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Member postings for Peter Spink

Here is a list of all the postings Peter Spink has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Cura 4.8
19/01/2021 12:03:23

Finally bit the bullet and bought a printer.

Managed to get my head round Fusion 360, downloaded Cura 4.8 and printed a few easy parts to get me started. All good.

Now wanting to dive a bit deeper and looking at supporting overhangs etc.

Am I alone in finding Cura the most counter intuitive bit of software I have ever come across?
If so, any other recommendations!

Thread: Building Robinson Hot Air Engine
16/01/2021 19:03:17

That's very nice, lovely job! yes

Thread: Motor for a gyroscope.
29/12/2020 10:35:23
Posted by duncan webster on 28/12/2020 23:42:00:

Absolutely not what you asked for, but how about half round teeth in the rotor periphery and an air jet? Turbine guy who writes in this forum should have some good suggestions

Like this?

Gyro 2.jpeg

Gyro 1.jpeg

Gyro 3.jpeg

I always assumed this was intended for a missile where the gyro would be spun up during the launch period and then the nozzle would retract when up to speed.
Goes at quite a rate on the compressor and spins for several minutes after nozzle pulled out.

Thread: What Did You Do Today 2020
17/12/2020 21:53:00

Completed the restoration of my UPT, particularly the sensitive drill attachment, which I made many years ago.

Original motor was far too slow so fitted new motor, a re-purposed Makita trimmer driven by a Velleman speed controlller. Can run it at over 15000rpm now but not sure whether the Oilite bearings will take that punishment for long! Time will tell.

I always thought the position of the handle, sticking straight out, to be inconvenient so I made a heavy bracket and rotated the handle 90 degrees. A vast improvement IMO - I can get much closer to see what I'm doing and also means I can park the drill on a bracket on the wall when not in use.

More pics in my album if anyone interested.

Thread: Pea shooters illegal
11/12/2020 22:46:44

I despair on this issue.

In our kitchen we have many 'offensive weapons' from knives to rolling pins.

In my workshop I have many 'offensive weapons' from chisels to hammers.

In my garden shed I have many 'offensive weapons' from spades to garden forks.

On my drive we have 'offensive weapons' (cars)

A weapon only becomes 'offensive' when it is used by someone with offensive tendencies.

That is the issue we need to address.



Edited By Peter Spink on 11/12/2020 22:49:21

Thread: What Did You Do Today 2020
11/12/2020 15:10:48

I really ought to clean it up at least , if not re-paint it, shouldn't I?

By clamping it vertically, like this:

Mounted on band saw

I can now use it on the band saw to hold small section pieces of stock and, more usefully, hold short ends of material without the faff of using a bolt or similar to stop the band saw vice jaws from canting over.


Now that's a good idea! yes

Thread: Reverse Sewing Machine Motor?
04/12/2020 20:28:42

Coincidentally I'm in the process of repurposing a Makita laminate edge trimmer for the same reason. Had to dismantle it to reverse the brush connections which was a 'do or die' situation but it went back together OK and now runs in the correct direction. Hopefully the cooling fans will also work in reverse but will not be in continuous use so fingers crossed. Fortunately the brushes are at right angles to the commutator on this motor so a quick rub down to take the edges off should keep them happy. The speed plate says 28000rpm (!) so I'm using a Velleman speed controller which works a treat with this type of motor and will allow it to run at a more manageable speed.

Thread: Counterbores
13/11/2020 11:27:25

I too have a set from ARC and although they are to spec, I found them to have too much clearance for my needs.

Easy job to grind them down with a Dremel in the toolpost - sorted!

Thread: Myford ML7 Chucks - Which one?
12/11/2020 23:55:13


Was lucky to find this a couple of years ago - brand new and unused for £100.

A 125mm Pratt Burnerd self centring 4 jaw which I've been using on my S7 with no problems at all.

It's a 'nice to have but not essential' bit of kit but I wouldn't be without it now.

Only slight drawback is the chuck and backplate are quite heavy to manhandle but those with bigger lathes are probably quite used to that!

Thread: Hemingway rear tool post plunger thread?
06/11/2020 18:11:31

Yup, there's a threaded plug with a screwdriver slot which stops the spring and plunger falling out smiley

Thread: What Did You Do Today 2020
26/08/2020 17:24:28

Wow, extreme chain drilling! yes

Thread: Wireless doorbell without tunes
24/08/2020 13:51:26

I used an mp3 module with a 433Mhz remote and downloaded a traditional bell sound.

Unit sits on top of kitchen cabinet and can be heard at the bottom of the garden.

Yes - I need to get out more wink

Thread: Sensor
19/08/2020 19:42:30

I've used these LINK for the very same purpose.
Mount at the back end of a bit of waste pipe with suitable cap to provide shielding and protection.

Thread: Carbide Parting off tips
24/07/2020 20:51:36
Posted by JasonB on 24/07/2020 18:34:20:

Look for GTR (right hand) or GTL (left hand) ather than the neutral N that you are using

Well I've learnt something today too! yes

Thread: Dickson / Dixon QC tool holders material
14/07/2020 20:01:56

Another thread here "LINK"

I had a similar problem so machined 0.050" from the top of the topslide - problem solved!

Thread: What Did You Do Today 2020
06/06/2020 23:13:41
Posted by Colin Heseltine on 06/06/2020 20:36:57:


Yes I did 3D print them. Found lots on Thingiverse and other odd sites but nothing that would suit my requirements. I then found a file someone had created with OpenSCAD which is parameter driven. I was able to alter length and all the sizes of the electrical connection box and lid. Worked brilliantly.

Excellent, ta yes

06/06/2020 20:21:15

Thanks John,

Been umming and ahhing about buying a 3D printer - maybe the time has come!

06/06/2020 18:54:36

Good work Colin!

On my rotary table I found the worm engagement critical to prevent the stepper stalling but once set it's fine.

Did you 3D print the stepper motor termination boxes or is someone selling them?

Could use a couple if so.

Thread: Soldering Iron
03/06/2020 23:06:31

For electronic work Weller was always the favourite make but a bit pricey.

I've had one of these LINK for some time - been very pleased with it and a reasonable price.

Ergonomically poor for me but easy to split the units up and have the stand seperate on the left (with a weighted base) and the power unit to the right.

Thread: What Did You Do Today 2020
17/05/2020 20:00:40

First time machining cams and something I'd not been looking forward to.
Boring head and rotary table seemed like the best approach for me but problem was lack of headroom on the mill so had to machine up cam blanks to fit directly into the table.

Waste of metal for such small parts but once set up a very easy process and pleased with the end result!

Cam set up1.jpeg

Cam set up 2.jpeg

Cam 5.jpeg

Ready for parting off and finishing.

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