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Member postings for RMA

Here is a list of all the postings RMA has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Santander on-line banking
27/02/2022 10:33:03

Santander will never contact you this way. They make a point of reminding account holders regularly. If anyone calls you and states they are from the bank, end the call and call the bank yourself. You will have a rigorous security check, but that is to protect you.

BTW, personal details are sold all the time, even the DVLA do this and we can do nothing to stop it.

If you get an email, just hover over the sender and see where it came from.

27/02/2022 10:24:11
Posted by SillyOldDuffer on 26/02/2022 16:36:51:
Posted by RMA on 26/02/2022 10:29:55:

Bit of a no brainer if you don't have an account with them. ...

More dangerous if you do have an account, and triple dangerous if - by chance - you happen to have an open query with your bank, delivery company, Amazon, Pharmacy, BT, or Tax authority etc etc etc.

As it costs almost nothing to send millions of emails the bad guys can randomly spray them across the internet. Sooner or later one of them lands on an agitated customer who is expecting his bank or whatever to get in touch to sort out an ongoing real problem. When this happens, the dud email is much more likely to be accepted at face value.

Another variant depends on information collected from internet users. Naive users often leak addresses and other information that can be used to make scam emails look far more authentic. Also, dishonest internet sellers harvest and sell private data to criminals. Try not to share personal information on the internet, and especially not with dodgy websites.

Unwise to think clever chaps like us will always spot confidence tricks. It's not true! Slow down, read it carefully, don't respond to suspicious requests, and double check everything. Be extra careful if already upset by a real problem because judgement suffers when we're full of adrenaline!


26/02/2022 10:29:55

Bit of a no brainer if you don't have an account with them. No bank will email for confirmation of your details. Same thing with the numerous phone calls about my Amazon account......which I don't have!

Thread: WM18 strip down
21/02/2022 22:57:30

Machine was stripped down successfully and transported. Now sitting on a pallet in the garage. I'm glad I left the column attached to the base, didn't fancy disturbing the gas strut.. Re-assembly should be interesting.

21/02/2022 08:18:17
Posted by Chris N on 20/02/2022 21:10:28:

I was able to break the mill down into smaller chunks. DRO, Z scale and way covers first, then the head came off fairly easily after removing the bolts and locking pin. Table, saddle and their leadscrews off next. Took two of us to lift the head - it's very dense - and to lift the base and column.

Mine does have the gas strut inside the column - it's fixed to the Z axis slide via a connecting block (I think) and then to the base of the machine - so I decided not to remove it or the column. There are also two threaded and, I assume, tapered pins through the foot of the column into the base between the fixing screws.pxl_20220220_155423945.jpg

Thanks for that. It confirms what we propose to do today is possible, gales permitting.

16/02/2022 22:33:40
Posted by Stuart Smith 5 on 16/02/2022 20:42:47:

I have a WM16 which I bought secondhand and had to move it from a first floor workshop. It is obviously smaller and lighter than the WM18 but looks to be a similar design.

I removed the complete head from the column and removed the table from the base . This left 3 parts, the head, the table and the base/column. I found a video on YouTube showing how to remove the head. **LINK** . I just lowered the head onto a block of wood onto the table, wound it forward and lifted it off.

If you look on the US Grizzly tools website they have very good manuals . You should be able to find one for a mill similar to the WM18.


Thanks for that. Interesting video, I intend to use some wood blocks to take the weight. I looked at the Grizzly site at the weekend and found their version of the WM. They let you download the manuals, but the same picture is on theirs, so no help. You would have thought that they, and Warco would have corrected it by now. These machines go back a long way.

16/02/2022 19:35:22

Thanks to you all for your ideas. Unfortunately the owners manual isn't correct, the exploded view doesn't show the strut or the correct way the column fits the base. I had a word with the tech chap at Warco today, and he thinks it can be broken down to head; column and base (still attached); table, and stand.

Doing it that way, the gas strut stays put. The DRO slides will have to be removed for safety. We won't be doing it until next week, I'll report how it went.

16/02/2022 08:32:47

I need to strip down a WM18 into reasonable chunks in order to move it easily and re-assemble in another location. Ideally, I'd like to remove the table; head; column and base if possible. I do have an engine lift, but floor space might prohibit its use. If anyone has experience of doing this and has found ways to do it with minimum help, I'd be grateful to hear from you.

The diagrams in the operating manual don't relate to machine apparently, as I'm told there is a gas strut in the column. I would have thought Warco would have corrected that by now, the machine has been on sale for years!

Thank you

Thread: The RSME spring live steam meet
08/02/2022 09:11:55

Rand Society of Model Engineers..........on credit page of video.

Thread: Green growth on car roof rails
06/02/2022 16:45:58

I use sulphate of iron to kill moss on lawns and paths. My car suffers to some extent on one side. That's the side that is mainly hidden from the sun. I turn it round when I think of it and it goes. Be careful with pressure washers, they can reach parts you didn't know existed and they'll strip graphics in no time

Thread: The southern federation
23/01/2022 09:12:00
Posted by Michael Callaghan on 22/01/2022 15:42:26:

Hi chaps. I can’t recall how many emails I have send to the southern federation committee with out one single reply. Has anyone out there ever had a reply to a question from these people.

From personal experience, the committee of the federation will only communicate with club committee members, usually the secretary.

I believe they removed the 'Southern' part of the title because they have many northern clubs on the books!

Edited By RMA on 23/01/2022 09:14:09

23/01/2022 09:07:34
Posted by duncan webster on 22/01/2022 23:56:31:

Typical arrogant southerners, are they wishing NAME out of existence.

Unnecessary comment! Sounds like the north south divide is alive and well!

Thread: Endless Repeats
18/01/2022 16:57:57

It's high time the BBC was held to account.

The license fee was originally put in place to actually pay for the service and allow the license payer to legally receive live transmissions, and at the start was just a radio license. The BBC has gradually morphed into this mammoth organisation that seems to do what it likes and spend our money just as wants, without any accountability. So-called celebrities have come and gone, made a fortune from the BBC and influenced it's policy. Billy Cotton; Wogan, Attenborough etc etc had/have far too much power in this organisation, and did very well out of it! Nepotism was/and still is rife in the BBC!

I remember (just) Alvar Lidell who delivered the news without any speculation or own opinion, and I doubt he got the equivalent of half a million a year to do it! Sports reporters did just that. There wasn't a team of presenters paid millions a year for a few hours work each week. Do we need a couple of presenters reading alternate lines from an autocue on breakfast and daytime TV?

Is it right that the license payer should foot the bill for all the free world service the BBC continues to put out , and at the same time a license payer cannot even access the iPlayer or receive BBC via the internet when abroad?

Adverts have paid quite a large part in this discussion. Do you consider the continual promotion of future and existing BBC programmes adverts or not? It might not be consumer products or services, but it is IMO still advertising and consumes a lot of air time.

Definitely a time for change!

Thread: An unpleasant nocturnal experience.
14/01/2022 07:38:12

Where I worked many year's ago, we had a professional rat catcher. He told me that a rat can easily chew through 12 inches of concrete and the growth rate of their teeth is phenomenal. Filling a rat hole with a bit of cement won't deter it, if it's the usual place it gains access to food, which is usually it's prime objective.

Thread: Highway Code
11/01/2022 07:56:00
Posted by Nicholas Farr on 10/01/2022 12:28:12:

Hi RMA, I haven't ever seen an Amazon van deliver to mine, it's usually some old white van that belongs to the driver, many of which shouldn't be delivering to mine either as it should have been someone they passed a quarter of a mile away, some of them seem to come in their own cars even.

Regards Nick.

We've recently had a new Amazon distribution centre planted in our parish, encouraged by the council who decided no infrastructure improvements were required! Amazon have a huge fleet of blue vans at this depot which tend to leave as a convoy interspersed with private vans of all colours and condition!

Very little regard is paid to the rules of the roundabout at the junction with the main A road which, when they are on it, they go like a bat out of hell, weaving in and out, due I expect as a result of the pressure put on them to deliver!

Thread: Steam raising blower
10/01/2022 09:03:57

I use one of these 12v ex military blowers with no trouble at all on 5 inch and 3.5 inch locos, using a car battery at home or the club 12v supply. Maybe they do take a little longer, but I have nothing to compare it with. They do need frequent cleaning out though. I think the availability is now very limited.

Thread: Highway Code
10/01/2022 08:57:51

Interesting range of viewpoints on several subjects in this thread now.

As an ex cyclist, I think anyone attempting to fight it out with modern day traffic is clearly bonkers, even though the law seems to be on the cyclist's side! No good telling St Peter you had the right of way!

When I towed a caravan many years ago, it was other traffic that held me up. I took it to many countries in Europe including mountain ranges. If you have the right towing vehicle for whatever you tow, you won't get into trouble.

It seems to me that vans belonging to Amazon and the like can, and do whatever they like. They work all hours with no control such as tacho's. The only code they seem to have is to deliver as many parcels in one day, as quickly as possible. An unfair side of the law IMO when compared to lorry drivers

07/01/2022 17:18:45
Posted by Nigel Bennett on 07/01/2022 16:38:36:

Ah, yes, the old business of making cyclists pay to use the road. Presumably that will also include horse riders and pedestrians, all of whom have a RIGHT to use the Queen's Highway, unlike all those people in motor cars, who don't; they only have permission. And permission that can be withdrawn.

Anyway, let's work out a fair system of how much cyclists should pay. I suggest some kind of weight arrangement, whereby the sum paid equates to the damage a bike does to the roads. A typical bike weighs 20lb, a motor car say 2000lb. So to be fair, tax should be in proportion. So that's one hundredth of £160, which I think is what I paid for my last car tax. £1.60 it is then. But wait a minute - bikes can't use motorways, so that should knock a bit more off. Say a quid.

How are you proposing to write to all the cyclists, and administer the tax for a quid per cycle per year?

Queens highway?? Maybe she should mend all the potholes then!

05/01/2022 17:05:43
Posted by SillyOldDuffer on 05/01/2022 09:44:46:

Hmmm, New Year's resolution: must buy an up-to-date Highway Code and read it! Do I still need a man with a red flag?

angel 2


Tut Tut. 21st century........a woman can carry the flag now!laugh

05/01/2022 08:21:58
Posted by not done it yet on 05/01/2022 07:48:51:

Definitely time for installing dash cams. I have one at the front and one at the rear in my car.

I don’t think anyone needs to read the highway code for, would not make a jot of difference to, blatant speeding offenses.

Dash cams are a really good investment mainly for insurance evidence. It's still not easy to send footage to the Police though!

Thinking ahead a bit, who will the law prosecute for traffic offenses caused by driverless cars? Computers will at some point go wrong, and algorithms may have faults/bugs. My daily driver has amongst many things, auto parking which is great, but on two occasions it has come up activated on the screen searching for parking space when I'm doing 70 along the motorway!

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