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Member postings for Wolfie

Here is a list of all the postings Wolfie has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Thrust washer
14/11/2016 11:41:16

Its a BSA C15

The 83-1234 isn't a proper part number, I was just using it for an example.

11/11/2016 17:00:27
Posted by Muzzer on 06/11/2016 13:43:25:

Wow. A moderator on a model engineering forum with 500 posts to his name lacks both the basic knowledge of what a thrust washer is - and the ability to Google it. I thought I had a good armchair!



Muzzer I'm a truck driver not an engineer, when you can reverse a fully loaded artic into the mill bays at Avonmouth mill and not fall into the dock without asking a truck driver how to do it then come and talk to me wink

The reason I'm a moderator has nothing to do with engineering and a lot more to do with the fact that I'm good at computers

Edited By Wolfie on 11/11/2016 17:01:10

11/11/2016 16:55:06

OK thanks guys I understand thrust washers now.

I'm working from diagrams that aren't much more than parts lists so all I have is a picture with numbers on, and a list to check the numbers against thus part 86-1234 is a thrust washer.

So the next question is then if part number 86-1234 is missing, how the hell do I find out what it was made of??

Edited By Wolfie on 11/11/2016 16:56:03

07/11/2016 13:47:50
Ok I'm doing my first motorcycle restoration, it's basically a practice run and learning curve. I keep running across references to thrust washers and they look like normal 'round thing with a hole in' washers. I was trying to find out why they had this special name, what differentiated them from normal washers which in a lot of cases appear to do the same job. For instance if I come across a missing one, can I simply replace it with a steel washer??

Edited By Wolfie on 07/11/2016 13:49:57

06/11/2016 12:49:10

So in effect, its a sorta flat bearing?

06/11/2016 12:47:57
Posted by Tim Stevens on 05/11/2016 17:31:31:

The washer will not create anything - sorry. This is a difficult question to answer, Woolfie, not because the science is hard but because I do not know where you are starting from. If I make assumptions (such as that you know about Newton's Laws of force and motion) then you might struggle if you are not up to speed on the science, but if I really do start from square one, you are likely to consider me a patronising old fart.

Basically, look at a boat propeller, and this turns, providing a force trying to push the boat forwards. This force happens because the propeller is pushing the water backwards. What stops the force back from the water from pushing the propeller shaft into the boat? Well it has to have something to push against. And to stop this thing (whatever it is) from wearing out as the prop shaft pushes against it, we add a device designed to resist the force without wearing out. This 'thing' is called a thrust bearing. It holds the prop shaft in place (up and down and side to side) so the water does not get into the boat, but its main job is to resist the push of the prop shaft.

In practice, a shoulder on the shaft might push against a washer fitted to the boat - this is a very basic thrust bearing. But the turning combined with the continuous force will wear it out, so we try oil and grease - which are an improvement. But the turning action squeezes out the lubricant, and the continuous force does not allow any slack to allow more lube in. So, special self-lubricating material (such as wood or plastic or metal impregnated with oil or graphite, etc) is used, and there still needs to be a smooth flat surface to push against, so this is what the washer provides. Clever thrust bearings can include steel balls or rollers to avoid the sliding, or the use of swivelling plates which tilt under load to allow lubricant in (as mentioned by Bob Brown above).

I hope this helps, but do ask again if there are gaps in the explanation for you.

Regards, Tim

PS: I am reminded of a student who was puzzled by an explanation of how a car engine works. After several frowns, he said 'Does petrol burn, then?'



Thankyou this makes it quite clear. It was the requirement for it to be self lubricating which was the sticking point, I couldn't quite work out what made them any different from any other washer but now I know why!

Edited By Wolfie on 06/11/2016 12:48:21

05/11/2016 17:07:52

OK so how does simply putting a washer on a shaft create this counter force? Wont it just slide on the shaft?

05/11/2016 14:48:05

OK can anyone explain to me in words of one syllable what a thrust washer is?

If you talk about 'axial forces' you will have already lost me lol crook

Thread: Tuning
30/04/2016 10:08:01

Thanks lads, again things become a bit clearer yes

Thread: Carburettors!
30/04/2016 10:03:32

Thankyou lads some excellent info there yes

Thread: Springs??
30/04/2016 09:55:33

Yes I was going to buy not make, I need a couple of motorcycle stand return springs. I don't have one of the originals

Thread: Tuning
29/04/2016 18:52:34

How do you 'tune' a bike or an engine? I mean you would think that it was at its best when it came out the factory. So what does 'tuning' actually mean as in what do you physically do? cheeky

Thread: Carburettors!
29/04/2016 18:49:27

OK chaps, in words of one syllable for my benefit...

Carburettors, how is it they can differ??

OK I understand that a carb mixes fuel and air to send to the cylinder. It does so in a narrow part of the carb which ups the air pressure or summat so that you can squirt in the fuel through a jet to atomise it.


1. Why do they have more than one jet? And what difference does different sizes of jet make?

2. What difference do different size carburettors make?

3. What difference does the length of the needle make?

And anything else anyone may care to add. Not much then

Cheers cheeky

Edited By Wolfie on 29/04/2016 18:50:04

Thread: Springs??
29/04/2016 18:42:33

OK springs. If I want to buy a spring, one that isn't in my Acme box of assorted springs, what do I ask for?

OK I guess I can say x long and y in diameter and say whether it pulls or pushes, but what about strength?? I need one that will hold something up, but won't be too strong to be moved by a fairly light push.

How do I describe that. Is there a unit of springiness?? cheeky

Thread: Plating nuts and bolts
26/01/2016 20:16:37

I'm in a very rural part of North Yorkshire, there isn't much round here so home plating would suit.

Yeah it was Gaterous I was looking at.

How thin is the layer of zinc/nickel? I mean does it mess threads up?

And what's best, zinc or nickel. And how long does it take? Do you have to do one bolt at a time?

Cheers all

Edited By Wolfie on 27/01/2016 09:28:52

24/01/2016 18:30:44

I want to tidy up the rusty nuts and bolts coming off my C15 project. Have heard about zinc or nickel plating.

Anyone have any experience of either?? I don't really want to go down the stainless steel route as its expensive and I'm not likely to be riding in poor weather.

Thread: Italian Motorcycles.
27/12/2015 20:28:08

You can do motorbike orienteering???

Thread: Thread Lock
20/12/2015 19:26:22

That was exactly the information I was after, thanks Ketan

20/12/2015 12:23:52

What you mean by blue/red/green??

20/12/2015 11:02:14

Whats the best thread lock to get??

I know people say Loctite, but when you look theres dozens of different types!

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