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Member postings for Charles Skeet

Here is a list of all the postings Charles Skeet has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Converting fractions to decimals
10/10/2021 09:42:56

I don't usually have a problem with this particular subject. 1/2 mm = 0.5 mm, 1/4mm = 0.25 mm, etc. Gotta love the metric system!

Thread: Fusion 360 personal use
10/10/2021 09:35:24

It's such a shame for us hobbyists that Fusion is now so limited but I have continued to use it without too much detriment to what I have always used it for. Not sure how many of us in this community were using generative design tools to improve our models. If you are lucky enough to have a email address then you can also get a much more useful license that opens up some of the lost features of Fusion.

At work we use the Autodesk products FeatureCAM and Inventor. Although they're aimed at the commercial sector I find them a lot less intuitive and far less friendly to use. Have tried to import designs from Fusion to FeatureCAM several times and never successful.

Thread: Hi from the sunny south coast of Dorset
10/10/2021 09:20:00

Also a great club in Yeovil just up the road for you to visit too

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