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Member postings for J Hancock

Here is a list of all the postings J Hancock has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: SMR's a conundrum.
09/11/2021 08:30:09

Just as we ironed out all the tiny problems with the AGR's ALL the supporting industries were closed down.

The 'cheap and cheerful' PWR became the 'go to' design and build.

The PWR design is , I believe , basically 'ours' anyway Rolls sold to Westinghouse ?

The idea we should have 'submarine size/type ' reactors in every town is a myth currently being destroyed.

08/11/2021 13:39:31

Hinkley Point B , 2 x 660MW reactors but only output 500MW.

I wouldn't class them as 'small ' or even 'modular'.

08/11/2021 10:18:06

So , it has been decided , SMR's are the answer to our 'energy problem'.

Except , now , today , S( small ) has become B (big)..

500MW big , which is , approx. the actual output of each of our current AGR reactors !

And of course , no running design exists for a scale up to that size ,

Which means a new untested design, delays , etc, etc , can we really afford to wait that long ?

Thread: UK fires up old coal power plant as gas prices soar
07/11/2021 10:43:32

The above is a 'colourful' link , but I find the ' GB National Grid status ' presentation easier to follow.

07/11/2021 09:35:03

Going for 'records' today folks, exporting, no coal firing , wind at 44%, nukes flat out, gas at all time low.

05/11/2021 13:01:46

It would appear , that on Nov 3rd , Nat. Grid were paying, at one point £4/Kwh (unit) , for those coal-fired

stations to save the day . 100 x normal price.

05/11/2021 12:02:53

And now COP is over , today , we are back to relying on coal again , approx 3 % of requirements.

04/11/2021 12:48:11

Wind came to the rescue today , Europe is only being allowed just enough gas to meet their needs by Vlad , so

they have no spare electrical energy for us to buy. via the interconnector.

04/11/2021 08:45:10

That option is all about topography , Norway good , UK bad .

Tidal is totally overlooked .

03/11/2021 15:23:24

If I was Australia , I truly would never go nuclear .

Clean coal for you.

There are very nasty but essential reasons for running nuclear power by 'us' .

03/11/2021 12:09:20

Agreed , coal is far from perfect but neither is no wind and no sun !

We could have installed Carbon Capture, NOX and SOX filters to reduce the 'nasties' , at least until we had built

40GW of nuclear to provide reliable base-energy to replace gas.

03/11/2021 09:06:53

A really special day today , 0840hrs.

The entire output of our coal-fired stations being exported to Europe via the interconnectors.

Thread: Saving the Planet … or is it ?
31/10/2021 12:13:09

A 'special' train with 2000 tonnes of aviation fuel was delivered to ' Glasgow ' from Isle of Grain last week.

That is 4000 tonnes, including the return trip .

Just for a ' jolly chinwag '.

Thread: Yet another scam
30/10/2021 17:58:25

No trouble when I sent it two weeks ago OR when I 'forwarded ' it again today to check !

30/10/2021 12:52:24

Not easy to find , but for Santander report scams to [email protected]

Thread: Chemical Etching of Glass
27/10/2021 08:55:05

When you can't even buy a tube of Evostik off the shelf anymore it 'beggars belief' this stuff is considered safe for children to use.

Industrially, they die up here on Humberside with accidents of similar material.

Thread: Lathe Drilling
26/10/2021 15:43:44

Or the drill bit/s not being sharpened correctly ?

Thread: Guided bus lane
26/10/2021 08:44:43

I first saw this ingenious method of car wrecking at work while drinking a coffee, outside a 'brasserie' ,

somewhere in mid-France.

Certainly quite spectacular

If you are moving , the dissipation of the kinetic energy in such a short distance results in much damage.

Thread: Sewage dumping
25/10/2021 12:08:07

The sewage dumping is really just the publicly visible sign of a 'policy' going/gone wrong.

In general, the State owned corporations of the past were run on a 'cost-plus' basis.

Debt was 'impossible' without Exchequer approval.

Equally , 'profit' was non-existent because the only shareholder was the State.

Then , massive amounts of public money were invested , just to make these 'industries ' ready for the big sell-off , on the cheap.

For a while , that investment coped with the increase of demand which a rising population imposed on it.

Not anymore , that investment has been worked to death , just at a time which requires yet another massive

injection of money to manage the new 'future'.


25/10/2021 09:42:15

It was on the BBC R4 news item this morning.

£60.000,000,000 paid out to shareholders over the years could have something to do with it.

That's sixty billion pounds.

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