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Member postings for AndrewD

Here is a list of all the postings AndrewD has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: More beginner questions
30/05/2022 20:26:41

It's difficult to see, but it looks from the first picture like you're using a slotting/parting tool on it's side? This would explain the poor finish and low tool height.

Thread: What Did you do Today 2022
03/05/2022 12:11:05

Assembled the last of three racks for a zinc electroplating setup I'm working on. Just need to insulate the fiddly bits.


Edited By AndrewD on 03/05/2022 12:16:30

Thread: Gear cutting basics help needed.
02/04/2022 08:36:25

There's a handy little computer program called GearDXF where you can input your MOD/DP/Tooth count etc. and it will output the various dimensions and visualisation:


Thread: Full size model of some experimental apparatus
10/01/2022 16:34:59

Resistance? Georg Ohm?

Thread: Excel Spreadsheet Help Requested
01/12/2021 15:27:40

Thanks! Too late to edit unfortunately.


Edited By AndrewD on 01/12/2021 15:27:54

01/12/2021 08:45:15

This should do the trick:

Sub delLine()
Dim r As Long, i As Long

With Sheets("Sheet1"
r = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A".End(xlUp).Row
For i = r To 2 Step -1
If .Cells(i, "C".Value = "" Then
End If
Next i
End With

End Sub

**Please replace the smilies with close brackets. I can't seem to get rid of them**

Open the VBA editor by holding Alt and pressing F11.

Once open, select your spreadsheet in the upper left window and click on Insert > Module.

Copy and Paste the above code (Sub .... End sub) into the main window.

The code assumes that the last used cell in Column A is the total length of the list.

The code assumes that the worksheet is called Sheet1. If, as likeley, it isn't, then please change "Sheet1" in the above code to whatever the sheet of interest is called in your spreadsheet, preserving the quotes.

The code also assumes that your list starts on row 2. If not, please change the 2 on line For i = r To 2 Step -1 to wherever your list starts.

To run the code, open the VBA editor as before (Alt+F11), click the little green 'play' button. A window will appear. Select 'delLine' from the list (it may be the only thing on the list) and click 'Run'.

Alternatively, you can add a button to the spreadsheet to run the code but will need access to the Developer tab to do so. Please let me know if you would like help with this.

Edited By AndrewD on 01/12/2021 08:46:25

Edited By AndrewD on 01/12/2021 08:46:45

Edited By AndrewD on 01/12/2021 08:48:24

Edited By AndrewD on 01/12/2021 08:59:02

Thread: Lathe recognition
27/11/2021 20:33:47

Looks like a Flexispeed to me.

Thread: Treadle Lathe- ID Please?
13/11/2021 12:15:12

I believe it is some model of Relm. The bottom picture on that page is very similar to yours.

Thread: Sieg SC4 change gears
30/10/2021 16:14:25

You don't need to touch those. I think all they do is hold in the threaded block that the above shaft screws into. You can see the back of it if you take the top cover off. Anyway, it's a bit fiddly depending on how long your spanner is because the lead screw can get in the way but the whole assembly simply unscrews.

30/10/2021 14:53:36

There should be (at least there is on mine) two flats on the stud so you can unscrew the whole thing. From memory you need a 13mm spanner.

Edited By AndrewD on 30/10/2021 15:06:27

Thread: Ball Turning Tool
12/10/2021 10:48:45

Is there room to drill out the mounting holes and replace with eccentrically drilled plugs?

Thread: Harrison M250
04/06/2021 12:28:26

Ty Googling 'ball stud bolt' if you can't find a proper replacement.

Thread: Citric acid pickle
13/04/2021 12:28:02

Another problem with citric acid pickle I've found is that the resulting metal salts aren't that soluble. After a few weeks use you get a thick sludge forming that has the consistency of plumbers jointing compound. Horrible stuff!

However, in similar fashion to sodium bisulphate, if you partially neutralise the citric acid with ammonia to make ammonium dihydrogen citrate, the resulting metal salts are far more soluble and the pickle will last a lot longer.

For example, when pickling steel with ordinary citric acid, the ferric citrate produced has a solubility of only about 5 grams per litre (<1oz/gal) whereas the ammonium ferric citrate produced by the partially neutralised acid has a solubility of ~1200g/l (~12lb/gal). It's still completely safe to use (ammonium ferric citrate is the source of iron in Irn-Bru) and I think I read somewhere that it's used in industry specifically for cleaning boilers.

Edited By AndrewD on 13/04/2021 12:29:26

Thread: Windows for the scrap bin?
18/03/2021 11:03:01

The automatic updates with Windows 10 are indeed annoying. However, since configuring them through the group policy options, I can now choose when to download and install. Just like the good old days.

Thread: RH vs LH threads
14/03/2021 09:24:55

In some ways a bicycle is a bit like a bench grinder.

Thread: Looking for 'the bomb in the workshop'
22/02/2021 15:54:07


It was retitled to make it easier to find. But only if you spell compressor with three esses.

Thread: Removing Fluxite paste flux residue
21/02/2021 21:13:39

Hi, I found this which seems to be what you're after. According to the safety data sheet here it's a 50/50 mixture of toluene and isopropyl alcohol both of which are readily obtainable for you to make your own.

Thread: Oiler from lamp Bulb
21/02/2021 12:04:51

Great idea! I don't know about lightbulbs but you can get small glass balls used in jewellery making that are available in 12mm from ebay. £2.75 for 10.


Thread: New member from South Glos.
11/02/2021 16:13:56

Hi all,

I recently bought an SC4-510 lathe and have spent the last few weeks learning how to use it and building up a small collection of tools. I haven't used a lathe since school so it's been enjoyable to get reaquainted and I hope to learn much more from the very knowledgable folks on here.

My day job involves a lot of steel cleaning so I make my own emulsifying degreasers and acid based rust removers. If anyone needs any help of that sort, I will be more than happy to!

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