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Member postings for densleigh

Here is a list of all the postings densleigh has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Car Air Pump Bucket
11/08/2023 10:16:40

Try these people - they can make most sorts of seals

I had a water pump seal made by them.

Thread: Behaviour of Banks
03/06/2023 18:27:37

As a Parish Council we have just amalgamated two parish councils and created a new combined account.


The High St banks and even two B.Societies did not want to know about any of this.


Our Clerk found Unity Trust Bank who were very happy to take us on no issues around anything plus there is the facility for dual authourisation to guard against any wrong doings.


Be careful though there is a very similar named bank that comes up first in a google search - that one is based in tthat very wealthy country in Africa, with lots of people wanting you to encash zillions of $ !

Edited By densleigh on 03/06/2023 18:30:24

Thread: Issues with connecting a VGA cable to a computer monitor
02/07/2022 21:57:26


You canb get VGA cables from CPC in various lengths, looking on their web site 28 came up. I have used various cables, some linked together in a daisy chain with no noticable signal degradation.

No connection to CPC just a satisfied user.

Thread: Source of 2 inch balls for water pump
08/04/2021 16:04:11

hi Andrew, Suggestion of old bowling woods is good as only source of lignum wood. problen will be turning it as it is incredibly hard. It is one, if not, the only wood that sinks in water. If you are situated in the south of England they are ususlly found in s/hand shops in fours as flat green bowls, 'up north they are defined as crown green bowls in pairs.

Using snooker balls might work but they might be too dense, they also can be quite badly damaged quite easily.

As to the seals, I have recently repaired a similar pump (not with a presure reserve) and found a firm based in Crewe who make the leather gaskets and can 'draw' the leather cup for the lift (probably not needed in your case). I might have some 2" snooker balls around as I used to make snooker tables. I can look for you. You might be able to get a set of billiard balls (3) from Peradon & Fletcher, based in Liverpool I no longer trade with this compoany having retired from the sports trade quite a while ago.

Aramith snooker balls are considered the best available, made in Belgium, so pricey.

If you pm me I can have a look in my stores for you.


Thread: Floor Paint
02/08/2019 11:07:56

Another good source is **LINK**

I have used this with good results on several floors. A lot cheaper than big shed/ known brands and has lasted well with things being dragged over it.

They also do a range of emulsion paints - not used but again would anticipate that they are good

No connection just a satisfied customer

Thread: down draft table
24/03/2017 16:01:50


If you want info on home made dust extraction try here

Lots of good ideas

Thread: Small chrome plate job
13/03/2017 09:10:10

Try these people - very reasonable and used to small parts being lumped together.

Just a satisfied customer and no other connection as per usual

Thread: What Did You Do Today (2017)
24/01/2017 16:30:09


Good to see I am not alone with this company as a suitable source. The only issue I had was that due to impatience I walked on the last floor I did only a few (less than 12) hours before it had gone off and my foot prints in two places damaged it. When I got to look later when it had dried properly, the footprint where it came off was on a poor cement surface that had shaled badly. It was more sand than cement being very old and poorly mixed and laid - by others.

On my main w/shop floor I have moved machinery and steel stock around by dragging and the surface has withstood that with no detriment. Thus if you are patient it does appear to be very good stuff.

Both floors have no DPC membrane and even mild dampness does not seem to have caused issues, time might say otherwise but so far ok


24/01/2017 10:56:30


I have used products from this company (no connection only a customer)

Done two floors with their polyurethane floor paint - 2 pack and it has proved very hardwearing

Price wise it is far cheaper than 'branded ' products from the sheds.

Thread: Lignum Vitae
27/09/2016 19:53:28

Hi Maurice,

As you probably know it is one of the hardest and heaviest of woods to try and do anything with.

It sinks in water and not many woods do that!

If it is still green and not a really old piece you might be able cut it with a decent Tungsten blade,in a circular saw bench, it stalled a 2hp machine when I tried however if it is a seasoned piece it will be very difficult to cut it.

 it might turn ok but again its hard. I used to send bowls woods away to be remodelled, and if there was the smallest crack in them they (Thomas Taylors) would refuse to do anything to it.

It would make nice plinth for a model perhaps or if you can turn it a small ornament.

Or alternatively put on the Bay and let someone else hassle with it.

Finally if you do decide to put it on the fire (I know) it does not burn very well - coal burns quicker! It just smoulders.

Good luck!



Edited By densleigh on 27/09/2016 19:54:33

Thread: Audi recall
24/09/2016 16:12:06

I had assumed that all these cars only offered indicators as an expensive optional extra tem after the leather seat packs and the low profile alloys. Consequently the additional cost would make the car prohibitively expensive and hence reduce sales!

Hence only visible and non operative as infill to rest of light clusters.

Thread: bsf thread
17/08/2016 15:40:48


Retired farmer in our village sells almost every thread profile you are ever likely to need BSF - BSW, Metric coarse and fine, UNC/UNF and whatever else you might need. Might not do more exotic threads - cycle etc but has met my needs when ever required.

If you are in need just pm me and I can provide contact details. - he is not on the web.


Thread: Welder wiring
04/04/2016 18:07:23

Looks to be the solution move from 400v connection to 240v connection.

If in doubt ring them up and they will advise.

Thread: Wood Treatment
15/02/2016 16:28:33

Lignum Vitae would be good - you can get it from specialist timber importers or a set of old Lawn bowls.

Be aware it is very very hard and difficult to cut, sinks in water, but is beautiful wood.

It is green when first cut

Thread: Dial Indicators
11/02/2016 16:48:28

I have a Clarke Plunger one and it sticks all the time - so not much use.

To replace I bought a Mititoyo one and the difference is really amazing - it works every time!

Only echoes the mantra buy decent and be wise.

Thread: A request
18/12/2015 12:44:11


Understanding some Kiwi dialect is equally hard fro us back home. First visit I was re-rranging car hire collection time and the young lady kept saying 'I will meet you at teen' and possibly because of travel lag I was then trying to get her to tell me where that was! I am sure seeing it in print the answer is obvious ' meet me at ten' But they had a good laugh at me when it was finally decrypted by my Kiwi friends !!

Dialect is very interesting mid morning break in North Staffordshire is freed to as 'snapping' in South Cheshire it is called 'Bagging' and so on.

Anyway you have wonderful country and people now been 3 times and ready to go again. before that I need to go for a lozack

Regards John

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