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Member postings for Peter Seymour-Howell

Here is a list of all the postings Peter Seymour-Howell has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Kingscale 5" models
22/02/2021 14:49:48
Posted by Buffer on 21/02/2021 19:38:49:

I asked Mike Pavie at a show if it came with drawings so I could take it apart and maintain it in the future. He said "No, its my hard work why would I give you a drawing"

I'm afraid that with an attitude like that I wouldn't buy the model. All steam locomotives no matter what their origin will need parts replacing at some point in the future. This could be a simple replacement of motion bushes or complete new parts, some (most) of which needing a drawing. You can't guess dimensions on most motion parts.

Perhaps Kingscale keep an extensive spares list??


20/02/2021 18:17:36

Please keep posting Bill, I don't see anything that you've said as offensive, crikey, someone would have to be pretty thin skinned to be offended by anything that you've said in this thread. IMHO such subject matters should be aired, that's how forums grow and develop.



20/02/2021 12:27:04

Hi Bill

Hope you enjoy it sir...



20/02/2021 11:50:52


Actually, you may find my blog easier to navigate, it has much more detail including my research and probably of more interest.


20/02/2021 11:46:46

Hi Bill

I didn't think you were referring to me, sorry for the misunderstanding. My build is 'Doncaster' rarely off the first page.

Ps: I have the same avatar there as here...

Kind regards


20/02/2021 10:50:48

Hi Bill

Quote: More threads and photos on a what are you making theme I would welcome.

As you are also on the MECH forum then I'm sure you are aware of my own build which has been detailed (many hundreds of photos) there since 2010 and still has some years to go.

I am relatively new to the ME forum and thus haven't given details of my build here. I already post to 3 forums and FB and have my own fully detailed blog which takes up a lot of my time doing the write-ups.

However the ME hasn't been forgotten and my build is now (since 1st Jan) serialised in the ME mag, the articles won't have the full content for obvious reasons but so far the editorial team are doing a great job.



19/02/2021 19:06:17

Hi Bill

quote: 'Do articles on loco builds appear in the present M E just out of interest ?'

I would say that the current ME has a good mix of subjects to keep the reader engaged including a number of locomotive builds.

I think that as Jason said, this forum covers both magazines and thus the content is more varied, I grant you that it does seem to lack in the loco build side of the hobby. The MECH forum is the complete opposite and has always been more on the locomotive side than other areas of the ME hobby. although they do appear.



Thread: Good First Live Steam Model?
11/02/2021 09:32:46

Hi James

I answered your question on the MECH forum.. good luck with your future build.


Thread: What Did You Do Today 2021
04/02/2021 17:29:57

Not today, 4 weeks in fact of making 4472's crossheads, mostly from a solid lump of black steel, the slipper is a removable item for servicing. Next up will be the gudgeon pins, oil reservoirs and associated pipework to the pins and lastly (I hope) the drop links, 1934 pattern. Crossheads won't be mated to the piston rods until the connecting rods have been made.


Thread: Bassett-Lowke A1 restoration as a static - help / advice needed
03/02/2021 20:17:06
Posted by IanT on 03/02/2021 20:01:26:

Did he finish it Ian, I should ask him fact, I just a few minutes ago sent him an email asking him about his new design 'Lynton and Barnstaple' it will be a great loco.


Not that I know of Peter - which was a pity from my point of view (not only because I'm building an A3 version of one) but also because I was the NL Editor at that time.

Interest in 2.5" Narrow Gauge seems to be growing, possibly since 'Toby' - Steve Eaton's N/G loco design. They do make nice compact locos.



That's a shame, I must give him a nudge..

I have been researching the A1 for over 20 years, picked up a fair bit on the A3 too. If you need details on any parts give me a shout and I'll see what I have.


03/02/2021 19:43:36
Posted by IanT on 03/02/2021 19:27:58:
Posted by Peter Seymour-Howell on 03/02/2021 18:46:19:

Ah.. thanks Ian, I wasn't sure which 2 1/2 FS John had... thanks for clearing that up.



Inside information Peter

John published a serialised account of rebuilding his Dad's A1 'Flying Scotsman' in the G3S Newsletter a few years back....



Did he finish it Ian, I should ask him fact, I just a few minutes ago sent him an email asking him about his new design 'Lynton and Barnstaple' it will be a great loco.


03/02/2021 18:46:19

Ah.. thanks Ian, I wasn't sure which 2 1/2 FS John had... thanks for clearing that up.



03/02/2021 18:07:07

Hi br...

humans are amazing creatures, they can do anything that they put their mind too, many never get to discover just what they are capable off doing. A project like this is the perfect incentive for discovering that hidden talent. Completing a family steam locomotive must be the best excuse to get one's hands dirty...



03/02/2021 17:55:12

ah.. a Gresley A1, the most beautiful of all steam locomotives...If I wasn't flat out building my 5" version I'd offer some help, I can certainly answer any questions you may have about the A1's if you desire to have her look more prototypical.

You could contact the 2 1/2 gauge association,s John Baguley who has worked on this model, in fact, he did do a blog on its progress some years ago which may help you. I'm not sure if he finished it? perhaps I should ask him, he's currently drawing up my ashpan for me in CAD.

I'm not sure of your experience in building things but you may find that you could restore this yourself, especially if only doing so to be a static model. Any questions I'm sure could be answered by fellow model engineers.

Here's a link to John FS page..






Edited By Peter Seymour-Howell on 03/02/2021 17:56:37

Thread: GWR green
19/01/2021 15:59:24

Hi Andrew

Have a look at the Phoenix Precision paints range, these are accurate colours formulated by the companies creator Bob Shepperd for which in most cases, he used original paint samples to mix the colours. For GWR their colour changed in 1928, so I guess it depends on which one suits best. From what you have said, perhaps pre 1928 (1906-1928) is the colour for you? I'm afraid I don't know which colours the shunters were back then.



Thread: Is there an easy way to make lots of scale model seats?
13/01/2021 22:17:03


If I was building that I would make patterns of the various seat styles and setups, mould them in silicone and then cast in resin. You'll find all you need from Terranti's, supplier of the materials required.


Thread: Clarke CL500M longitudinal feed screw
09/01/2021 21:59:23

Hi Stuart

I basically have the same lathe although under the Warco badge, I've had mine since 1998 and they are very capable machines. As noted above the cross slide works on the same priciple, ie you tighten the bolt to take up any slack. You do need to keep them oiled just like any other lathe. My own cross slide 8s getting a little worn now although Warco sell the parts. I have found the dials a fraction out but a DRO can take car of that.

As Howard said above, our forebears produced excellent work on equipment less able than these humble machines. They are very rigid and can produce excellent results, they also have double the capacity of a Myford in turning.


Thread: Virtual Meet Ups
06/01/2021 11:06:00

Just a short note to say thanks to Mike for his excellent talk on his Stirling single, well-done sir, not an easy task taking on a part built model. Your approach in tackling the various issues I'm sure will reward you with a fine-looking/working model of what is my 2nd favourite loco of all time...

Great to meet you, other guys, too



Thread: ME magazine late again
04/01/2021 12:34:12

my copy arrived on Saturday ... I never did receive 4654?


Thread: What Did You Do Today 2021
01/01/2021 16:11:46

I'm busy in the workshop machining the crosshead blanks for 4472...just finished.. now on to doing the all-important holes and then profiling. Should have them finished in a week or two...


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