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Member postings for Michael Gilligan

Here is a list of all the postings Michael Gilligan has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: MEW 332
17/09/2023 07:56:33
Posted by JasonB on 17/09/2023 07:36:30:

Michael, is the list missing a "seat of A** C**** E********"


17/09/2023 05:33:33
Posted by Mark Rand on 16/09/2023 23:14:09:

I would like to humbly point out that the plural of radius is radii. […]


Please feel free to do that angel



P.S. ___ it may be amusing for the forum to consider what collective noun[s] would be appropriate.

Edit: __ this iist currently lacks an entry:

Edited By Michael Gilligan on 17/09/2023 05:54:07

Thread: Play in new arbour for mill
16/09/2023 20:59:20
Posted by Antony Harding on 16/09/2023 20:44:21:

Hi guys,

I throught as the dial noted 0 - 10mm each "10" was 1mm. I take it I was completely reading this incorrectly.



I think you have probably ‘got it’ now, Antony … but the 0 - 10mm reference means the total travel is 10mm

… The little dial counts rotations of the big one.


Thread: PlusGas … variants
16/09/2023 08:53:54
Posted by Mark Rand on 16/09/2023 08:40:45:
Posted by Dave Halford on 15/09/2023 22:27:01:

The last tin I had came with a metal spout and lots better than wd40

Was that the new, black, round tins or the old, blue, oblong tins?


Curiously … the ones I have been looking-at on ebay are black oblong tins

[ which don’t feature on the Saint-Gobain website ] dont know


15/09/2023 18:15:42
Posted by roy entwistle on 15/09/2023 17:02:28:

I Know you can get it as a liquid and as a spray. I prefer the liquid.



Me too, Roy !!

One of the things I use, and recommend it, for is freeing-up the slide-ways on microscopes … and application with ‘surgical precision’ is much preferred.

Aerosol cans are generally for the benefit of the seller, I would think. … So much wastage.


Thread: EMCO Rotary / Indexing table
15/09/2023 16:06:57

Wow !

… a cunningly designed stress-raiser if ever I saw one surprise


Thread: PlusGas … variants
15/09/2023 16:02:33

The time is approaching for me to buy more PlusGas

I have always used ‘Formula A’ … which came in a blue tin, but has recently been changed to black

So I checked on the website, for some assurance that the product was unchanged

… The words are a bit weasely but I think the answer is basically yes dont know

What did intrigue me though; was the ‘history’


Does anyone recall what was special about B, C, D & E



Edited By Michael Gilligan on 15/09/2023 16:03:53

Thread: 2 pole or 4 pole for Myford ML7R
15/09/2023 07:38:17

Thanks for that, Chrisyes



Edited By Michael Gilligan on 15/09/2023 07:50:23

15/09/2023 06:52:12
Posted by Chris152 on 14/09/2023 17:13:49:

Thanks all. We went back to the shop and bought a different type of earthing gland, the screen passes through the gland, is formed into a couple of pigtails and those are held in the two slots in the thread by a copper washer and a nut. It's now mechanically secure. […]


That looks tidy, and very useful, Chris

Could you share the Part Number please ?


Thread: Buying Microsoft Office
15/09/2023 05:28:03

Thanks for the clarification, Clive


14/09/2023 17:13:53

Slightly bewildered, Clive, that you have [apparently] not even considered using Numbers

… it comes free with your Mac, and is well-supported.

dont know


14/09/2023 06:30:03

[ Addendum ]

If your spreadsheets do rely on the clever manipulation of dates … you will need to do your homework:

Over the decades there have been some ‘interesting’ differences between, and within, the two product lines

For a flavour of this; start with this Google search :

date format compatibility apple vs microsoft


14/09/2023 05:46:00
Posted by Clive Foster on 13/09/2023 22:35:26:

Having upgraded my laptop to an M2 Mac l need to get the current version of Microsoft Office mainly because all my financial and similar stuff is on Excel spreadsheets going back at least 2 decades.



Have you tried opening any of your old spreadsheets using Apple’s Numbers App ?

Unless you have used some particularly complex Excel stuff, you might be pleasantly surprised.


Edited By Michael Gilligan on 14/09/2023 05:49:26

Thread: Model track jigs
13/09/2023 21:35:12

Not my thing … but both the products and the site look well thought-out


Thread: Watton Electronics Arc-out spark erosion machine
13/09/2023 10:04:49

Well-found, Cliveyes



Thread: I think this one fits the etcetera category …
13/09/2023 08:00:25

… but it’s worth watching:



Thread: Anyone in the Bristol Area
11/09/2023 19:23:20

Google Earth shows No. 74 as Myrtle Cottage … which, from Street View appears not to be subdivided

But, there is a small property behind it which may possibly be 74B



Edit: __ I am getting more confident about that, because searching for 74B gets us to that location

… although the tree looks nothing like Laburnum to me.

Edited By Michael Gilligan on 11/09/2023 19:30:56

Thread: Interesting Curves
11/09/2023 15:44:30
Posted by duncan webster on 11/09/2023 13:23:10:

I think if this morphs into an Excel tutorial we might get complaints. Very briefly, arrange the X values in one column, and the Y values in an adjacent column, with their row numbers aligned. Select these 2 blocks of values using mouse, then from toolbar at the top insert/chart/X-Y scatter/points only/smooth. To have more than one set of y values, just select more data. It wants to use the left hand data as X you might be able to change that, but not sure how.

It gives you options to add labels to the whole chart and the axes and other clever things. I've got an old book about Excel upstairs (and I mean old, but it hasn't altered much). I could lend it to you if you like, PM me your dirt mail address.


Thanks for the offer, Duncan yes … much appreciated

I am, however, currently sinking in the quicksand whilst trying to rework some survey drawings in preparation for a planning application, and wouldn’t have time to study it this side of Christmas !!

With your notes and John’s I am already pointed in the right general direction thanks …

All I would ask for now is could you please let me have a copy of your file ?

I am likely to try it in Apple’s ‘Numbers’ which, although it has its own idiosyncratic style will happily open .xls

… I will send you a P.M.


Thread: An unexpected weight
11/09/2023 09:31:27
Posted by Howard Lewis on 11/09/2023 08:24:17:

Supermarkets specify VERY closely to what levels a product should conform.



With your ‘inside knowledge’ Howard … do you have any idea how they achieve the feat that inspired this thread ?

If every bag of Pears is required to be saleable as 610g … what is the tolerance, how is it specified, and how does the supplier achieve it ?

A guess would be that the weight must be 610g with a tolerance of say +20 / -0

[customers rarely complain if they get a little more than they paid for]

and an even wilder guess is that the packer has a wonderful computerised robotic pear-shuffling machine which can find suitable sets of four or more fruits.

dont know

All this for an end-buyer’s price of £1 a bag !!

If true … it’s an amazing world we live in.


Thread: Interesting Curves
11/09/2023 06:07:56
Posted by duncan webster on 10/09/2023 22:33:12:

Here's Michael's curves generated by calculation in spreadsheet. […]


That’s very neat, Duncan yes

I must confess that I’ve never got to grips with graphing in spreadsheets

… Grateful if you could provide a brief description of how it was done.


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