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Member postings for vintage engineer

Here is a list of all the postings vintage engineer has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Steam powered RC aircraft
29/07/2019 20:36:55

The Russians actually built a of nuclear powered aircraft that was to be steam powered!

Thread: Three jaw indipendent chuck
26/07/2019 22:18:55

When I did my apprenticeship we were only allowed to use 4 jaw chucks. You can set up a 4 jaw just as quick as a 3 jaw.

Thread: Surplus subjects learnt at school.
19/07/2019 20:27:11

They tried to teach me Religious Studies until I got suspended for arguing that there was no proof that Jesus existed!

Thread: Mallable Iron
17/07/2019 21:08:31

I would heat them up red hot and clamp to a large section of steel and allow to cool.

Thread: Recent threads
14/07/2019 20:13:03

A Gentleman is the youngest son of the youngest son of a Peer of the Realm.

Thread: idler pulley with spring loading
13/07/2019 17:13:57

Most modern cars use spring loaded belt tensioners. Some cars use an adjustable pulley tensioner. You could make a tensioner with an arm and a weight on it so it gives constant pressure.

Thread: Straight Bevel Gear Question
30/06/2019 09:43:34

It could be a stub tooth gear form. There are common types Fellows and American Standard System. I had to make one for a 1910 Dennis engine. It turned out to be a metric version of the Fellows form. You have to use a bigger cutter than normal for the gear.Stub tooth formula

Thread: Tungsten Putty?
30/06/2019 09:37:56

Top class race engines use depleted uranium weights on the crankshafts. They are extremely heavy for their size! Boeing aeroplanes have loads of it in the rudder controls.

Thread: Wesco oil can spout thread
19/06/2019 23:20:10

Admiralty fine?

Thread: How have Apple found out my new Debit Card number?
19/06/2019 23:18:37

If you have an Alex of similar or you gave your details over the phone, they would collected the details then. Every time you use Apple device it is collecting data. Any voice activated smart device constantly collects data from you even when you are not using it!

Thread: water supply
16/06/2019 10:08:35

On the south coast we extract water from boreholes and pump treated sewage into the sea! In London they extract water from the Thames and pump treated sewage back into the Thames to be reused. I still cannot understand why Southern Water cannot do this?

Also we get electricity from France!

Thread: Electricity Supply
14/06/2019 14:32:11

So what are the Aussie going to do? If you drive from Adelaide to Perth ( 2700km) you have to cross the Nullarbor Plain which only has fuel stops every 300km and no charging points. If you breakdown it could be days before someone rescues you!

11/06/2019 23:16:19

The island in question is tiny and has very few roads but a huge runway right across the middle of the island.

Thread: Noise Cameras
10/06/2019 09:47:54

I have two pre WW1 cars that have straight through exhausts and that is how they were originally made?

Thread: Electricity Supply
08/06/2019 10:00:23

My neighbour is a retired electrical engineer and confirmed my thoughts. The power cable in our road was installed in 1919 and no way can support the current draw if every house in the road fits a fast charge system. He also said we cannot produce enough electricity to meet demand now, so what the hell are we going to do in the future!

Thread: Natural gas for TIG welding
05/06/2019 10:19:07

I got rid of my Acetylene bottles when I got my TIG welder as you only need it for welding steel or ali.

Thread: before superglue
05/06/2019 10:09:08

We used to put solder paste on clean threads, assemble and then heat to melt solder. They were a right bugger to get apart!


Edited By vintage engineer on 05/06/2019 10:09:34

Thread: Does Not Compute
02/06/2019 11:12:55

I received a phone call the other day from my bank, when I asked them to prove it they said we don't have to as we are your bank! At which point I suggested they put the phone where the sum doesn't shine! The then sent me a letter asking me to ring them!

Thread: Childhood diseases
23/05/2019 13:35:03

When I had mumps, I could put my testicles in a wheel barrow!

Thread: Bookpress 5tpi Square thread help please!
23/05/2019 13:32:57

You will need to grind your own tool to cut the thread. I am not familiar with Myfords but it's all down to getting the right gear train to drive the leadscrew.

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