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Member postings for NJH

Here is a list of all the postings NJH has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: London model engineering exhibition
21/01/2018 18:32:46


That is a very heartwarming tale. There are folk about who like to do things like that - without any thought of reward -but just because they feel that it will give pleasure to others - you in this case. I’m sure you will appreciate having your Grandfathers work but appreciate it even more by the route it found it’s way to you.


Thread: Recommendations for a quality milling vice?
31/12/2017 15:40:49

Never come across a job which my Vertex vice couldn’t cope with.


Thread: optivisor
28/12/2017 19:03:08

I agree the optivisor is a very useful and cheapish bit of kit. The only problem with it lies with my wife whose hobbies are in needlework - tapestry, needlepoint etc. and she has found that the optivisor can be useful for her too! .....In consequence it may not always be at hand when required in the workshop.

(Quite reasonable too - who am I to complain? .... mmmmm I wonder if supper is ready yet... ( she is a great cook! ))


Thread: Merry Christmas!
24/12/2017 16:58:12

Neil & Michael

A couple of Xmas punners - I take my hat off to you .


Thread: How on earth do they calculate electricity and gas bills...
21/12/2017 18:57:20

Ah Neil

I’m pleased I’m not the only one pulling out my hair ( not that I’ve got much left to pull out!).

Now it SHOULD be easy. My meter is in a box just outside my front door and my spreadsheet to track bills etc has a line for the electricity meter reading - it takes a moment each day to read the meter and enter the figure into the sheet so I can give a very accurate usage of power at any time.

I recently changed my supplier to British Gas, who offered a “ Smart meter” which would give accurate bills - farewell to the daily meter reading I thought ........ no such luck! - it appears that they don’t work out in the wilds. It seems then that “estimated” bills will be the norm but I will supply a monthly reading and HOPE that works!


Thread: What Did You Do Today (2017)
21/12/2017 17:27:33

"....... pick the genes that give people practical aptitude, neither of my sons seem to have these genes"

Hmmm Mike

It seems to me that he has found a superior solution for his car repairs.

I wish that I could get someone to fix MY cars F.O.C !

Looks like he may have some genes that will suit him for higher management ...... or even those for an MP.


Thread: Super 7 'Essentials' for beginner?
20/12/2017 13:50:43

Hmmm - with the gearbox you don't often change the no. of gears wink 2


18/12/2017 21:27:46




Well  here is a really cheap (free!) mod to remind you of the direction to move the lever for auto cross / long feed:-

feed direction.jpg

Then buy or make a guard for the motor to stop swarf getting in there!

s7 motor guard.jpg

Good luck with your Myford - I really like mine!


Edited By NJH on 18/12/2017 21:30:43

Thread: Steam Locomotive Build
15/12/2017 13:28:00


No clue to where you are but, if it is in the UK, I suggest that your first move should be a visit to your local model engineering club see **LINK**.

There will be a variety of models and usually a track ( you WILL need somewhere to run it after all!) and members will be able to advise on the best suitable project for your needs.


Thread: What Did You Do Today (2017)
14/12/2017 20:17:17

I bought a SAAB 93 new in 1998 and it is still a great car to drive now - lots of "go", comfortable, adaptable ( back seat folds down to take all sorts of "stuff" to the dump when required) and bodywork in great condition. Downside is that it IS a bit thirsty ( 2 litre engine) but then, when you push that right hand pedal down, it does seem to respond quickly and that's fun! cool

As an economy measure we bought a little SEAT for my wife and that gets used most of the time for pootlin' about locally but, for longer journeys, the SAAB still reigns supreme!


Thread: Super 7 'Essentials' for beginner?
12/12/2017 23:01:30


By far the most useful accessory I have for my S7 is a quick change tool post with lots of holders. I have quite a few and it means that whatever tool is required it is instantly available and correctly set to height.

qctp holders.jpg


Edited By NJH on 12/12/2017 23:02:17

Thread: What Did You Do Today (2017)
12/12/2017 19:39:33


They tell me that repeating yourself often is a sign of old age - I really can't remember if that's right! disgust


11/12/2017 11:27:08

Well Chris

Those of us that HAVE one 'aint going to let you in on the secret!


Thread: Myford Wide Guide: where does saddle contact bed exactly?
05/12/2017 22:17:58

Well Neil you may well be right with the bargain price of DSGs BUT you would need a VERY BIG shed to put them in!


Thread: Using Chalk to Centre a 4-Jaw?
28/11/2017 22:49:11

I have a QCTP and have a dti permantly fitted in one holder - very useful for setting work in a 4-jaw.

Thread: What Did You Do Today (2017)
28/11/2017 15:10:02

Hi Colin

"Installed one of Steamer's resettable S7 saddle handwheels"

I have one - it is useful and very well made - however I think it was Graham Meek's baby?

Edited By NJH on 28/11/2017 15:13:07

Thread: Will I ever need a reversing switch?
20/11/2017 19:02:18


I don't think there is an argument IF they are fitted correctly.

The mains should enter via an NVR switch and THEN via the reversing switch. The sequence of operation should be to first select the direction of rotation ( by means of the Dewhurst) and then to operate the NVR switch to power up the machine. This prevents potential disasters in the event of a power cut and means that any arcing on power connection / disconnection is taken by the NVR switch contacts which are designed for this,

If the NVR is omitted then, in the event of a power failure, the machine will start up - with possible disasterous consequences - when the power is restored.


19/11/2017 20:01:50

Well Eug

There you are Jason has given you two good reasons...... however I bought a reversing switch some time ago and thought “I’ll fit that when I need it” ..... but so far I haven’t ! ( This is not really a fair comparison as Jason spends loads of his time in his workshop and produces prodigious and wonderous results... I pootle about, procrastinate, and produce little I’m afraid !)

.......having said that I’ll probably find a need tomorrow then all I have to do is find the switch......


Edited By NJH on 19/11/2017 20:04:05

Thread: V Belt Conversion
18/11/2017 18:24:38


Not done that one but now use link belt which I find works very well and is easy to fit and change.


Thread: How long does it take you to make stuff?
12/11/2017 14:40:22

How long does it take for me to make something?

Well it does depend on the “something” - functional things around the house or “commissions” from my ever loving tend to be accomplished fairly promptly. Other things like “proper” ME projects take much much longer - after all a model is of little use when completed and I find the satisfaction is in the making - so I just poodle along and enjoy the journey.


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