologies like sealing etc.


Dave the moisture control units i built using your modified sketch have now done two years service - with zero problems and zero condensation on my machines - probably cost me around $50 au a year to run if that !

Thread: Controlling air
10/10/2020 07:31:53

Would 0-30l/m possibly fall into the flow meter range for a tig welder flow meter ?

0.5bar or 7.5psi relief valve , maybe something off an airbrush unit ?

Just a few thoughts .

Thread: Good YouTube videos
10/10/2020 07:02:51

I didn't resurrect this thread for this whingeing crap ! I didn't want to start another youtube video thread either - i just thought this channel may provide some entertainment or education for those who wish to watch it .

What happened last year or the years before i don't care about as this is out of my control and i was really hoping for a more positive reaction from my post .

And just for the record i now double check that any links to youtube or any website that i provide do not or have not done any reviews that would be in contradiction to the COD on this forum .

10/10/2020 05:35:51

Not sure if this channel has been mentioned on here before ( a search showed nothing ) but it has kept me amused for a few hours anyway!

Mostly old machine shop training videos.

There is one video on making a gear blank with a tapered bore- i don't know what the cutting fluid this guy was using ( looked like tar and probably toxic ) but i want some to play with !

Thread: UNS 1/4" x 32 the same as ME 1/4" x 32 ?
30/09/2020 08:41:45

If you need one of these taps or dies you can try LPR toolmakers in Victoria , they are usually my first port of call for odd sizes or obsolete thread forms .
An engine i’m looking at building - The M.E. Beam engine requires a 10BA - LH thread for the throttle linkage adjuster nut and one end of the throttle rod ( creates a turnbuckle arrangement ) try getting one of those here in Australia 😫.

Thread: Chatter
24/09/2020 00:12:36

It may be an optical illusion but the toolpost doesn’t look like it is sitting down on the top of the cross slide .

I would ditch the insert tooling on a lathe that small and grind up a HSS tool then hone it so it is razor sharp , keep the tool stick out as short as possible , also check the carriage and cross slide gib adjustments to eliminate any free play . I think on a Taig you can lock the cross slide with thumb screw and i would also lock this each pass .

Thread: Questions for the rail enthusiast
18/09/2020 11:45:21

Forgot to mention this is in the western suburbs of Sydney Australia .

The rail gauge is as far as i know consistent throughout New south Wales Australia .

They are on a now disused siding consisting of two dead end lines about 300m off a set of points , i think they may have used this siding hook up a couple of diesel locos to help the intra state passenger trains or freight trains get over the blue mountains - could and probably am wrong though !

Thread: Changes to Fusion 360 Terms
18/09/2020 11:30:51

Won’t bother me one bit

3d printer tried to argue the point and came off second best - doubt if i will replace it .

Had a play with my cnc engraver and while i found fusion nice to work with for what i want to do ( cut gaskets out ) i could use just about any of the other programmes around , free cad and cambam are a couple .

For most of things i make i can use a piece of paper , pencil and a calculator to do what i want and not even strain the mostly useless chunk of dead meat between my ears i call a brain 😂

Don’t blame Autodesk though - they allowed us to use their product for free for so long - unfortunately there are those who rorted the system and ruined it for us hobbyists and students .

Thread: Questions for the rail enthusiast
18/09/2020 10:47:58


This is the real 3rd picture i intended to post so looking at the pictures in the original post except the bottom one as it is the same as the top one they are taken from right to left.

The first pic is showing the line furthest away far right end , the second is the far right or the closest line and the one in this reply is showing the left end of both lines lines .

The ends of the siding are offset lengthways and if they were both the same the length the discs would approximately line up with each other .

I couldn’t see any other discs on the main lines only on this little dead end siding .

So there are two discs per line equally spaced with each other in regards to each line and its end point .

18/09/2020 02:57:54

20200918_114035.jpg20200918_114029.jpg 20200918_114035.jpg

I was waiting at a local rail station today a0nd spotted these yellow ( presumably metal) discs on the power lines , they are on the last 50m of a dead end siding and was wondering what purpose they serve ?

Any ideas?

They would appear to be around a 300mm or 12 inches in diameter


Thread: Scaling back forum activity
09/09/2020 19:58:07

These days i only login and post something or reply to something if it really tweaks my interest - which is becoming rarer by the day or i have just about gone insane with boredom but that is not just on this forum its all of them !

Thread: Dead blow mallet
03/09/2020 14:11:37

If you don’t have a dead blow you can use a piece of leather to deaden the blow from a ball pein or engineers hammer, pieces of old leather belts you use to hold your pants up work well and cost nothing ..

Thread: New Moderators
03/09/2020 14:00:51

I’m waiting for the moderator bitch fight - it is inevitable 🤣

Thread: Welder buy
03/09/2020 13:50:05

Mig and tig use different gasses

Iirc mig is typically argon c02 and oxygen but tig is usually argon or argon c02 mix .
unfortunately one gas won’t do it all .

The unit that does both mig and tig is a dc welder and can do stick as well but you can’t weld aluminium with it with the tig .

If you just want to try mig buy a small mig unit - 140amp or more and have a play

if you want to get into tig it is better to save up your pennies and get e decent dc/ac hf unit as a dedicated tig and learn how to use it as there are many parameters to tune with these units all though computers have made this much easier

Thread: Home made cast Aluminium
31/08/2020 09:53:55

One of the channels i subscribe to who has also watched the video on casting has made a video on how he made his funace - Thought it might have some useful info for U.K forum members .
I had a look at his video list and he doesn’t do reviews as far as i could see but he does give a few links to the materials and burner he used I believe both are legitimate retailers .
Hope it passes scrutiny !

Thread: Mill Tip
30/08/2020 11:58:58

In his latest offering he goes to great lengths to show how it can still work even when using a very out of whack vise .

30/08/2020 11:54:51

Would you take 110 psi for it 😀

Thread: Home made cast Aluminium
30/08/2020 11:12:07

Well Rob has been at it again and in his latest video he uses an old slave cylinder as a mold - worked well but he used alloy of an unknown grade and although it cast ok it didn’t machine well so his trick of using old mag rims is something one should stick to if they want Bar stock that machines ok .

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