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Member postings for Brian H

Here is a list of all the postings Brian H has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Brian Hutchings
22/02/2022 19:41:32

A short message from the family of Brian Hutchings who was a regular contributor to this forum.

Brian sadly passed away on Saturday night (19th February), after a short illness. It was very peaceful, and he was surrounded by his immediate family.

Many thanks to those of you who befriended Brian through this forum, and for the happiness you brought him.

Sue and Rich Hutchings (his wife and son)

Thread: First lathe owner in Manchester
11/02/2022 07:41:03

Hello Chris and welcome. Sound like you are doing OK in the lathe department. You may find this site useful for anything to do with machines.


Thread: Tee slot clamps similar to mole grips
09/02/2022 16:21:15

In the YouTube series of building a 5 inch Lion locomotive, the builder, who is a member of Aberdeen Model Engineering Society, shows a tee slot clamp that looks like professional modification of a Mole Grip.

Does anyone know the correct name for these and where they might be obtained?


Thread: Hello from Yorkshire
07/02/2022 10:33:11

Hello Adam and welcome. David and Mike have just about answered the question but all the best with finding the ideal lathe.

Please let us know what you decide in the end.


Thread: Martin Evans Midland Single
05/02/2022 18:09:58

Many thanks Clive, I've passed the details on to the builder.

I've been trying to find out details of the check valve that Martin Evans says he is not going to describe on the grounds that he had described them many times before.


05/02/2022 09:01:25

Hello Bill, I've only just seen your reply and I'm sure you are right but this isn't my engine. Martin Evans mentions a drawing but says that he is not going to describe it as he has done it many times before and that's the problem; trying to find where he described it before.

As I understand it, there is a combined clack on the boiler for a hand pump and injector and the engine builder would like a drawing so that he can make it.


Thread: Dutchman in Wiltshire
02/02/2022 09:21:24

Dan & Amanda, it is possible to buy Dutch food in the UK although the prices can be a little high, OK for a special treat though.

This is just one (I have no connection with this company)**LINK**


Thread: Hello from Holland
01/02/2022 16:55:57

Hallo Amanda and welcome.

I work in bigger sizes of model but I have a friend who does English '0' gauge. Roughly whereabouts are you in the Netherlands? I'm visiting Schagen in the North later in the year and I also booked on a canal and river cruise from Nijmegan to the Floriade show.

If you have any questions you have only to ask them on here.

Brian (almost in the very middle of England)

Thread: Setting up my workshop
31/01/2022 11:27:42

Excellent job Dan, and that even looks like a Dutch roof! You'll soon be in production.


Thread: Martin Evans Midland Single
31/01/2022 07:53:11

Many thanks for the reply Clive, If I find any further information I'll be sure to let you know. I'm just wondering how the boiler is filled before a steam-up.


Thread: Hi from north Wales, UK.
30/01/2022 13:50:37

Hello Rich and welcome. Cannot help with the XP PC but this may kick your query back up the list.

 I think you may mean this one;

John Haine on 01799584773


Edited By Brian H on 30/01/2022 14:00:19

Edited By Brian H on 30/01/2022 14:01:30

Thread: Martin Evans Midland Single
30/01/2022 11:52:52

In the Martin Evans Midland single there are 2 injectors, one of which has a combined clack for both the injector and the pump.

The drawings give no dimensions.

Does anyone have dimensions for this?


Thread: Dutchman in Wiltshire
30/01/2022 11:41:01

Hallo Dan and welcome. My wife and me are huge fans of anything Dutch and already have 2 holidays booked for 2022, one of them being is Schagen in the North.

My lathe is an old Boxford (Imperial and I have a Tom Senior milling machine that is metric but has a DRO so I can work in either.

If you have any questions you have only to ask them on here and you will get answers.

Tot ziens,


Thread: Stainless steel boilers
28/01/2022 10:24:45

I have every sympathy with Speedy Builder 5 as my first boiler was made when I worked in the aircraft industry. The boiler was made using certified 316 and tig welded by a coded welder followed by pressure testing. I then joined the local model engineering society only to find that only copper, silver soldered boilers were accepted.

Everything else on the model (a 5 inch Terrier) was also made in 316, even the wheels.


27/01/2022 11:15:03

The problem with stainless steels is that you need to be sure exactly which one you have, not all of them would be suitable for boilers.

Without being an expert, I would think that 316 would be most suitable but I would want to see a test certificate than corresponded with printed markings on the sheet.

316 can be silver soldered successfully using Tenacity 5 flux or equivalent and preferably solder with a 55% silver content.


Thread: Clock Restorer
27/01/2022 09:11:36

Hello Martyn and welcome. I'm no clockmaker but I have restored a few and, like you, fancied making a complete one. I chose an English Regulator to a published design and really enjoyed making it although I chickened out of making the case, which was made for me by a local cabinet maker.

The clock keeps good time and looks good in the living room.

All the best with what you want to do,


Thread: Unknown tool
26/01/2022 16:25:30

Usually known as a warding file I believe, due to their use to cut the ward (slots) in lock components including keys.

The are useful when filing slots as they will only cut on the edge and do not widen the slot.


Thread: Workbench top
26/01/2022 16:04:42

My workbench tops came from a dealer in reclaimed wood. The are a multiply board with a black plastic coating and were originally used as shuttering for poured concrete. The plastic coating prevents the concrete from sticking. The boards are about 3/4 inch thick and are heavy and sturdy.


Thread: Britain Capstan Lathe
25/01/2022 17:42:23

Hello Andrew and welcome.

I cannot help much but this may be of interest to you:



Thread: Hi from Suffolk
25/01/2022 08:29:36

Hello Ian and welcome. Not built a Congreve clock but have made the English Regulator, which keeps excellent time.

I don't think that worn machinery should be a problem, you just need to learn and compensate for it. And another thing, a lot of clockmaking is handwork and even the turning does no need to be that accurate, the main thing is that parts should fit fairly loose so that there is no friction.

I wish you all the best with your project and look forward to reading updates on progress.

If you find you need help and advice then this is the place to come.


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