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Member postings for Alan Shepherd

Here is a list of all the postings Alan Shepherd has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Yet another mini lathe question
06/12/2022 19:05:03

Thanks Tom

Posted by Tom Sheppard on 04/12/2022 13:57:52:

I bought an Amadeal Brushless lathe about eighteen months ago. It arrived well calibrated and has been completely reliable. I would nave no qualms about buying from them again.

04/12/2022 09:30:44

Thanks Nicholas. The amain things I want out of the package are a 4-jaw chuck and quick chage tool post, and the extra for the package price over the bare machine is worth it just for these much less the extra tooling.


There's a truly daunting range of machines out there, many of which look identicle on the surface at least!




Posted by Huub on 03/12/2022 21:40:03:

Posted by Nicholas Farr on 03/12/2022 21:04:47:

you shouldn't let a bundle persuade you unless it contains what you are actually looking for. Look at the machine specs first to see which one is the most likely one to fill your needs.


I agree with the above.

Keep in mind, whatever you choose, it is always a compromise. Pick the one that will do most of your jobs with "little effort". There will always jobs that are hard to do and some that can't be done on the lathe of your choice.


Edited By Alan Shepherd on 04/12/2022 09:31:05

Thread: Hello from Edinburgh
04/12/2022 09:22:37

Thanks Noel

Posted by noel shelley on 03/12/2022 22:13:47:

Welcome on board Alan, I can only repeat Howards words, if you have questions then we will have an answer. Noel.

04/12/2022 09:22:10

Thanks David

Posted by David George 1 on 04/12/2022 08:09:00:

Hi Alan welcome to the forum. Just ask on here and you will get loads of information.


04/12/2022 09:21:26


04/12/2022 09:21:04

Morning Howard,

Most of what I use currently are basic hand tools and a decent bench grinder, although I treated myself to multi-process welder last year and have been teaching myself MIG & TIG since then.

Most of the work I have done to date has been in the restoration of tiny old Italian motorbikes, and I've spent hundreds pf pounds and spent many months waiting for bushes, spacers, studs, bespoke washers and the like, hence I started looking at mini-lathes. Bikes will continue to be my main thing, but as I started looking around I saw a lot of interesting modelling projects which look like good fun and good way to learn some machining skills.

As to what I'll be working on, that's still up for debate

Latest project (ok it's a bike, but I've seen bigger models!) was a 1970 Malanca Competizione, great little micro engine to rebuild


Posted by Howard Lewis on 03/12/2022 20:36:44:


If you are a newbie,on here, some questions.

What equipment do you have?

What are you proposing to make?

Have you found and joined a local model engineering club? If not, you would be well advised so to do.

Lots of expertise on here, on all sorts of subjects, so don't be afraid to ask!


Thread: Yet another mini lathe question
03/12/2022 22:32:20

Thanks. I'm a little lost as i can't really see any obvious specification difference between the two. What spec sheets don't tell me is build quality and use ability, but while I can find plenty of feedback on the Sieg, the Amadeal lathe is more of an unknown.

03/12/2022 12:30:43

Hello folks,

I've been reading up on various posts about mini lathes, and almost clicked "pay now" on a Sieg SC3 from Arc.

Someone on here suggested also suggested looking at Amadeal, who currently have a good looking package deal on an AMA714B (sadly Arc only do packages on the SC2)

Has anyone on here had much experience with the AMA714B or with Armadeal generally,?

Yours baffled,


Thread: Hello from Edinburgh
03/12/2022 12:15:32

Hello all, Alan here from Edinburgh. Just starting to fit out a garage workshop so I'll undoubtedly be popping up now and again looking for advice.

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