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Member postings for Michael Gilligan

Here is a list of all the postings Michael Gilligan has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Rolling Bridge
26/09/2023 00:33:41

This is the most informative video I have found … even though his presentation style is a little quaint :


Thread: Broken toolmakers clamp.
25/09/2023 19:49:32
Posted by JasonB on 25/09/2023 19:28:19:

I'll see if I still have the broken bits in the morning.


Thanks, Jason yes


Thread: Rolling Bridge
25/09/2023 19:19:35
Thread: Broken toolmakers clamp.
25/09/2023 19:13:43
Posted by JasonB on 25/09/2023 18:49:45:

I've found they snap at the side of the hole long before there is any sign of bending. […]


Could you share a photo, and/or drawing, of that please, Jason

… stress-raisers are a subject of interest.


Thread: MEW subscription renewal cost
25/09/2023 19:00:58

The situation is still not entirely clear … even from the horse’s mouth:





Edited By Michael Gilligan on 25/09/2023 19:03:40

Thread: Rolling Bridge
25/09/2023 18:51:49

My brother visited this recently:**LINK**

… looks interesting, but it is disappointing to see that it’s now [predictably enough] static.

Does anyone have more detailed info. about it ?


Thread: ChatGPT - need we worry?
25/09/2023 10:51:55

You might find this of interest, Neil:

After reading your comments, I looked at the microbehunter forum:




We have two ‘Bot’ visitors registered users  watching


Edited By Michael Gilligan on 25/09/2023 10:55:19

25/09/2023 08:53:08

Posted by Robin Graham on 25/09/2023 00:00:02:


Good God. I hardly know what to say. That's creepy.



Clearly you are more than a match for it, Robin … but my ‘take-away’ from this is that the thing is already capable of teaching someone how to think !


Thread: Ctaract surgery - a few years on
25/09/2023 08:43:43


For a bit of ‘light reading’ … it’s worth finding a copy of Huxley’s book: **LINK**

Published long before the internet was available … but full of the sort of misinformation that thrives !


Thread: Will this heater idea work
25/09/2023 08:09:32

Posted by Michael Gilligan on 25/09/2023 06:48:09:



Surface area to volume ratio would be enormous compared with a pit full of sand



Sorry … I expressed that rather badly

What’s important is that the useable surface area to volume ratio is enormous

Drawing air through the mass, using a small fan requires the porosity to be optimised.

[ The sand has the higher surface area, but would require much more energy to draw air through it. ]


Edited By Michael Gilligan on 25/09/2023 08:10:07

25/09/2023 06:48:09
Posted by Nigel Graham 2 on 24/09/2023 22:15:50:

Sand or crushed glass?

Chemically they are the same so theoretically each kg of either would store the same heat for the same input.

However […]


I think the ‘Strawbridge’ design used crushed glass for two reasons:

  1. He was making a clever TV series, to get people inspired
  2. The glass, being crushed bottles normally destined for re-processing was much coarser than your average sand

The design used a small fan to draw air through the ‘heat-reservoir’, thus making better use of the mass.

Surface area to volume ratio would be enormous compared with a pit full of sand … and therefore it should work [at least sufficiently well for demonstration purposes] in a greenhouse.

It’s all fairly well documented in the link I provided 22/09/2023 21:54:50 but I don’t think enough emphasis was ever put on the fact that the ‘packing density’ of the glass product is very significant.



This is worth a look:,quality%20to%20the%20end%20product.

Edited By Michael Gilligan on 25/09/2023 06:55:36

Thread: Sensitive Drill Rehabilitated
24/09/2023 20:45:21

That is delightful, Steve yes


Thread: Ctaract surgery - a few years on
24/09/2023 20:40:20

Just to elaborate a little, Peter [but first, thank you for your courtesy] … My short-sightedness started at school, and I wore ‘negative’ lenses from about age 13

I’m not sure how valid this is, but it was thought to be caused by classroom behaviour: repeatedly looking from blackboard to book puts a strain on the eye muscles, which is counteracted by the eyes becoming gradually more short-sighted.

Whatever the truth of that, my eyes progressively worsened, to the point where I needed about -3 dioptres

[ plenty of people are considerably worse than that ] … at which point, I could easily see to work on small items, simply by removing my glasses.

As the years passed, of course, my accommodation started to deteriorate and I lost most of that ability.

Fast forward a few years and at age 55, my optician gave me the news that he could see signs of ‘early onset cataract’ … believed to be triggered by the use of inhaled steroids for hay-fever

More recently [a long story but I will skip the detail] I started ‘iris pigment shedding’ and this, in conjunction with the worsening cataracts was causing quadruple vision [double vision in each eye] which is decidedly inconvenient.

The cataract surgery, one way and another, fixed all, of that; and I found myself able to drive without glasses for the first time ever. My eyes are now 40/20 but the numbers on the dashboard instruments are noticeably fuzzy, and looking at anything closer requires an optical aid of some sort.

On balance, it’s all worked-out very well, but I do miss that ability to just take off my glasses for close work.


Thread: Is there an Android expert in the house …
24/09/2023 20:06:27

The App seems to be doing its job nicely … indicating a good wi-fi signal and ‘no connection’ on the cell : the needle hasn’t moved off the -141dB stop yet.

The proof of the pudding will come when I take it out for a walk tomorrow.

Good luck with the conspiracy nutters.


24/09/2023 18:49:18
Posted by peak4 on 24/09/2023 16:13:30:

Right now I understand a bit more;
The other app I use is Network Cell Info; I use the free lite version and put up with the adverts which aren't too intrusive.

It gives a nice clear easy to read display […]


Thanks, Bill … that looks very promising … I will download it forthwith !

The problem with the glasses is quite infuriating : For most of my life I was short-sighted, and needed to take my glasses off to do close work. But since I had the cataract surgery I am a little long-sighted [and fixed-focus], so I need to put glasses on to do anything closer than arm’s length away.

Very, very, pleased with the cataract job, but the performance with glasses and various magnifiers still doesn’t come instinctively.



Edit: __ having just read the recent reviews, I may ditch it after completing my local survey sad

Edited By Michael Gilligan on 24/09/2023 18:55:16

Thread: 9/16 nut help!
24/09/2023 15:43:02

Posted by Bill Phinn on 24/09/2023 15:28:39:



The source of confusion, I think, Jason is this page, where the clearance diameter of D is given as 14mm and then qualified, in brackets, with the words "9/16" UNF stud" .


Thanks for posting that link, Bill yes

… I can feel my sanity slowly creeping back.


Thread: Is there an Android expert in the house …
24/09/2023 15:33:56

At my property, the signal level is -100dB or worse

I know where the local tower is, and I know that there are dead-spots in the coverage

What I want to do is a quick check of signal level at any convenient point that I happen to find on my travels.

The ‘phone is difficult to use with my arthritic hands, and difficult to read without glasses … so I was just hoping for a slightly easier life.


Thread: 9/16 nut help!
24/09/2023 15:22:38

I’m even more lost now than I thought I was crying 2




Edited By Michael Gilligan on 24/09/2023 15:25:04

24/09/2023 15:13:45
Posted by Margaret Trelawny on 24/09/2023 14:46:36:

Guys, I’m getting more and more confused (doesn’t take much!)

As mentioned in my opening post - the arceuro 111 QCTP is supplied with (according to their catalogue) a flanged nut specified as 14mm (9/16 UNF).

The toolpost stud from LMS is specified on their website as having a 9/16-18 thread.

to recap - the nut supplied with the 111 QCTP (specified as 14mm (9/16 UNF) WON’T FIT this stud.

So if I buy a 9/16 UNF nut surely it’s going to be the same as the arceuro nut? Or am I missing something?


face 21 Thanks all



Well someone, somewhere, must be being ‘economical with the truth’

9/16” is 14.2875mm so that conversion is obviously ‘ish”

You do really need to measure these things



Edit: __ as Jason says, the 9/16” would be a nice clearance hole for an M14 thread.

P.S. __ M14 x 1.5 is a very coarse pitch of thread compare with the other two you have mentioned.

Edited By Michael Gilligan on 24/09/2023 15:24:08

24/09/2023 14:20:44
Posted by Margaret Trelawny on 24/09/2023 14:10:01:

Hi all,

thanks for your replies. I agree a non-flanged nut with a thick washer would probably be fine.

can’t remember which chap said 9/16-18 are readily available in the UK - I have not been able to find any. Would you be kind enough to post a link please?


As recently stated:

There are loads of 9/16 UNF nuts on

With or without flanges, and a few interesting ‘specials’

list them with cheapest with p&p first …and take your pick

[ some are ‘stiff-nuts’ … which may, or may not, be useful ]


Do you need a link to an ebay search ?

… I think this might do it:



Edited By Michael Gilligan on 24/09/2023 14:23:20

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