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Member postings for Bob Unitt 1

Here is a list of all the postings Bob Unitt 1 has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: a machinist making a knife
17/07/2023 11:10:28
Posted by John ATTLEE on 16/07/2023 20:28:05:

Dear All, in answer to Tom Pratt, I would agree that i was being a bit sanctimonious and i might even be a bit hypocritical because I am not that PC myself. However, I would push back on the twit bit!

In answer to Bob, nearly all my engineering activities either directly or indirectly supports the REME Museum which is a registered charity.

I apologise for the tone of my post, it was a bit too much of a 'knee-jerk' reaction. Well done for supporting a charity, even if it is a museum dedicated to weaponry... wink

Thread: Scams
16/07/2023 14:50:33

Harry - check your PC for trojans and viruses, they may have got it direct from your machine's address book.

Thread: a machinist making a knife
16/07/2023 14:28:31
Posted by John ATTLEE on 15/07/2023 11:47:30:

Personally, I would prefer to use what modest skills and facilities I enjoy to benefit society!


Please educate us as to what your modest skills and facilities have produced for the benefit of society recently...

Thread: ENGINEDIY VE-01 Vacuum Engine unboxing
16/07/2023 14:09:32

Personally, I enjoy Blue Heeler's posts about the engines he's bought, assembled, modified, made accessories for etc.. I certainly don't see it as 'advertising', and don't think it's out-of-place on this forum (or any of the others he posts to).

Thread: Cylinder/Piston clearance ?
27/05/2023 10:31:08

Thanks. It was a silly question in a way - I've built a Lady Stephanie (see my profile pic) that runs nicely on air or steam, but that was 25 years ago so I can't remember what clearance I gave it or whyblush

26/05/2023 09:30:44

Thanks. I think I have the right 'fit' - with both cylinder-end covers fitted it's much harder to move the piston if I block the passage-ends on the valve-face with my fingers. Does the same clearance apply when running with steam rather than air ?

25/05/2023 13:29:41

I'm making Kennion's 'Tina' mill-engine. I've completed the cylinder (gunmetal, 1" bore) and the piston (gunmetal, 1" diameter). The piston is 3/8" wide, with a 1/8" groove for graphited yarn packing. I'll initially run this engine on air, but may want to try it on steam in the future.

What clearance should I allow between the piston and the cylinder ?

Thread: Malicious website ?
19/05/2023 10:00:47
Posted by SillyOldDuffer on 18/05/2023 13:23:03:
Posted by Bob Unitt 1 on 18/05/2023 10:11:53:

Why would you trust an online website purporting to check other websites any more than you would trust any other online website ? Does not compute...

Yes indeed, and "Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?" has always been a problem. (Who watches the watchmen?)

Faulty logic as a reason for not bothering with deeper checking though. Even though security is never perfect, it's still prudent to do ones best.

As far as I know, no-one has successfully faked a website security check website - yet. Not impossible, but a tricky challenge to pull-off for any length of time.

I wasn't suggesting you shouldn't do such checks, just the general "Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?" of the situation. I do such checks myself, and have certain sites and tools I trust, but my faith in them isn't absolute.

You can't be sure that a site isn't compromised in some way, as the definition of a successful compromise is that you can't detect that it's happened.

Even the big-boys can be infected - some years ago a colleague of mine went to a major IBM developer's conference in California, returning with a conference-provided CD of tools and information. On his return he found an urgent email from IBM - "DON'T OPEN THAT CD, IT'S GOT VIRUS !".

18/05/2023 10:11:53

Why would you trust an online website purporting to check other websites any more than you would trust any other online website ? Does not compute...

Thread: Suds
07/05/2023 15:27:13

Thanks folks, and especially thanks to those who PM'd me. Hopefully I've found a local source now.

Thread: Yet another scam
01/05/2023 09:41:18
Posted by Michael Gilligan on 30/04/2023 20:08:02:
Posted by Bob Unitt 1 on 30/04/2023 19:57:40:
Posted by Michael Gilligan on 30/04/2023 17:57:07:

My latest run of Scam eMails, all of which have been reported, mostly feature ladies offering photographs and/or their services blush

But is it scam if these ladies actually deliver these photographs/services ? surprise

I would be surprised if the messages are anything other than a means of collecting potentially useful addresses.


I agree. Sorry - I was trying to be humorous...

Thread: Suds
30/04/2023 20:49:32

What's the Soluble Cutting Oil recommendation these days ? I've just used up the last of my ancient stock of 'Biokool GP', and the only supplier of that that I can find won't ship it anywhere. What's an alternative that I can get delivered to my humble hovel in wild west Wales ?

Thread: Yet another scam
30/04/2023 19:57:40
Posted by Michael Gilligan on 30/04/2023 17:57:07:

My latest run of Scam eMails, all of which have been reported, mostly feature ladies offering photographs and/or their services blush

But is it scam if these ladies actually deliver these photographs/services ? surprise

Thread: Poor quality drill bits
30/04/2023 19:53:25

Ketan - thank you, that was fascinating.

Thread: 13A plus USB adapter : not recommended
30/04/2023 18:52:27

It's worth a look at these videos from BigCliveDotCom on the safety of these combined mains and USB sockets :-

A look inside a (crap) double gang socket with USB outlets.

Exploded British General USB socket

I wouldn't buy one after watching those videos.

Thread: Looking to buy a Warco Mill
30/04/2023 18:36:10

Posted by SillyOldDuffer on 30/04/2023 13:10:13:

It does fit in the space though! Headroom a small problem - it's 350mm less than my 2.3m ceiling, so I had to be little careful about lights and the up and over door.

How long is the draw-bar ? At my last home I had to cut a little hole in the ceiling of the workshop to insert or remove the draw-bar in my VM-B, fortunately there was about 1/2" clearance under the floorboard of the bedroom above.

Edited By Bob Unitt 1 on 30/04/2023 18:36:52

Thread: What did you do today? 2023
17/04/2023 11:31:56

(Yesterday) Brewed 40 pints of IPA (from a kit). Made a new shelf for bottling same. Did a bit of 'make do and mend' to some dodgy fencing. Looked at 'Tina' and told myself I really ought to get back to a bit of machining - perhaps today ?

Thread: Unknown steam engine and steam boiler
11/04/2023 15:13:21

Definitely a Trojan - it's identical to the one I have on my desk, which I built 25 years ago.

eta: Trojan drawings are still available from Reeves if you need them.

Edited By Bob Unitt 1 on 11/04/2023 15:15:10

Thread: What did you do today? 2023
10/04/2023 12:56:07
Posted by lee webster on 09/04/2023 21:56:03:

I have family coming to stay with me for week in a months time. I started the house cleaning process today. I hope to finish before they turn up. Any bets?

Leave it till they arrive, it'll give them something to do...

Thread: Infrastructure Engineering
09/04/2023 13:43:26
Posted by Dave Halford on 09/04/2023 10:55:25:

Reminds me of a story from the 70's

There was a new multi-story carpark built in Aston B'ham not far from the HP Sauce factory that was not built strong enough for cars and ended up being the home of the West Mids police mounted unit.

Truth or fiction? Not sure, but we thought it funny.

Similar story from early this century - a city hospital (Hereford, IIRC) was having an extension built, and decided to make the roof an ambulance-helicopter pad, to increases the car-parking spaces. Before the extension was even finished they bought a new helicopter, which was too heavy for the rooftop helipad. Needless to say the car-park ended up with even less spaces than before they started, as the (larger) helicopter had to land there instead.

Edited By Bob Unitt 1 on 09/04/2023 13:45:31

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