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Member postings for Nick Wheeler

Here is a list of all the postings Nick Wheeler has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Machining for the Brave!
15/01/2023 18:14:20

So where does a lack of trust feature?

I would suggest that anyone who invokes 'it's just common sense' should be ignored for eternity because they are deliberately exposing their ignorance.

Thread: MIG welder
14/01/2023 13:37:13

Interesting, as my limited experience with gasless is that I wouldn't even consider it for sheetmetal. Which leaves it for things like gates, fences and similar where it is rarely as good or user friendly as stick.

Thread: Kids wearing adult clothes~aka 5" mini lathe chuck & more.
14/01/2023 13:33:03
Posted by Nicholas Farr on 14/01/2023 09:47:05:

Hi Nicholas, no I'm not at all surprised that people would do such a thing as I've seen it being done, along with cars towing ahead of me at 70mph on duel carriageways as well as motorways, people towing with their registration number written on a white light-board with a black marker pen or even just written on the tail-board of a trailer with white chalk and trailers with two registration numbers displayed, also seen trailers where their drawbars are pointing badly upwards to the tow-ball and even trailers that look as it they are about to fall to pieces at anytime, no nothing seems to surprise me with the way some people use trailers.

I'd rather see a driver speeding with a trailer than some of the other stupid things they do. I spotted one while I was refuelling, and asked the driver what was holding the car onto the trailer. He looked at me as if I was mad, and said "the handbrake is on"disgust This was in a motorway service station. Trailers rarely get any maintenance until something breaks - boat trailers are particularly bad for the wheels falling off when the bearings break up - or the ancient tyres finally fail to hold air.


Roof racks are used just as badly; it's not uncommon to find two people reaching out of the car windows to hold a sheet of ply to to the roof.....

Edited By Nicholas Wheeler 1 on 14/01/2023 13:34:05

13/01/2023 22:49:51
Posted by Nicholas Farr on 13/01/2023 21:10:04:

Hi Dave, if that person with the caravan overtook you in the fast lane of a three or more lane motorway, then that person would have broken two laws assuming they were doing over 60 mph, the other law would be towing in the fast lane.

True. But it seems you're surprised that people would do such a thing?

Thread: Vent - please ignore
13/01/2023 11:50:18
Posted by Bezzer on 12/01/2023 23:16:33:

My real hate is/was is "There's no I in team". When it came out years ago in the early days of corporate speak I got the instructor at a refresher course I was on spluttering for an answer when I piped up "But there is me in it". Had to use that a few more times since then.

You could also use 'the several in pontificating idiot make up for it.'

Our written assessment of the course was that we considered it insulting that a series of tiresome cliches was supposed to be both educational and motivational. The facilitator(another management w*nk-word) reported us for being obstructive. Which was a surprise, because it was first time he'd used a complex word correctly....

Edited By SillyOldDuffer on 13/01/2023 12:14:13

12/01/2023 22:27:56
Posted by Martin Kyte on 12/01/2023 17:36:45:

Quantum leap to describe a “big” change ?

Would one of those come before, after or be messily squished in the middle of a paradigm shift?

Thread: Surreal News story
12/01/2023 12:22:32
Posted by Hopper on 12/01/2023 10:53:46:
Posted by Nicholas Wheeler 1 on 12/01/2023 10:16:22:
Posted by V8Eng on 12/01/2023 09:59:14:

Strange how generally graffiti appears to be seen as vandalism but Banksy is valuable artwork!

Just my personal viewpoint perhaps?

A conversation with my cousin, whose PHD is in renaissance art, a few years ago:

her - you don't understand art.

me - true. But more importantly, I don't care.

No doubt she feels exactly the same about model engineering!


I definitely do.

Thread: Vent - please ignore
12/01/2023 11:47:59
Posted by Mick B1 on 12/01/2023 10:09:34:

'Reverts back' is a tautology, just as 'reverts forward' would be an oxymoron.

Plus 'revert' properly means to return to a previously-existing status or condition, not reply to a reach-out. Whatever that may be.

You're trying to apply logic and a traditional English vocabulary to it.

Which is wrong, because in this case revert back is used instead of reply. Hence the nails down a blackboard reaction.

Thread: Surreal News story
12/01/2023 10:16:22
Posted by V8Eng on 12/01/2023 09:59:14:

Strange how generally graffiti appears to be seen as vandalism but Banksy is valuable artwork!

Just my personal viewpoint perhaps?

A conversation with my cousin, whose PHD is in renaissance art, a few years ago:

her - you don't understand art.

me - true. But more importantly, I don't care.

Thread: Vent - please ignore
12/01/2023 10:11:49
Posted by Circlip on 12/01/2023 09:55:28:

But we're constantly being told (Usually by people that carn't spull) that English is an evolving language.

Of course it is. But evolution isn't always a good thing, or easy to watch. Just look at how uninformed use of what used to be precise words has thoroughly devalued them; the man with a hammer and two screwdrivers who can't fix your washing machine isn't an engineer, even though his employer calls him that.

12/01/2023 09:50:02
Posted by Hopper on 11/01/2023 23:17:56:

"Reverts back"??? Haven't come across that one. Wasn't aware I had undergone a metamorphosis into someone else. Very Kafkaesque.

Lucky you. When you do, it will probably be in an Indian accent.

These are all used by people who don't understand that using more, or more complicated words instead of simple constructions doesn't not make them appear cleverer.

11/01/2023 23:05:10
Posted by Peter Greene 🇨🇦 on 11/01/2023 22:30:45:

I do not "reach out to" people.

I "contact" them.

Thank you.

If you think 'reaching out' is bad, wait until somebody 'reverts back' to you. That will really set you offsecret

Thread: Hydrogen
11/01/2023 11:47:07
Posted by Nigel Graham 2 on 11/01/2023 11:08:41:

Nicholas -

Who will pay? Probably the motorist, as I think already happens with certain recoveries such as snow- or ditch- bound.

You have far more faith in people than I can manage. I don't want to think about how much time I've spent waiting while the cover provider's customer argues with them about having to pay me to winch their car out of a ditch, arrange another vehicle to get their immobilised car out of a multi-storey, that the insurance recovery only covers the car and not them, they need to pay for the fuel to get them going even though it's their fault they ran out, that they only bought the basic cover and have to pay for distance that isn't covered or any number of other scenarios.

Anyone who has ever dealt with the general public in such situations will know that many of them expect their £100 breakdown cover to provide a man to arrive within seconds, wave a magic wand that converts their 20 year old barely maintained piece of shit into a shiny new Range Rover and supply a gourmet picnic to make up for inconvenience. And they're the ones that didn't lie about their circumstances.

11/01/2023 09:10:57
Posted by Nigel Graham 2 on 11/01/2023 08:56:43:

The recovery-companies are going to do well with diesel-powered portable chargers!

Who is going to pay the rate necessary for them to make a profit spending a couple of hours with each car using £50k worth of equipment?

It's five years since I quit as a recovery driver, and the companies were struggling with the low rates the breakdown providers paid - a years cover ought to have been about three times what it was.

Thread: Serious Readers, serious prices
03/01/2023 09:37:54
Posted by duncan webster on 02/01/2023 19:13:22:
Posted by Gary Wooding on 02/01/2023 18:45:17:

To a remarkably large percentage of the population, extortionate prices appear to confer some sort of superiority to the product.

Isn't that the Marks and Spencer approach to marketing?

Ever looked at Myford prices anytime in the last twenty years?

Thread: M10 x 1.0 Fine
02/01/2023 00:32:39
Posted by Vic on 01/01/2023 22:00:50:
Posted by peak4 on 01/01/2023 12:10:21:

Would THESE do from Zoro?


They look nice, but the postage is 2 1/2 times the cost of the bolts. 😉

Don't you have a fastener supplier near you that sells small quantities?

Thread: Solid Edge, the latest version.
01/01/2023 16:47:44

Fusion doesn't allow you to mix them; once you've 'deleted' the timeline, you can't go back. I've been using it for about six years now, and have never found any reason to do this. Although I did install SE, it needs more time than I can justify to undo the F360 thinking, and particularly the UI, to benefit. When using synchronous mode, do all of the parts that were created using projected geometry still update when the original is changed? That is fundamental for the way I design things.

Thread: M10 x 1.0 Fine
01/01/2023 14:05:49

M10x1 is actually very, very common. Walk outside, and pretty much every car you see will have a couple of dozen of them in the brake and clutch plumbing. Mazda use it for a number of mechanical parts on MX5s - so much so that I bought a tap for modifying them to fit a friend's kitcar project.

Similarly, M12x1.5 has been a common wheel bolt and fuel fitting thread for decades, even though it is considered odd in 'normal' engineering

Thread: Solid Edge, the latest version.
01/01/2023 13:59:25

You can use F360 in a similar way by turning off the timeline. But this does make creating robust, easily understood models more difficult. That's not particularly important with a simple part, but when working with a complicated assembly being able to track the development is far more important to me.

30/12/2022 09:54:35

In F360, you hold the left mouse button down, and it gives a list of all the selectable edges, profiles, faces etc for you to pick.

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