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Member postings for Ray Lyons

Here is a list of all the postings Ray Lyons has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Plasma cutter at lidl
09/03/2022 20:44:27

I was hoping tat by now to have had some reports about the performance of the machine. Looking at various videos it would appear that it suffers from compressor condensation which effects the cutting finish. I would like to know more if anybody has tested it yet but as the weather has been rough, perhaps good tests have not been possible.

Thread: MEW 313
21/02/2022 20:52:49

Hopper, I like your method for the ML7. Don't know if it will work with my Super 7 fitted with gearbox but I guess the basic idea can be adopted. Can't wait to get into the workshop again to try a setup.

20/02/2022 15:54:04

Some time ago, I said that when number 300 was reached I would stop the subscription since my time in the workshop is now limited and the contents of many of the articles being computer based were of little interest to me. Here we are, No 313 and I still manage to find at least one little gem in each edition.

This time it is John Purdy's quick stop for quill machines. It was just after Christmas when I was last in the workshop and trying to make a stop system but John's idea is much better and I will have a go when the weather allows.

Then there is the photos of his indexing setup on the Myford lathe which requires little explanation. One job on my list is to engrave dials for my almost finished T&C grinder and that shown seems to be a simple method.

Thread: Plasma cutter at lidl
20/02/2022 15:32:54

I went into my Lidl on Thursday to find only one left. Lifted it into my trolley and then decided that the lump was too heavy. Put it back on the pallet and another guy immediately grabbed it and carried it to the checkout. Now in my 80++ years, do not think it would be used much so I hope that the new owner is in greater need.

I would still like to hear from buyers about the performance of the machine

Thread: Anybody else remember Chuck the Muddle engineer?
30/01/2022 17:12:33

When i moved away from town into the country where I had more freedom to play around with fire in the back yard, I used Terry's book as a guideline to get started. My first efforts were using a clay garden pot encased in a tin and filled with refractory cement Results were quite good using a propane gas fired torch and scrap aluminium.

Then one day, I called at my local petrol station to fill the car when I noticed that outside the office, there were some bags of coke about half the size of the bags containing coal. The coke was in small chips similar to that used in a forge so I decided to try a couple of bags intending to have a go when time allowed. When I modified the "furnace" the performance was quite impressive melting aluminium with ease using a gentle air supply from a hair dryer.

By the time I got around to the trial, it was well into Autumn and it was a dark, misty evening when I called to get some fuel for the car. Looking outside, I could not see any bags of coke so going into the office found a young chap serving, I was later told that he was holiday relief for the owner, his brother and had come over from Holland for a few weeks. As I was paying for the fuel, I asked if he had any coke in stock. The reply was a very hesitant Noo.. and detecting an accent, I tried to explain by saying that it came in small plastic bags. Even to this day, I can still see the shocked expression on that young boy's face so I left thinking to try another day. It was not until I got home that I realised what I had said and was relieved that he had not called the law and have me picked up.

Thread: CNC Engraving
08/12/2021 07:11:38

Thanks Andy. Now that opens up a number of real possibilities and renews my interest. Could be I will have a new toy for Christmas.

07/12/2021 15:28:54

I had a feeling that some of the advertisements were a bit optimistic. One suggested engraving stainless steel while another on Youtube demonstrated a partial success on a stainless knife using a coat of mustard which I guess burns onto the metal leaving a mark which would wear away after a short time. Some people have constructed their own machines and one demonstrated cutting a sort of gear from a 1/4" alloy plate using a palm router fitted with a HSS bit and making many passes to cut the depth.

I feel disappointed but happy that I contacted this forum so I keep my money until I find out a bit more about the process.

06/12/2021 21:48:50

Recently I saw a polished wooden sign where a design was burned onto it using a CNC controlled laser. The detail was impressive and I was told that it was produced on a cheap desk top machine. This set my brain racing with the idea that perhaps it could be used for engraving graduation dials and nameplates in the workshop. I have looked at the usual EBay offers and Youtube but without actually seeing the thing working it is hard to judge.

Maybe there is some experience in the group which would help me decide if it is worth buying a cheap ( £200-300) machine and what results could be expected using a 15W laser or a fine rotary cutter

Thread: Halogen Oven
12/10/2021 21:51:49

Thanks all. I will try the Mole grips tomorrow to see if it works. Sure that the element is dud since it is burned black and distorted

12/10/2021 19:25:53

I have a couple of these ovens where the heating element has blown. Stripping stops where I try to remove the fan impeller, it seems that a special tool is required to remove the drive shaft nut, The drive shaft is about 6mm threaded and has a flat milled on the side. Can anyone suggest how can I remove the nut without spoiling the threaded shaft.

Thread: They see you coming
05/09/2021 12:27:13

Going back to the beginning, the car in question is a Peugeot Partner Tepee, basically a van with seats and windows in the back. It does have small arrestors for the car mat but in my opinion are too small and on the list is a job to tie some string around the seat base and punch some holes in the carpet to stop it wandering.

On the subject of getting it wrong. When I was working, we had a number of contractors who supplied us with hire plant. In the agreements, we had an obligation to provide fuel and lubrication an a daily basis. On one job I hired a large diesel powered compressor and when we finished, it went back to the local depot. I later had a call from our transport supervisor to say that the engine on the compressor was seized and that I would be responsible for repair. The compressor was not a serviceable item but the engine was in my court. I asked to examine the engine and was told I could when they completed the strip down. I was amazed on entering the workshop to find the engine was stripped covering 2 large tables. I was then informed by the manager that the compressor had seized and there was no fault with the engine. I asked why they had not dropped the clutch out to see before removing the engine, no reply so I left them to put the engine back together.

04/09/2021 19:51:10

Turning into the lane leading to my garage, I heard a click which seemed to come from the front wheels. Got out my old "spider" brace to check the wheel nuts but all seemed ok. Because of my advancing years and therefore loss of strength, I decided to take the car to my local tyre man and ask him to check with his torque wrench. Now, I expected him to do a quick check at no more than £10 cost but he insisted putting the car onto the lift where a mechanic did a lot of thumping with a mallet and prising with some levers to then declare that the shock absorbers were worn costing about £500 to replace, even though the car has only done 20K miles. Not happy I left to investigate further.

Over the next few weeks, I experienced a number of these "Clicks" and thought that it then came from closer to the steering wheel with the thought that it could be something wrong with the indicating switch. Then one day as I turned into the supermarket car park, I heard a loud ping. When I later went to reverse out of the parking bay, the steering felt heavy and I felt something move under my feet. I got out of the car and found that the car mat had moved forward and somehow had become tangled in a pinch bolt on the steering column. After a bit of giggling, I managed to release the mat to find that the end was shredded as if chewed by a playful dog.

Straight back into the supermarket where I purchased a new set of mats costing £8.99. Job Done and a few weeks later, the car passed the MOT without fault.

Thread: oil blackening
30/04/2021 07:07:25

I have a tin of used engine oil which works well. Heat the metal to just below red and then dip in using a wire. Sometimes takes a couple of dips to get the right colour and it lasts for ages without further treatment

Thread: A Certain Age
21/03/2021 17:20:27

Efficiency in the workplace is largely common sense. My son was pressured into having new smart meters fitted in his flat by his energy supplier and because it had to be done during the day, I was elected to flat sit for the visit. We had already decided that the afternoon slot would be best for me so I parked myself to await the engineer to arrive, anytime between noon and 4PM. Knock at the door at just after 3PM. The electricity meter was just in the entrance hall but when I told him that the gas meter was at the back, one floor down he said that because both meters had to communicate with each other using a wireless link, they had to be closer together. Just to be on the safe side he decided to fit some test gear to make sure and when I went out to show him the location there was a second engineer with his own large van waiting to start work.

When booking the appointment surely it would have been simple to ask a few questions relating to the meter location or at least send a rep along to check the location. Heaven knows the cost of sending two engineers and two vans.

09/03/2021 18:05:28

It looks as if I have stirred up a hornets nest. I checked again my HUD and found that the indicator for the range is wrong ( at least I think it is), it shows KM/M so I guess the K should not be there. Anyway it works in keeping me safely below the speed limit and is much better than having to glance down at the instrument panel.

Although I did some work on computers before retiring, it is "old hat" by todays PC systems. All my computing on the PC is self thought and has some very big gaps. I have tried to learn CNC but without success and as fpr the 3D - forget it. I admire those who use these systems but fear that it is too late for me. I retired over 30 years ago and on a recent medical report was described as fragile.

I have tried the smart phone and although it is useful, I can't understand why some people seem to have them fixed to their hands. As I took off from the car park this morning, I had to brake sharply to avoid a "phone carrier" who appeared from nowhere right in my path.

A couple of years ago, I had a day out at our local seaside. As we left the car park, approaching us on a narrow pavement, came this telephone carrier. He walked straight into a road signpost,,almost bounced off it looking shocked and surprised,. Still holding the phone, walked past me without looking, still engaged.

A couple of hours later, we were shopping, Leaving my wife to browse, I was outside sitting on a bench enjoying the sun. The pavement was quite wide and was at two levels with a few steps connecting the levels. Along comes a phone carrier on the upper level. On reaching the steps he did a paratrooper roll and still holding the phone, smiled at me and said "missed that one", got up, and walked off still on the phone.

If either of those incidents had happened to me, it would surely have been a hospital job if not fatal. So for the moment, my smart phone sits on the table next to my arm chair. My only regret is that I did not have it with me the day both of those incidents happened. I could have taken a video and possibly earned some dosh by sending them to Harry Hill on TV.

20/02/2021 15:44:40

Thanks, Again another drift off. Didn't bother to check the data so my HUD must be way out but I think worth keeping for the displayed safety margin.

20/02/2021 14:58:40

Another "granddad" moment. Too old to get under the car now so I have taken to adding little things to tart up the specification. One of these is a head up display which is much better than glancing at the instrument panel whilst driving. Plugged into the diagnostic socket, it displays RPM, Speed, Coolant Temperature Gear position and a whole lot of other things which can be selected on the touch screen. During the lockdown, we have been confined to local trips only to do the shopping and I noticed that the displayed speed is slightly higher than that shown on the instrument panel speedo. A couple of weeks ago, I was able to take to the open road, taking my wife to our local vaccination centre when I noticed that the speed was indeed about 10% faster than the speedo indicated. This morning, following shopping as I reversed into the garage, I thought to investigate the reason and found that I had set the speed in KM/h instead of MPH. I was going to change it but on reflection decided to leave as it is since an indicated 30 is in fact about 28MPH, well within the town speed limit and avoids the dreaded speeding ticket. It looks like a forgetful old codger moment could well be an advantage.

Thread: Covoid jabs
02/02/2021 21:59:08

I had mine on Thursday at our local surgery. Straight in and out within minutes. Two miserable days followed, shivering and aches. My wife has an appointment for next Saturday but in a leisure centre about 12miles away. I put it down to a computer glitch so many people in Wales have had the same complaint. but we are just glad to get the protection

Thread: A Certain Age
29/12/2020 07:01:26

Went to the local recycling tip last week. Had to make an appointment on line and get a slot to attend. On arrival, put my face mask on before lowering the car window for pass checking. Went to the first bins, batteries and small electrical appliances. Got back into the car, the windscreen was fogged up ( heavy rain outside) , put the demister on full but gave up and edged slowly to the scrap metal bin. Got out of the car, still foggy. The air from the mask had misted up my glasses. The windscreen was clear. The old brainbox is a bit foggy too.

Thread: EON customers
25/12/2020 08:01:14

Just checked my account. Debit due to be taken on 1st Jan. Went yesterday.

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