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Member postings for Bo'sun

Here is a list of all the postings Bo'sun has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Belt drive pillar drill and vice
27/07/2023 16:20:01

What a lovely looking piece of kit. From a time when functionality was key, not the price.

Thread: Mystery Giant Wedge Item!
27/07/2023 16:15:51
Posted by not done it yet on 27/07/2023 16:07:33:

Butter patter.

To weighty me thinks.

Thread: Sheet Metalwork
27/07/2023 16:14:14

Thanks All,

Looks like as Baz says, they're better than nothing. I guess, you "pays your money" with these things.

The 200mm version from Warco looks quite attractive for it's compact size (and it will suit my needs), but I think I'll go for a 300mm version. Because as has often been said on here about Lathes and Mills, you can do small things on a larger machine, but not always the other way around. Also, there seems to be more choice with the 300mm versions, although they all look pretty much the same apart from the colour.

27/07/2023 10:59:59

Good morning,

I need to do some sheet metal bending and rolling (around 20 swg Mild Steel).

I've come across these 3 in 1 bender, roller and shearing machines from the likes of Machine Mart, Vevor, Warco, etc.

Are they any good? Capacity looks about right.

Thread: Lidl modellers jigsaw
27/07/2023 09:48:50

Hello CJ,

Have you looked at Pegas saw blades?

Thread: Gear
25/07/2023 17:57:47

Hi Milly S,

Have you tried "Home and Workshop Machinery"? They advertise Colchester change wheels. Not sure about Chipmaster ones though.

Thread: HBM 250-550 Lathe Tooling
23/07/2023 12:11:38
Posted by SillyOldDuffer on 13/07/2022 10:33:04:

Worth browsing the Grizzly website to see if they sell the same machine because manuals for the US market are often more complete than the basic material supplied with British machines. The Grizzly G0602 looks similar, it's manual might be useful,


I wish the manuals for my Warco WM250 Lathe and WM16B Mill were as useful. Mine had numerous omissions and "out of date" information. Probably the most concerning was having to remove Mill tooling by clouting the drawbar when this was incorrect.

Thread: Spiders
19/07/2023 18:35:47

And there was me thinking it was going to be a post about lathe chuck spiders.

Thread: Gigabattery plant
19/07/2023 17:49:20

Posted by Ady1 on 19/07/2023 13:39:10:

I just can't see these things replacing combustion engines at the moment

Good for pootling to Asda and back though, and general city work

As usual, everything-in-moderation seems to be the sensible way forwards

Hi Ady1,

I don't think you're far wrong.

As I understand it (and I beg to be corrected of course) the current Euro 6 compliant diesel engines are pretty good, apart from the particulate emissions. A crazy idea maybe, but what about a particulate filter (something more sophisticated than perforated fibre) that you empty like the ash pan from a stove. OK, too simple an idea maybe, and I'm sure the automotive boffins have considered it. Or possibly not?

As usual, everyone's jumping on the EV bandwagon without first securing the infrastructure and implications for those millions unable to charge at home. Not to mention the low life stealing the trailing cables for the copper.

Also, what happens at 5 o'clock when everyone (you know what I mean) gets home from work and plugs in. Ooops, the lights go out.

Thread: Unexpected Source of Materials
17/07/2023 09:24:40

Useful post Steve. Anyone else sourced materials from an unlikely source? It just goes to show what's out there if you broaden your search criteria.

Thread: Robot under-tree bramble destroyer
13/07/2023 14:33:05

If I remember correctly, there are Brush Cutter blades specifically for brambles and the like. They resemble a two winged Brush Cutter blade with downward facing tips. Check compatibility with your particular Brush Cutter as I suspect they need a little extra power.

Thread: Thin Parallels.
10/07/2023 18:31:04

Good evening,

I'm looking for some "thin" Parallels, around 3/32" or 1/8", to use with my ARC Versatile 100mm vice.

While there are several sets on the market, the 32mm deep jaws usually means that around 4 pairs will be too tall and unusable for this application.

Has anyone come across a set that will be suitable?

Thread: DTI travel.
05/07/2023 10:11:38

Posted by Bill Davies 2 on 04/07/2023 22:24:11:

Sorry, Bo'sun for hijacking your question.

No problem Bill, it all makes for interesting reading and increasing the knowledge pool.

That's what's good about this forum. Sometimes the the thread takes an interesting turn.

03/07/2023 17:38:45

Thank you, I sort of assumed that was the reason for the shaped tip on some DTI's, although I guess it shouldn't be relied upon for definitive measurement.

03/07/2023 15:52:42

Thanks all, I hadn't considered the issue of cosine error.

03/07/2023 15:23:09

Good afternoon,

I've come across a couple of DTI's with 1.6mm of stylus travel as apposed to the more common 0.8mm.

It would be useful to have that extra travel, but is it likely to compromise accuracy?

Thread: T. E. Haynes Hot Air Engine.
21/06/2023 11:05:15

Thanks Jason,

Any suggestions as to burner orifice size anyone?

21/06/2023 10:43:18

Good morning All,

A couple of years ago, I built the T. E. Haynes Hot Air Engine, and it ran extremely well using a Trangia meths burner from a camping stove. Admittedly, with the addition of a cooling jacket on the "cold" end of the transfer cylinder.

Recently, I decided to run it using the attached gas burner. I used a disposable propane/butane cartridge and regulating valve. The result was a very sooty flame, completely blackening the transfer cylinder.

Would it help if I modified the burner like a Bunsen Burner to entrain and regulate the air/gas mixture?

I did wonder if the burner jet was a bit on the large side at 1/16" dia?

Thoughts and comments appreciated.

I know it's only a basic model, but it has nostalgic memories from making the first one at school 50 years ago.

Thread: What are these used for
20/06/2023 16:44:28
Posted by Martin King 2 on 20/06/2023 16:04:18:

+1 for the shorter ones being for shoe laces.


Aglets (shoe lace thingys) wouldn't have a head on them.

20/06/2023 12:00:50

Might they be inserts for pneumatic tubing to prevent crushing by the olives/sleeves when tightening the compression fittings?

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