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Member postings for Sandgrounder

Here is a list of all the postings Sandgrounder has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Malicious website ?
18/05/2023 05:40:44

If this is the site you want I've just opened no problem at all, using Firefox on Linux Mint 21


Thread: Glitch with latest For Sale advertisements?
27/11/2022 08:43:54
Posted by Adam Mara on 27/11/2022 08:23:25:

Make sure you are loged in, go to classifieds in the top black band, then manage ads.

Thanks Adam, just done it,


27/11/2022 07:42:29

Same for me, the ad' I put on never showed up in the "Latest "For Sale" Ads", but it did sell to someone who knew where to look. Also I can't see where I can either delete the ad' now or mark it as sold.


Thread: Bare or Full
14/10/2022 15:06:59
Posted by Paul Lousick on 14/10/2022 12:01:24:

In 40 years of working in a mechanical design, I have never heard of the term Bare and Full.

Edited By Paul Lousick on 14/10/2022 12:03:44

I've never heard of it in my 40 years of mechanical design office work either, but we once saw a drawing from an outside firm that described the fit of a pin in a hole as a 'cheesy fit' which caused a bit of amusement.

Thread: Linux Mint
15/09/2022 19:14:40

I upgraded to LM 21.0 this morning from LM 17.3 and it looks good to me so far but I've not had chance to go into all it has to offer, and the 17.3 was a bit out of date.


Thread: ANTIFYRE Extinguisher Shipping?
14/09/2022 05:45:41
Posted by Jelly on 14/09/2022 02:17:13:

take it to a HWRC (CA site / Council Tip), arrange to take it to a periodic Amnesty Event, or have it collected from your house (the service varies depending on your council)...

I should emphasize, DO NOT take the whole extinguisher to the Tip, discharge the contents into a suitable container first and take that (ideally clearly labeled with the contents to assist the poor soul who periodically gets sent to catalogue and collect it all) unless you want to end up losing your extinguisher.

that's what I did with a 1L bottle of MEKP I had, I rang my the council and they told me to take it to our local tip which I did.


Thread: hand chasers
25/07/2022 15:30:15

Plenty of new 1/2" 13TPI UNC items on eBay from UK sellers. taps, dies, studding, nuts etc

Thread: Scorchio!
19/07/2022 19:44:45
Posted by Peter Greene 🇨🇦 on 19/07/2022 18:44:17:

But still, the humidity makes all the difference. I used to visit LA years ago (70's & 80's) and 100F wasn't uncommon in the Summer - but the humidity was so low it was quite comfortable.

I found it the same in Death Valley CA at 110F, just nice but that is the big danger I suppose, you still loose fluids but don't realise it as the sweat evaporates immediately and doesn't run down your face and make all your clothes wet.

It was a pleasant 23C in my cellar workshop today as opposed to 33C in the garden.


Thread: ML7 Leadscrew Handwheel Bafflement
13/07/2022 12:12:50
Does anyone know the lead on a metric Myford lathe? The nearest to 1/8" is 3mm but 3mm / 160 gives 0.019mm per minor division. ( 0.02mm steps would need 150 divisions.)

They've certainly made a ML7 bed with metric lead-screw and calibrated hand wheel, I have one with a 3mm pitch screw and handwheel, it was bought from them about 30 years ago by the company I worked for use as an optical bench, I bought it from them when it was no longer needed, it was a 1-off special so I've no idea what is currently available.


This is the link to a post of mine on here,

Thread: Myford ml7 toolpost bolts
12/07/2022 15:10:34
Posted by Mike Poole on 12/07/2022 14:04:35:

My first choice would be to hunt down some square headed screws but that may not be so easy, remember that 1/4 UNC is often a passable alternative to 1/4 BSW and in this application will not be critical


Why are square headed screws used anyway and not hexagon headed? I've always thought the latter are easier to obtain and use with more spanner positions available, especially if using a bi-hex wrench. is it just historical?


Thread: Centrifugal switch bakelite broken problem.
12/07/2022 12:30:15
Posted by john fletcher 1 on 11/07/2022 16:48:58:

If all else fails, you can bring out the switch pair and use a push button switch ( NOT a bell Push) and YOU do the switching yourself. Mount the push switch in a substancial plastic box, very close to your existing power switch, insulate the pair with some glass tubing and remember how to use it to start the motor. Not the best idea but needs must, Brook Crompton Parc are not what they used to be when in Huddersfield, apparently owned by a holding company in PRC. John

I used to start a Brooks 1HP circular saw motor for years like that with no problems.


Thread: Flamemaster Torch
25/04/2022 12:09:52
Posted by John Hinkley on 24/04/2022 16:55:34:
Posted by Mark Rand on 24/04/2022 14:42:08:

If it is, they don't normally get on all that well with gas/air. They were designed for coal/town gas rather than natural gas or propane. Gas/oxygen works better. Either that or a redesigned burner* with flame retention features.

If you look at another ad than the one pointed to by Thor, it states it's suitable for use with butane and compressed air, albeit the "plus" version.

flamemaster 2

Good luck with that. I think I'd get something a little more modern. The clue is in the manufacturer's name!


That's very interesting, I worked at Pilkington for 30 years and have visited two Chance factories, Smethwick and St Asaph and seen plenty of gas torches but never knew Chance made them.


Thread: Imperial v Metric Measures
09/04/2022 09:56:39

Also slightly off-topic

The shop I used to buy hardware fittings from would sell you a 'pair of hinges' if you wanted 2 and 'one and a half pair' if you wanted 3, I don't know if that was a normal ironmongers expression or not.


Thread: Railway station toilet signs
05/03/2022 09:51:19
Posted by br on 04/03/2022 12:48:57:

Two signs for toilets on a foreign railway station.

Next one said -- The second class toilet is off the edge of platform 3.

The now closed Platt Bridge railway station in the Wigan area is often referred to locally as 'Platt Waz', supposedly because in the days of old the train driver would stop at the platform and go and relieve himself ' have a waz' by the bridge.


Thread: Electrical calculations
05/03/2022 07:16:47
Posted by PatJ on 04/03/2022 18:16:08:

I often see the equation V = I *R, where current is calcuated.

It should be noted that the actual equation that should be used is V = I*R*cos theta

where cos theta is the power factor.

I learned early in my career just how important the cos theta is.


Edited By PatJ on 04/03/2022 18:16:39

It's a long time since I did electrical calc's at night school but isn't the power factor shown as Cos ϕ or Cos phi not cos theta?


Edited By Sandgrounder on 05/03/2022 07:22:21

Thread: Replacement Vial for precision level
03/03/2022 12:29:39

When I was at work many years ago we bought them off,


Thread: Learn to use a metal lathe
16/02/2022 11:04:40

Hi Eliza,

You should definitely take someone experienced with you for advice when buying a lathe especially a second hand one, someone with a bit of experience but with no interest in buying it will see a lot more shortcomings than you will (standard advice for buying cars).

For example I first used a lathe at school in 1956 but spent most of my working life in a mechanical engineering drawing office as a design draughtsman so I'd seen many varieties of lathes in the workshops but not used them, about 30 years ago I was looking to buy my first lathe and heard about one for sale, drove to the house and there was a clean looking lathe, can't remember the make but it ran and all seemed OK, plenty of bits and pieces with it, luckily I said I was interested but would confirm later, on the way home something started nagging me, after about 20mins i realised I hadn't seen a tailstock, got home and rang him up and he sheepishly confirmed my thoughts.

It's so easy to get carried way when you want something and take the wrong decision.

I know there is a lot you can do without a tailstock but there's also a lot you can't


Thread: An unpleasant nocturnal experience.
14/01/2022 09:29:45

Thankfully not quite as dramatic as Clive's rat experiences but still on the subject of animal pests, About 20 years ago my wife and I spent a fortnight in a ground floor chalet in Gran Canaria and every evening when we came home and opened the door half a dozen or more cockroaches were scuttling around the floor, to dispatch them I kept the door mat rolled up ready and quickly whacked them all and kicked the bodies out onto the patio, every morning when I went out they were gone so I just assumed I hadn't hit them hard enough and they had recovered, but one morning I got up a bit earlier and went out and saw what was happening, there were two long lines of ants, one led to the cockroach bodies where they were dismantling them, the other line of ants carrying bits of legs, wings and bodies led into the garden area to their nest, nothing was left at all, wish I could have filmed it.


Thread: Are standard "M4" nuts & bolts normally fine or course pitch?
14/01/2022 06:30:19
Posted by Bill Pudney on 13/01/2022 23:09:10:

I used to have trouble with triangles until a mate said...Some Officers Have Curly Auburn Hair That Others Admire. I wonder how many others there are!!



'See old Harry catch a herring trawling off America'


Thread: Bench grinder to polisher
02/01/2022 15:05:20
Posted by mgnbuk on 02/01/2022 11:28:53:

How sucessful this will be will depend upon how powerful your grinder is & how much polishing you wish to do.

For polishing I have a 0.75KW single phase motor with a suitably parallel bored "pigtail" attached. It is clamped in a Workmate by the feet when used. I can't recall the size of the mops I have without a measure-up, but think they may be 8" & I can stop this machine as well if I get too enthusiastic.

Be aware that polishing is a hot & dirty business !

Nigel B.

I use almost exactly the same set up regards motor and mop size and like Nigel I can stall the motor if I press too hard on the mop.


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