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Member postings for larry Phelan

Here is a list of all the postings larry Phelan has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Need chart for a Excel Rotary table.
07/04/2018 17:45:29

Yes indeed,I was refering to the charts,sorry if I caused any misunderstanding. The tables sometimes have their own problems ! How do I know ? Dont even ask !

Thread: Wind turbines get bigger and bigger
07/04/2018 09:47:42

My thanks to Dave for explaining this in simple terms. You have cleared up quite a few points which I did not understand. There is much talk here about building "Super Pylons" to transmit power from one place to another,and of course,no-one wants them in their back yard [or even their area ] Everyone wants them underground,but the E S B says that this would not work due to too high losses and heat problems. I understand now what they mean.

The only time I ever came across D C was many years ago when I worked on a 4 High Rolling Mill which was driven by a huge D C motor,supplied by a Mercury Arc Rectifier. It looked like something out of Dr Who,or Star Track ! These days the only place I see it used is for operating the tram system in Dublin [750 V D C ]

I never knew about the problem of AC reversing in the lines,never stopped to think about it,but of course it must,it does it all the time,by it,s very nature. Sometimes one can,t see the wood for the trees.

Thank you again for taking the trouble to explain

06/04/2018 17:33:00

On the subject of windmills.pylons.AC,DC,ect , I was led to believe that AC was easier to transmit over long distances than DC and that cables underground suffered from voltage drop.

No doubt there is someone out there who can correct me on this [no sweat,I have been corrected many times before ] I can see that putting them underground would be more expensive,and troublesome,no matter what they are,but why go to the bother of changing from AC to DC and then back again to AC.

As regards the pylons,no-one wants them anywhere near them,but how many of these same people would like to go without their light,heat,TV,electric blankets,ect,ect,and go back to the oil lamp and the candle ? Not too many I suspect. You can,t have your loaf and eat it.

PS Forgot to ask this--can DC be stepped up and down by means of a transformer,like AC,or is this a different matter ?.

Thread: Need chart for a Excel Rotary table.
05/04/2018 17:21:39

If the charts for your table are anything like the ones going the rounds for "Other Makes" being sold,you might be as well off without them and try pot luck,or buy a Lotto Ticket.. The errors in these charts have to be seen to be believed.

Dont ever try cutting gears using them !!

Might be OK for planting spuds.

Thread: Schaublin 13
05/04/2018 17:14:22

From what I hear,that is a good machine and should sell quickly,more so as there are lots of stuff with it.

Good luck with the sale.

Thread: Wind turbines get bigger and bigger
05/04/2018 17:06:26

Duncan,that,s very rude ! No more Haggis for you,so there !!!

Thread: Electric cooker temperature
05/04/2018 14:24:46

Best way I know to get spuds to brown well is to put them in the oven in the usual way,and then go out to the workshop for a few minuets just to finish off that little job. By the time you get back to the kitchen,your spuds will be well and truly browned,perhaps even black ! At least,they will be different. Some might not like them,but you can,t please everyone.

From experience,many times over,I can vouch for this method,but it can work out a bit expensive if you like spuds.

Some cooks are a bit iffy about using this approach,so check first.

Thread: Wind turbines get bigger and bigger
04/04/2018 15:08:12

I love some of the quaint expressions and turns of speech brought about by these posts !

Keep it up boys,that,s what keeps the ball rolling !.

Thread: Rotary Table
04/04/2018 11:16:18

Whatever about the rotary tables themselves being crap and way out,there is no excuse for the charts to be in error. A simple test run would soon show up any blunders which should then be corrected before production.

Too much to hope for ?

Thread: Wind turbines get bigger and bigger
03/04/2018 18:45:00

Some one there mentioned Sellafield ! no need to ask about that kip.That place has been leaking since the day it was built by "Experts",who knew it all [or so they liked to pretend ] How many of those same "Experts" or their families live anywhere near that dump,and that,s all it is. It,s still leaking like a sieve.

It is no coincidence that the area of Irish coast directly opposite Sellifield has the highest cancer rate in all Ireland.

I hate to even think what is in the sea. I no longer swim in the Irish Sea,as I did years ago,nor do I eat anything from it. The sad fact is that these "Experts" know as much about what they are messing with as my dogs know about the Internet. Where are all these "Experts" now,the same ones who were telling us how "safe" Sellifield was [when it was known by another name ] ?

Who was it who said "What,s in a name ? S---t by any other name smells just a s bad "

03/04/2018 13:43:29

Nuclear power production reminds me of making something in the workshop,in that the job might turn out grand,but what the hell do you do with the waste if you cant recycle it ?

The big problem with Nuclear power has always been that no-one bothered to think one step ahead WHAT DO WE DO WITH THE WASTE????. The short answer is that no-one knows what to do with it,short of dumping it down a mine shaft,or using it to fill sinkholes [how would you like one of these under your house,or in your back yard ? ]

As in so many jobs I,ve seen over the years,the problems only show up because no-one bothered to stop and think about the next step.

Before somebody jumps down my neck about what,s my answer to the problem,the fact is I dont have one,any more than the so-called " Experts",but that is no reason to go mad over a system about we know so little.Bearing in mind the number of cock-ups we know of with Nuclear power,never mind the ones we never hear about,the whole idea of it makes me uneasy. I think anything else is worth looking at.

Dont be surprised if some day we end up buying power from,guess who----Saudi Arabia !!

Dont laugh,could happen.. They said one time that planes were a silly idea which would never get off the ground ! Hmmmmmm, maybe !

Thread: Help with my Axminster Mini Lathe problem
01/04/2018 18:33:19

Oil is a most wonderful thing ! How do I know ? Been there,done that !!

Thread: Rotary Table Problem
31/03/2018 20:31:29

Hi Howard,

Yes I think I am in the same boat,in that I think it is the bush which is the problem [at least I hope so !]

I know what you mean about the so-called "Chart",mine was/is so far out that it,s little more than a joke,you would not want to depend too much on it. How can they send out stuff like this?. I had to go over and over the whole thing to try and make some sense of it,and then,to find that it was running off ! I hate to think what gears it might have produced.

I am now going to attack it,for better or worse,so watch this space,even if the air is blue at times !

Again,my thanks to all,and it,s nice to know that i am not alone in this.

Thread: Chester 16V Mill
31/03/2018 18:07:33

You may not believe this but it,s true [you can check it with Chester ]

When I asked,many moons ago,what should be the torque setting for the head bearings on my Craftsman lathe,they said they did not know,but would check with the factory in China and get back to me. In time,they did [slow boat from China,and all that ] The answer I got was ,wait for it, "She is to be tight two white knuckles " !!

The mind boggles !!

So,I dont think I,d lose any sleep over a few bolts on a mill,just watch your knuckles !!

Just when you think you,ve seen it all,heard it all,something like this comes along..

I proceeded until my knuckles changed from pink to pinky/white,and left it at that,never caused any bother afterwards.

Thread: Rotary Table Problem
30/03/2018 17:28:29

Lucky,lucky me !!!

My thanks to all who remembered. Yes,this was indeed the thread and I now remember the the advice,but to be sure,to be sure,I will print it out this time!.

As the song says "The old grey mare,she aint what she used to be",neither are my old grey cells ! [I know,"Welcome to the club" ]

Regarding the "Cert" for my table,that appeared to be signed off by someone who had had too much Saki for lunch,it looked like a spider had crawled across the page [something like the note you get from your local GP.]

Again,my thanks to everyone for taking the trouble to respond,it,s things like this which restore my faith in people. Long may it last !

30/03/2018 15:07:07

Some time ago,I sought,and was given advice about correcting an error in my rotary table [the center hole appears to be off by about `5 mm ]

The method advised was to press out the MT center and set the table up on my mill and machine the bore true.So far,so good,but due to an ongoing health problem,this had to go on the back burner. Now that the situation is more stable,I would like to get back to it again,but I cannot recall the exact method,and my memory is no help !

Would I be pressing my luck by asking does anyone remember this question or how to go about it? I have since a friend who has a press to remove the center mt bush.

If anyone can assist,I would be more than thankful.

Thread: Oldsmobile electric steam carriage (latest edition of ME)
29/03/2018 17:59:33

Dave,forget your glass of wine [which can be good,bad,or indifferent ],forget also your 40 odd blends of Scotch and get yourself a bottle of real whiskey,such as Bushmills .Then,pour and relax -------------!

I might add,I have no connection with the company,except as a very,very,satisfied customer,many times over !!

All your disappointments will just melt away,for a while anyway !!

Thread: Clever invention
27/03/2018 17:05:30

Great if you can get at the main where it counts ! From bitter experience,this is not always possible.

Why are not all services brought to a common point when entering a house [as in a factory ],then there would be no arsing around looking for main switches,main valves,gas, ect,ect. Some valves I came across over the years would need Sherlock Holmes to find them.

As regards a little copper dust getting in your tea,have you any idea what your local counsel dumps in your water supply without you even knowing ? Better not even think about it !!

Thread: Percolated coffee
27/03/2018 10:49:16

Any good for removing rust ?

Thread: UK Drills 10% Off
26/03/2018 13:34:21

Good drills+ Good price.

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