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Member postings for derek hall 1

Here is a list of all the postings derek hall 1 has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: What is the finest model engineering you've seen?
19/08/2022 11:25:11

If we are discussing models actually seen face to face, at the SMEE 100th anniversary some years ago, which had a disappointingly low attendance, I was able to see almost the entire collection of Cherry Hills models and Dr Bradbury Winters model "Como".

I witnessed prof Chaddock starting and running Lew Blackmores 9 cylinder rotary engine.

I also went to the Liverpool maritime museum some years ago and was able to see the fantastically detailed marine steam engines by (I think?) a certain Commander Baker - I stand to be corrected on the name though....



Thread: Inkjet, Remote printing head info?
18/08/2022 21:24:18

Hi I work for Linx and I am pretty sure that the industrial CIJ style of printer will not be the solution to your problem, unless you plan on printing millions of things 24/7 !



Thread: CO2 - Dumb question
18/08/2022 14:20:42
Posted by blowlamp on 18/08/2022 11:44:03:
Posted by derek hall 1 on 18/08/2022 10:00:33:

I thought "quantum" meant very small

So when a politician says "there will be a quantum change in our manifesto"....

You can manipulate statistics to support any evidence you want it to - politicians do it all the time

Statistics = maths for politicians

Just because Piers Corbyn "has got a degree in maths, physics and bionics" (thanks to the Undertones for that one!) does not mean that he is right

I agree with Hopper and others that over 7 billion humans beings (and increasing) are doing something bad to our planet and it will not end well...

Regards to all


Does that just apply to Piers Corbyn, or can we now dismiss all climate scientist's credentials?


Hi Martin,

At no point was I dismissive of Mr Corbyns qualifications, nor any of the equally qualified scientists that happen to disagree with him. I just wanted to make the point that just because a person is well qualified, they may turn out to be wrong!

In 200 years time one of the two groups of scientists bickering over this can turn to the other group and say "see...told you so!". As for which group that is, probably none of us will know...unless things happen to turn much worse and quicker than we all thought/assumed.

Kind regards


Thread: Do you "still" enjoy driving?
18/08/2022 11:36:25

Thanks John !

To me that could be "real" enough though....I know a mate whose son used to install, test and commission these simulators. Before handing over one of the simulators over to the customer, his son showed his parents around it. The story goes he took them inside and set the simulator to be on final approach at Paris Charles De Gaulle airport at night and asked his father "land" it.

With his son sat in the co-pilots seat watching the fun....his dad (my mate) in the pilots seat. Needless to say he crashed it - with his wife screaming behind him in the observers seat - he said he was a sweaty nervous wreck after ! He said is was so realistic with all the alarms going off and noise...

I can understand now from what you are saying that the simulators are so good that pilots can use these to re-validate their licences.

Great photo by the way

All the best


18/08/2022 10:30:53


My guess is a simulator as there is no one at the controls and you are on a "supposed" runway.



Thread: CO2 - Dumb question
18/08/2022 10:00:33

double post

Edited By derek hall 1 on 18/08/2022 10:01:23

18/08/2022 10:00:33

I thought "quantum" meant very small

So when a politician says "there will be a quantum change in our manifesto"....

You can manipulate statistics to support any evidence you want it to - politicians do it all the time

Statistics = maths for politicians

Just because Piers Corbyn "has got a degree in maths, physics and bionics" (thanks to the Undertones for that one!) does not mean that he is right

I agree with Hopper and others that over 7 billion humans beings (and increasing) are doing something bad to our planet and it will not end well...

Regards to all


Thread: Donations to keep forum free
16/08/2022 16:23:25
Posted by SillyOldDuffer on 16/08/2022 14:35:39:
Posted by JasonB on 16/08/2022 12:37:52:


I was just hoping it may help build up a little Xmas bonus for me and my fellow moderators...

Excellent idea Birthdays too. I vote for fast cars , wild women and free booze.


......"and the rest I will just waste".....believed to be a quote from the footballer George Best



Thread: CO2 - Dumb question
16/08/2022 16:19:49

Yes I agree with Swarf, Mostly.......let's just get back to "latheing"

Regards to all


15/08/2022 16:21:05

Phew, steady on gents......this is starting to get a bit heated and personal....I am sure the mods are hovering....



Thread: Tapping my first thread into Cast Iron
15/08/2022 11:00:58

+1 for the GHT designed pillar tool

One of the most used tools in my workshop. Essential for tapping square small holes and I would not be without it. However this is not the only reason for my positive review !

Making the thing gives you a lot of valuable experience in machining to close tolerances, working with different materials and making some ball handles which really sets it off ! Just follow the masters instructions and you will end up with a tool that with more accessories can be used for other functions, sensitive drilling attachment, staking, riveting and number punching and also an attachment that can convert the UPT to a clock bushing tool.

Yes I do have a vertical mill but I don't have the sensitivity or "feel" to tap confidently e.g. down to 10 BA with it (perhaps I should make something !)

Fully agree with Andrew - no need to use any cutting compound when tapping or machining cast iron

All the best


Thread: water
13/08/2022 07:31:42

I used to work on the Ely - Ouse River transfer scheme where a network of pumping stations and pipes took excess water that would be lost to sea at the Wash at Denver Sluice, was transferred to reservoirs in Essex and from there potentially to London.

This completed in the early 1970s, maybe the government should have invested the money to expand this nationwide rather than waste it on HS2...

For interest there were 3 large pumps at one of the pumping stations, each capable of pumping approx 30 million gallons per day, driven by 11000 v motor, the water was extracted 200 ft down via a well fed from a tunnel several miles long that I think went under the runway at RAF mildenhall. The underground pipeline was almost big enough to walk upright and we sometimes had to do tunnel/pipe inspections on the rare occasions the system was drained.

Interesting job, I expect it is running 24/7 at the moment....



Thread: Engineered fuel prices
03/08/2022 13:19:34

Hopper and Dave W...

100% agree with your comments !



Thread: Will the lights stay on this winter?
28/07/2022 11:41:59

Just drive through any city at night in the UK, esp London.

A quick way for the UK to reduce consumption of unnecessary power would be turn off office lighting when the office stands empty, or light up every other floor and let those still working hot desk.

Turn off all these ego/vanity lighting schemes in public places

Install more sensors to turn of lights (and aircon?) when a building is unoccupied.

Lots more ways to easily stop wasting power.

Drives me nuts seeing skyscrapers all lit up at night and most workers having left or wfh....


Sorry, beginning to go into full rant mode !

Edited By JasonB on 28/07/2022 12:06:54

Thread: What would you ban and why? (Definitely tearoom!)
20/07/2022 15:12:33

My wife has already banned me from watching those programs on TV with cameras following the police catching criminals, only for any punishment to be negligible.

She got fed up with me shouting at the telly...



Thread: Brand Names
18/07/2022 08:14:40
Posted by Nigel Graham 2 on 17/07/2022 11:18:40:

Whatever you are reading this on is very likely at least partially Chinese-made, its pcb for example mass-produced on machines designed and manufactured in Holland, Germany and here in the UK*.

Trying to make a Covid-related point by not buying anything Chinese-made, nor presumably even if made in Britain but by a Chinese-owned firm, is all very noble but not far off impossible these days; and it would take far more than just a few making choices like that to worry a country the entire "Western" commercial world has spent several years encouraging to develop as it has.


Backing away from the "P-word", there is nothing new in badge-engineering and outright IP theft.

For some years I owned a big IXL lathe, and subsequently learnt from Tony Griffiths' that "IXL" was little more than a dealer blind-rivetting its prominent brass name-plate to machines made in Germany, though I forget its real maker's name. (I subsequently donated the lathe to the Lynton & Barnstaple Railway's workshop.)

Ajax sold a mill-drill very much like those from Warco etc, familiar to many of us; but I think Ajax itself did not make all its own "products"; just stuck its name on others.


Among that "IXL" lathe's duties were the early parts for my miniature Hindley steam-wagon, a project still unfinished and dragging for far, far too long! Hindley & Sons, based in Bourton, North Dorset made a large range of engineering products including a number of 3 patterns of steam-wagon; for which they patented a boiler design intended to cope with steep hills - such as that from their valley-floor factory.

I have seen, via miniatures, basically the same boiler design used on a French-made Portable Engine and the Shay locomotives: the latter as a pair built by 'Western Steam' - deciding my choice to contract my Hindley boiler to Helen Verrall's company.

Hindley also cheekily patented wheels supposedly intended to absorb road-shocks. This merely gave their standard wheels - rose-pierced plates joining hub to plain steel tyre - a thick layer of wood between the plate flanges and the tyre. None of their publicity photos show these, probably a lot cheaper than the Bauley wheels optionally offered, but I have copied them for my project. How did they gain the patent? I can't believe it sufficiently novel for patenting; but it was a bit late. This era saw the advances of rubber tyres beginning to enjoy MacAdam-surfaced roads now gaining Tar-macadam tops. While Hindley stuck with plain steel rims that must have been awful on ice and wet granite setts, despite their Ackermann steering.

Whilst my research showed a Hindley wagon was bought by the Chewton Mendip company of C.W. Harris. This Somerset outfit made a petrol car under the 'Mendip' brand; but also tried offering a 'Mendip' -brand steam-wagon looking identical to the existing product from South of the said Hills.

It does not seem to have caught on. There seems to have been no legal fight, but by then (1910s), the overtype and vertical-engine steam-wagon with open cab, or no cab at all, was old-fashioned. The battery-electric vehicle was in its ascendency until someone twigged that petrol and diesel had certain advantages further still...


*(I worked for several years for the last, which is going from strength to strength. Now called ASM under new ownership, it retains the original DEK name as the brand on the screen-printing machines that were always its speciality. No, 'DEK' is not a misprint for computer company 'DEC', nor an abbbreviation. The firm's founder carefully and shrewdly invented it as a brand-name meaning nothing as a word but easy to pronounce in any language!

DEK used to have its own machine-shop, where one day a machinist accidentally scraped an aerosol can of cutting-fluid to reveal another make completely hidden under the seller's label! Though allegedly we did the same things when our early product range catered for the souvenir and brand-goods makers: supplying "recommended" , "own-brand" inks in bottles filled from bulk containers bought from a generic-ink maker! )

Wow DEK! I used to work for them, as a customer support engineer way back in the mid nineties. They have changed their name but still based in Weymouth. It used to be said there is a 1 in 3 chance that any surface mounted PCB would have been made on a DEK printer...

Kind regards


Thread: EMCO FB2 mill Z-axis nut stripped
01/07/2022 15:21:41

Thanks for the info guys, sorry to hijack the thread Y C but felt it was related.

Kind regards


30/06/2022 06:56:09

I need to inspect my Emco as despite following the setting up instructions I cannot get the "balance" right where the handle effectively locks and unlocks the head.

Not sure if it's the nut in question that is wearing out or the fact i cannot get bolts 39 and assembly 40 and 41.

Anyone got a clearer procedure than in the manual?

As regarding the nut if it hasn't broken or stripped what is acceptable backlash?



27/06/2022 19:25:30

I will be going, i think it is important to support these events



Thread: Myford or Atlas lathe ?
20/06/2022 13:36:12

Lathists that’s do lathe-ing !!

good look with your lathe, but please do not be tempted to strip it and paint ….at least not yet



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