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Member postings for Robin King

Here is a list of all the postings Robin King has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: NEW Original MYFORD Dickson type tool posts & holders
07/01/2013 14:04:25

All I can add to this thread is that I ordered a toolpost and three toolholders from A & R some six months ago, was very pleased with the quality and fit and as a result ordered nine more toolholders just before Christmas. These arrived a few days ago, ahead of the expected delivery date and on checking I found that they all fit the toolpost perfectly. The quality is first class, well worth the money; I've found A & R a very good firm to deal with and I'd have no hesitation in ordering from them again.


Thread: Bar stock
06/12/2012 19:08:18

And a couple of feet for me too please!


Thread: Myford Super 7 - long term storage ?
15/11/2012 21:29:23

I was faced with this problem not long ago due to several planned house moves and the need to store my entire workshop as a result.

I put my Myford into storage about two and a half years ago and before doing so built a crate for it, stripped down the smaller parts, grease covered them and placed them in sealed bags. The main parts were liberally grease covered before the machine was bolted down in the crate and the lid fitted. The whole lot is still in store in a shipping container in a storage yard and when I checked it a few months ago was in perfect condition despite the situation and 'summer' weather.

Depending on how long you intend storing yours I would suggest the same method, but it's worth making periodic checks to make sure nothing is suffering and to take action if needed.


Thread: Drawings - which way up?
23/10/2012 11:48:17

Thank you all for your comments so far, and MM - no I don't believe it's irrelevant.

Harold and Ian P make valid points but what stands out for me is the lack of consistency as well. As an example take Alan Jackson's articles on the Stepperhead Lathe in MEW - drawing1 page 43 of the May issue and drawing 2 on page 43 of the June issue are shown in what I feel is the correct conventional orientation, but turn to today's issue, drawing 22 on page 19 is shown the t'other way round. Both drawings appear to be CAD drawn and dimensioned in the same format so I'm not sure that Harold's argument regarding dimension reading stands up. In ME 21st September issue we have the Simpson and Shipton engine drawing on page 421 shown the 'wrong' (in my view) way up yet in 5th October issue the 14XX drawing on page 493 is the 'right' way up. I don't see the logic!

Further comments invited


22/10/2012 17:04:38

Mad Mike,

Much as I'd like to be at the lathe or mill circumstances dictate otherwise so I'm currently confined to being a 'paper engineer' and teaching myself 3D CAD as well, so probably spend too much time pondering as a result . Talking gearboxes I remember the fun I had learning to drive my old 2CV - the gear change with it's reversed layout was an education in itself but good once you'd mastered it!

No-one's yet come up with a good explanation for the drawings changes - tho' Alan, heaven forbid the EU ever get involved!


20/10/2012 19:39:52

As far as I'm aware - and I may well be mistaken - it has been the convention in setting out magazines that where a full page landscape format drawing is printed on the right hand page of a pair, i.e. the odd numbered page, then it is shown with the head of the drawing towards the centre of the magazine, or staple line, and this is the case with all magazines that I take. Lately I've noticed that in ME drawings are now being shown the other way round with the foot of the drawing to the staple line.

It may well be that I've become conditioned over sixty odd years to turning magazines clockwise ninety degrees to read a drawing but I find this change to turning anti clockwise decidedly irritating. Does anyone else find the same, and can anyone offer a clues as to why the change has been made?


Thread: Cutting oil
10/09/2012 10:16:28

If you can find one (yellow pages ?) it's worth checking out any accessible agricultural suppliers - our nearest, TFM near Bridgnorth, stocks Morris Lubricants cutting oil in 5 litre cans at around £14.70.


Thread: Lubricating Myford ML10 Lathe
22/08/2012 10:34:28

It's just worth noting that the 'Tubal Cain' videos on Youtube are not by the same 'Tubal Cain' (the late and erudite Tom Walshaw) who wrote in ME many years ago but by someone who has chosen to take on that pseudonym more recently, so view accordingly!


Edited By Robin King on 22/08/2012 10:35:40

Thread: Original drawings
16/07/2012 09:58:58

My usual source for original drawings is the drawings archives at the National Railway Museum, York - worth a search online if you're looking for somethin specific.Try : as a starting point


Thread: Latest subscription gift for UK subscribers to Model Engineer
30/06/2012 20:42:11

Couldn't agree more - having subscribed to ME for decades I've never succeeded in claiming one of these free gifts despite adding a request when returning my renewal form.; I get the impression these offers only apply to new subscribers.

Thread: Drill Sharpening Jigs - Advice please.
24/09/2010 15:52:37
I can endorse the views on the Drill Doctor from experience of trying to use mine - with practice it can produce a good point but I could never get it to produce the correct included angle, and the back off was too shallow an angle, despite endless experiments. I talked to a fellow club member who had one and he reported similar problems. Result - both of us have discarded them.
My next task is to build a 4 facet jig as described by Dave Lammas many years ago in M.E. - by all accounts it works well.
Thread: Darjeeling Saddle Tank 0-4-0 New series starting in ME 4378
30/04/2010 11:19:37

Excellent - that's one I particularly look forward to as they've long been a favourite of mine, my interest being revived by the episode in the recent tv series on Indian Hill Railways.
Is there a castings supplier lined up?
Thread: Northumberland locomotive additional dimension
11/08/2009 16:01:43
I have to agree with Jason, any attempt to lengthen the shorter frames by brazing or welding in a section would cause no end of problems, better to start again and guarantee flat frames, and recycle any cut material for other parts. At least the doubts are now being put to rest.
As an ME reader/subscriber, and (rare) contributor for over fifty years the one thing I will say that we all tend to forget that the majority of designs published in ME are by amateur designers, not professionals, and even the pro's make mistakes; it's always been thus. Without the amateur contributions ME and the like would not exist. In my field in architecture dealing with even the simplest structures mistakes can and will happen because we are not fault free as human beings, we just have to learn to live with them and resolve them where necessary.
All credit to David  for being pretty quick off the mark in responding to the concerns raised and for having the commitment to set up and be involved in a site likes this - if past experiences of being a club chairman, committe member, and editor of the newsletter is anything to go by it's a pretty thankless task.
Thread: Northumbrian First Project
09/08/2009 22:15:39
Fair enough but if that be so then it confirms that the cylinder bolt holes are set further back in the frame than shown in the published drawings, just as Mike/Jason raised in earlier posts, as confirmed by my CAD plot. If it would help then I'll gladly email a JPEG scan of the drawing to you direct.
09/08/2009 17:20:23
Although the possible error(s) may have been pinned down I think this needs to be resolved by the original designer, rather than this forum, and so as Jason says it's probably a case of waiting a while. That said, the assumption so far has been that the 6" dimension is correct - may be it isn't,  and the rest of the frame dims are correct after all, in which case it would just be cylinder bolt holes needing correction?. Again - back to the designer for confirmation. 
07/08/2009 17:51:32
I don't know if my earlier attempt at posting this succeeded so attempt no. 2! (apolgies if repetition)
On my CAD frame plot I've plotted the rear horn rivet holes based on item 7, page 31 of ME with holes central to each 1/4" wide leg, and at the vertical spacing I gave earlier; this puts the top holes just above the top of the axlebox slot.
I'm not sure if many would be able to use the CAD drawing unless they have facilities for reading an AutoCAD .dwg file so attaching the drawing may not help; unfortunately I don't have the facility to produce pdf's.
As an alternative I tried a frame plot using the earlier suggestion of increasing the 9/16" dim from the 1/4" dia hole to pump stay (6) to 3/4", giving an overall frame length of 11 3/4". By then setting out the 6" cylinder C/L radius from the driving axle position, and aligining the C/L with the top right hand corner of the frame blank, that puts the centre pair of bolt holes almost exactly central to the 1 5/8" raised section of the frame, which I suspect is where it's intended to be (if plotted to precisely central the 6" radius is actually 6.003" - more than close enough for my needs). That seems to resolve the cylinder position, but I'd be interested to know how that compares to the designers original drawing. All other dims on the frames are set out as the ME published drawing, working from the left hand end.
For those interested in the CAD element I've used settings of primary units of fractional inch to 1/64", with alternative units set to 0.000".
Hope that is of help; I'm away from the computer until late Sunday but will pick up the discussion from there and may by then have some other way of attaching a drawing.
07/08/2009 12:06:09
I've plotted the frames in CAD for the fun of it (bit quiet in the studio!) and just to add to the list:
Fig 10  Firebox support doesn't give a length for this item (guessing about 2") - anyone got any clues?
The rivet hole spacing for the rear horns is not shown on the drawing but works ok if 3/16" / 7/16" / 7/16" centrally to ech leg working from the bottom.
Incidentally setting out the cylinder C/L works equally well if set out from driving axle centre to extreme top right hand corner of the frame plate blank i.e. north east of the circled 3, and equates ok to the 3/8" down dimension mentioned by David in earlier posts.
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