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Member postings for David Colwill

Here is a list of all the postings David Colwill has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: The secret life of components S3 By Tim Hunkin
30/03/2023 23:30:47

You can find them on youtube!

Thread: CAM software for Lathes
14/01/2023 09:40:22

Dolphin is quite affordable.



Thread: Oils/grease for mini lathe
13/07/2022 22:29:31

Mostly the advice is avoid sets. They contain tools that you don't need.

Instead pick an insert type. CCMT060204 or DCMT070204 (the triangular TCMT? have their fans as well) and get the basic tool to suit it SCLCR1010H06 or SDJCR1010H07then buy other holders to suitother applications.

Another good insert type is scmt09t304 with this holder SSSCR1212H09. This can face and chamfer in one tool and can turn but not to a shoulder.

For the tools I use cheap Chinese ones and they are fine. The inserts are another story.

I'm sure others will jump in here.


Edited By David Colwill on 13/07/2022 22:31:08

Thread: Cutting threads
05/06/2022 10:51:54

My theory (and it is only a theory) is that swarf from the thread cutting gets dragged back into the threads, with this result. Some dies are more prone than others with new cheaper offerings seeming to be the worst offenders.

To help overcome this I frequently blow the swarf away and avoid using thick cutting oils that can keep the detritus hanging around. Be extra careful when unscrewing the die afterwards.

Again this is only my theory and I am interested to hear the thoughts of others, having had my fair share of this scourge.



Edited By David Colwill on 05/06/2022 10:54:07

Thread: Hardening clock pinions in EN8 steel
05/06/2022 09:08:05


I haven't played around with it but have seen Clickspring on Youtube make cutting tools by hardening and tempering it,


Thread: Warning buyer beware
04/06/2022 13:48:13

I see that it is back on eBay for £700.00


31/05/2022 19:03:52

So the boring head is going back where it came from.

I'm not sure that this is a case of buyer beware, more a case of buyer check what you have bought!

In your position I would be reasonably confident of getting my money back. As others have pointed out use Paypal as a method of payment, they will immediately pull the money back if there is any problem and are pretty good at getting to the bottom of things.

As far as I am concerned this is a great illustration of your consumer rights in action!



Thread: New series by Tim Hunkin
21/04/2022 19:16:18

He has started to release a new series of the secret life of components on his Youtube channel.




Thread: EMCO Maximat Super 11 - Headstock & Gearbox Oil
19/01/2022 13:23:06

I have ordered some which should be here in 3 to 5 days.

I will PM you when it arrives.



18/01/2022 21:23:49

I keep other Castrol oils in my eBay shop ( I have AWS 68 ) but not this. I will ring my suppliers and see if I can get some as it may be worth stocking.



Thread: Slip gauge question.
17/01/2022 14:04:03

I have made precision ground stones and find them very useful. However for gauge blocks I find a small ruby stone (very cheap off ebay) seems to work very well. It is very hard, seems to be very flat and does not scratch the surface of the gauge block. As to the blocks you have, even worn they are very useful as packing and for other setups. I always pick up odd junk ones when I see them.



Thread: Lathe tooling
13/01/2022 14:56:06

The toolposts listed look to be Dickson clones. Whilst they work well, making extra holders is not straight forward.

I use an Aloris clone Arc Euro model 200 or 222. These take 16mm tooling and will fit your lathe. The holders are (I believe ) cheaper and certainly easier to make.

Whilst I agree that QCTP's are not always quicker to go from tool to tool, they do make life easier if using a DRO (and you have enough holders).

I wouldn't be without mine!



Thread: Royal Fail
11/01/2022 18:02:47

Sadly it isn't just RM, they are all suffering from delays. One thing in RM's favour, they will eventually deliver. Hermes / Inpost just throw it in the bin!



Edited By David Colwill on 11/01/2022 18:03:37

Thread: Laser Cutter
30/10/2021 07:17:56

I have its very much cheaper cousin and am surprised at how good it is. There is a ton of youtube videos out there that go quite deep into the ins and outs of them.



Thread: Guided bus lane
26/10/2021 08:01:27

How about this.

Another example of over enthusiastic traffic calming.

Thread: Workshop content
08/10/2021 12:44:02

Can you give us a rough idea of where you are?


Thread: Hardinge HLV H
01/10/2021 07:25:09
Posted by Pete Rimmer on 27/09/2021 19:30:38:
Posted by David Colwill on 27/09/2021 07:20:25:

I believe that there is a difference between the British and American built machines. The British Machines have a 4 degree taper as opposed to the 3 degree 59 minute 30 second of the American machines.

Not a problem if you are working to the taper on your machine.


I make it roughly 0.00017" difference which is no difference at all given that the big and small ends have a 7 tenths allowance on the drawing.

I have to say that I never bothered to work out what the difference was. I just knew that the British machines are 4 degrees.

Sorry for making everyone rush for their calculators.


Edited By Pete Rimmer on 27/09/2021 19:34:35

27/09/2021 07:20:25

I believe that there is a difference between the British and American built machines. The British Machines have a 4 degree taper as opposed to the 3 degree 59 minute 30 second of the American machines.

Not a problem if you are working to the taper on your machine.


23/09/2021 21:35:24
Posted by Mark Rand on 23/09/2021 20:26:43:

It's very easy to turn the hardinge nose taper to make chuck back plates.

Indeed it is.

That was this mornings job, spurred on by this thread.


23/09/2021 07:36:32

I have never seen a chuck on a Hardinge backplate in good condition. Like Pete above I have the older HLV. This had a chuck with it that was worn well past the dangerous to use stage. The taper mount was built into the chuck but I was able to machine away enough to allow me to mount a Chinese 100mm 3 jaw chuck which works okay for the odd time I need it.


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