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Member postings for ChrisH

Here is a list of all the postings ChrisH has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Different Steels
31/01/2011 10:51:35
That's great - many thanks,
30/01/2011 18:33:21

Thanks to all for your input and advices here - much appreciated.
Is there a table that shows the different compositions of all the different steels? It would be interesting to compare say EN1A and EN3A.
27/01/2011 22:32:45
The most readily available steel seems to be 230M07, or EN1A. Oft quoted for certain parts is steel 070M20 which is claimed on one website to be the same as 080a15, which seems strange. However, my query is, if 230M07 is used instead of 070M20, what are the likely problems and drawbacks? Will anyone notice?

Thread: C A D for Mac
22/01/2011 18:22:04
I had the same problem opening TurboCad trial - couldn't see the bottom of the drawing or get to it so had to resize each time. Not a problem, just a pain, and for why? I wonder if that happens in a real version or only on the trial?
That said, not done any 3D or imported any files, but the drawing I have tried is coming on quite well given that I have been experimenting with how to do stuff and there is a lot that I do like compared to AutoCad Lt in the way some things are done.
However, can't get the grid to show in dots, only lines no matter what I select, not being able to assign line styles to layers is a pain and there is something very strange happening each time I try to add text, it changes colour and style after entry for a reason I haven't figured out yet and I can't make it stick on the colour & style that I do want.
The system does seem to operate like a mac system though, which is different to how the AutoCad system works - that seems to work more according to how AutoCad want than according to how windows works.
Early days yet, only on day 3 of the 30 day trial. However, before making my choice I will trial ViaCad too.
21/01/2011 13:21:31
Hi Don,
Am just on day 2 of the trial and am just starting to attempt to redrawing a drawing that I have just done in AutoCad LT. (I scaled up Harold Halls lathe fixed steady to suit my lathe - see MEW No.173 when you get it). This will give me a comparison on the 2 systems I hope.
I don't know if it's me or the download, but have problems so far in just drawing a single line, it keeps wanting not to end but draw more, the grid just does lines and I would like it as dots but it won't change, and the dimension so far only lets me do one dimension on an object, if I do a length then a height, it will bin the length to show the height! I am probably doing something wrong for all three, but it might be the download! Still, onwards and upwards, I hope.
I have found the User Guide.pdf which is very useful and was going to print it until I saw how many pages it was and my natural tight nature kicked in, thinking "how much is that going to cost in ink and paper"! So far I have just dived into it on the screen, but I may print it off yet.
20/01/2011 14:19:50
a PS for the TurboCad for Mac free trial - it also helpfully includes a few basic tutorials.
20/01/2011 11:11:51
TurboCad for Mac. Have followed this up a little bit. It comes in 3 specification levels, Designer, DeLuxe and Pro, a bit like new cars.
It would appear from reading other forums that that the development of TurboCad for Macs and for PC's are carried out by different development teams which has allegedly resulted in features in PC not being the same or in the same position on the Mac - I don't know, I've not tried either, but TurboCad UK have confirmed that the Mac version does not have the same 'functionality' as they put it of the PC one. This seems to have resulted in the PC version being 17 and the current Mac version being v5.1 - Build 943; the 'build' bit I think refers to the latest upgrade number but I am not certain. v5.1 seems to be fairly up-to-date as it has been written for Leopard and Snow Leopard, the latest OS - X operating system for Mac.
(David. I think your version 9 could have been a much older version which has now been rolled into a new numbering system, or perhaps not!)
The good news is that if one goes to the website a Mac trial copy can be downloaded for free to try for 30 days (I thought it was 15 but they seem to insist I try for 30). I downloaded the DeLuxe version late last night, have not really played with it but am looking forwarded to doing so. My initial thoughts were that in some ways it may be easier than AutoCad LT, certainly one needs to learn a different way of doing things, but the jury is still out on whether it will do everything that my '96 or '97 version of AutoCad LT will do, BUT, it will do it on my Mac which is definitely a plus point!
I did look on the website but only found trial versions for the PC, hence I went to the (American) site.
Regards, Chris

Edited By ChrisH on 20/01/2011 11:15:38

19/01/2011 14:26:15
You could well be right re the versions for Mac and a PC. From the UK TurboCad website, for Mac is version 5, but for PC it is version 17. What I don't know is whether TurboCad have just skipped, as it were, various version numbers for Mac by updating to the PC equivalent intermittently rather than every time a PC version gets updated, or whether it's a true reflection of the version differences and Mac is well behind.
I am trying to find out, I will let you know if I do.
If the Mac version IS well behind then does it matter? Version 5 seems to be a fairly comprehensive package - I must check their website again and compare it with the PC version!
Regards, Chris
19/01/2011 11:53:51
Has anyone got any experience of comparing AutoCad LT with TurboCad for Mac, or even not for Mac? If so, how do they compare and was TurboCad easy to learn?
I have an old version of AutoCad LT, circa 1997ish, and was thinking of maybe biting the bullet and getting a version of TurboCad to run on my iMac, especially as Ver.4 can be bought reasonably on e-bay, so I can bin my ancient windows laptop, hence the query.
Your thoughts on this, or on either package, would be most appreciated.

Edited By ChrisH on 19/01/2011 11:54:27

Thread: Press Button Oilers
18/01/2011 13:47:52
This morning I had a go at getting the oiler out and thought that the stud extractor was the easiest method to try as a first go.  I had tried this some time ago without success and given up, but obviously I wasn't trying hard enough, as a good go this morning with the extractor and out it came.
So, to Jason and Terry - thanks for the advice. 
17/01/2011 00:04:07
Thanks for the reply - I was thinking of using a stud extractor, the 'cut a thread and use a bolt' is the next progression onwards.  I will see how it works!
16/01/2011 15:06:00
I have an 8mm press button oiler on the lathe that is 'broken' and needs replacing.
Does anyone have a good suggestion on how to remove it without damaging the bit of the lathe it sits in?  The oiler seems to be a very tight fit in it's hole.
Thread: Hints and tips
12/01/2011 14:49:56



If what you say is correct then I bow to your superior knowledge, although I never claimed to have sarcastically described inductance as 'magic'.


I am not an electrical person, I was merely repeating what an electrical person described to me many years ago.  Inductive current or lack of heat dispersion, the former would lead to the latter anyway, so the end result could and probably would be the same in most cases, overheating of the cable on high current loads, which is all you really need to know.




Edited By ChrisH on 12/01/2011 14:50:46

12/01/2011 11:58:38
Steve - have heard about uncoiling the extension cable before use to avoid it overheating, and always do.  Words like "inductive current" return to the little grey cells when I think of this, the wire when left in a coil with a good current flowing through it induces a much higher current in the coil which causes the overheating, I seem to remember.  I hope that is the correct explanation!
Thread: My subscription is running out
11/01/2011 17:55:23
Hi David,
Thanks for following that query up,
regards, Chris 
Thread: Hints and tips
11/01/2011 17:08:13
This is a copy of a tip I got on another thread regarding a welder that kept tripping the MCB.
Connect the welder to the socket via a long meaty extension cable, it limits the inrush current I am informed and stops the MCB from tripping.
Worked for me!
Thread: The Impecunious Engineer
11/01/2011 17:05:36
At last, back in the UK and a rare cold visit to the workshop, I tried the trick of using a long meaty extension lead to connect the welder to the socket that kept tripping and bingo, worked every time!  So that is that problem solved and a big thank you to Neil for the tip.
Thread: My subscription is running out
10/01/2011 12:33:09
Hi David,
Subscription in the UK by direct debit - is it only available as a one off payment per year or is a quarterly (or even monthly?) DD subscription available?
Regards, Chris 
Thread: Gauge Plate
08/01/2011 13:44:14
Andrew, John, 
Many thanks to you both for your replies
06/01/2011 15:34:55
Please excuse the apparently ignorant question, but if you are somewhat of a novice and you don't know the answer.....................
What exactly is gauge plate?  Is it just mild steel plate ground to a specific thickness or is it something more special than that?  I presume it is available in a variety of thicknesses, but is it available in a variety of anything else, like hardness for example?
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