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Member postings for WALLACE

Here is a list of all the postings WALLACE has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Cutting an Hexagonal hole
07/07/2014 07:58:21
A home made Wobble Broach and respective tooling was covered some years ago in MEW. Seem to remember it looked and worked well....

Thread: mig or tig
05/07/2014 23:30:37
Add a foot control for ally as well. You need a bit of extra heat to start off with then knock it down to avoid what you're welding turning into a puddle....

Don't ask.

Thread: Infra Red Tacho
04/07/2014 17:47:43
Probably wrong but I thought virtually all printers, even full colour ones, use carbon black simply because it's cheaper than overlaying yellow, magenta and cyan inks...

Unless it's a cunning ploy by the printer manufacturers to use up the expensive colour cartridges quicker than necessary. ....!!

Thread: Dynamic balancing pulleys
04/07/2014 08:43:22
Another idea.

How about a laser bolted to the lathe pointing to the ceiling ? Adjust work piece for minimum deflection of the dot?

Maybe spring / mass load the laser so it resonates at a couple of hz, if you use a vfd to 'tune' the lathe's out of balance vibration to be the same, this would effectively 'magnify' the wobble on the projected laser line ??

04/07/2014 08:37:01
With all due regard to it NOT getting caught up in things going round, would not an engine stethoscope be simpler ? Or maybe the low-ish frequency wouldn't be to easy to detect ??

Thinking aloud !


Edited By WALLACE on 04/07/2014 08:44:01

Thread: Issue 218 will be a bit special...
25/06/2014 11:17:36
Hi Neil.

Sounds like a very good idea to me !

Thread: Suitable compressor
23/06/2014 09:46:23
Difficult without knowing at what pressure and cubic feet per minute you need !

But off the top of my head and being tight of wallet, I would see if an old fridge compressor would be suitable.

At least they're quiet, a bit of oil carry over won't harm a model although some thought will be needed for regulation, possible smoothing of the output plus of course,any safety issues when dealing with compressed air.

Thread: Where have all Ketan's posts gone?
22/06/2014 12:35:06
I think it maybe because he still owes someone ?2.....

Thread: studs
19/06/2014 19:37:56
I vaguely remember a method where the stud is centred with a drill at the end and split radially with a hacksaw - or fine slitting saw if you're a perfectionist. ..
A dollop of grease is used to hold a ball bearing in place in the centre hole, when tightened this deforms the split end and holds the stud in place.

No idea if it works or not !

Thread: Dickson parting blade holder problem
10/06/2014 21:54:37
Possibly this should be in a new thread. .. but...

I have one one of these tool posts on my Harrison and it's sometimes occurred to me to invert the holder to hopefully give the advantages in geometry in the same way as a rear mounted one. I have LOO taper so running the lathe in reverse won't unscrew the chuck.

But the tool holder looks awfully hard - possibly too hard to drill and tap a hole to take a new 'height adjusting stud' that will be need.

Any thoughts if it's 'do-able' ?


Thread: Need some decent windmills and slot drills
08/06/2014 08:17:10
Hi Gary - by all means ! It took about 30 minutes in the bath last night to 'modify' the original ... and I couldn't get the song out of my head for the rest of the night !

08/06/2014 00:07:42

Like a casting on a faceplate
Like the backgear of the mill
Never ending or beginning
Like the chuck that's on the drill
Or a centre in the tailstock
Or a green grit grinding wheel
Like a Myford lathe that's turning
Parting endless bars of steel
Like a clock whose hands are sweeping
Past the 'thou' upon its face
And the world is like a lead screw
Twisting endlessly in space
As the collet chuck unwinds
Off the ENDMILLS of your mind..... Sorry...I couldn't resist it ! W.

Edited By WALLACE on 08/06/2014 00:09:23

Edited By WALLACE on 08/06/2014 00:10:32

Edited By WALLACE on 08/06/2014 00:21:15

Thread: treadle power
04/06/2014 11:10:28
Someone did an article on this very subject a couple of years ago in MEW with a Unimat lathe...


Edited By WALLACE on 04/06/2014 13:54:05

Thread: Gripping Drills in Chucks
03/06/2014 16:43:10
Hi Neil.

I'll give them a go - especially my 'nice' Albreicht one which is too expensive to replace.

I do my lathe chucks yearly whether they need it or not - last time I used that GT stuff you can get in Halfords which contains PTFE which sounds like it should be ideal.

03/06/2014 13:51:38
Seems to ring a bell that a slipping chuck I has was caused by too much cutting fluid going every where so a flush out with something like carb cleaner might be worth while.

Thinking about it, I've never oiled a drill chuck but I would imagine something very light like Duck Oil would be the one to use.

Thread: Ken Sprayson
01/06/2014 23:04:42
Actually, I not sure if 'changing' the contents is what I really mean.

I think it should be 'adding'to them !

Imagine that - an 'Engineers Workshop' with maybe twice the contents or more....

01/06/2014 22:38:55
Careful John...

People have been tied to a Myford and burnt alive on this forum for even thinking such thoughts...

But I agree ...the sooner the word 'Model'is dropped from the title of MEW and the contents changed to reflect this, the better. ...

Thread: Buzzed by Spitfire!
01/06/2014 21:19:19
Not plane related but mum's recollection was truck loads of American troops driving past her without a single shout or whistle.

Usually, there would be wolf-whistles and laughing and joking but not on D-Day.

Everyone was absolutely silent....


Edited By WALLACE on 01/06/2014 21:24:57

01/06/2014 19:53:33
Dad watched a big raid massing up over Reading one evening.

'I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of that' was pretty much his thought at the time !


Thread: what's the difference in taper, second and plug taps?
01/06/2014 14:55:07
The only taps I personally have ever come across to be tight on the first and second are the ones from ARC.

All others - mostly Sherwood ones from Cromwell Tools but a few others - appear to cut threads to the same diameter.

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