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Member postings for blowlamp

Here is a list of all the postings blowlamp has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Alibre Atom 3D. A question to those who use it.
11/05/2023 19:15:53

Hi Lee.

I've not come across any of the 'usual' booleans in Atom - I think you would need to buy the next option up, to get that functionality.


Thread: Alibre - A First Attempt
10/05/2023 12:10:49

Thanks to everyone for providing the solution - special mention to Lee for being first with the answer. yes

I didn't think to swap those two options because I can't remember changing them in the first place, but maybe I did that inadvertently.

I'll keep playing.



09/05/2023 23:29:43

I downloaded Atom and have been having a play.

I couldn't make any progress beyond drawing circles and other shapes for quite a while, which was frustrating, but eventually I realised that once you have completed a sketch in Atom, you need to apply some kind of Boss or Cut function, and from what I can presently tell, that function will act on all geometry within that particular sketch. I think this is why keeping a sketch simple is important and you probably shouldn't include geometry that isn't needed at that point.

Anyway, I made a video of where I keep getting stuck on Nigel's cylinder cover - it's the extruded rectangle that's used to slice off part of the flange that throws an error message for some reason. I can't think what I'm doing differently, because previously it just seemed to work.


Thread: CAD Doodlings.
08/05/2023 22:54:44

A Cylinder Cover.


Thread: Alibre - A First Attempt
08/05/2023 19:02:33

It's no good. I'm downloading Atom just to see how hard it is to get my head around. devil


Thread: Ideas for rekindling the love
07/05/2023 11:49:10

Buy your Wyvern a big box of chocolates and share them together. love

Thread: CAD Doodlings.
03/05/2023 23:33:19

Modeling a Torx (ish) tool with a hex drive.


Thread: Alibre - A First Attempt
03/05/2023 11:17:31


If you won't accept help, then you are beyond help.

At this point, what do you suggest that someone could say to you, that will help you move forward?


Thread: 3D pipe runs in CAD
02/05/2023 19:55:13
Posted by JasonB on 02/05/2023 18:20:41:

Dave says he is using copper pipe.

I thought he was using plastic soil pipe for the enclosure.


02/05/2023 18:16:44


Is the plastic pipe up to the job of not collapsing in on itself under high vacuum?


Thread: Alibre image tracing
01/05/2023 20:00:00
Posted by Ady1 on 01/05/2023 19:31:35:

My current Alibre homework

Edited By Ady1 on 01/05/2023 19:33:18

Nicely done, Ady1. yes

Thread: 3D pipe runs in CAD
01/05/2023 17:29:06
Posted by SillyOldDuffer on 01/05/2023 17:15:11:

I could work the plumbing out by positioning real parts around the real clock, but I've found CAD modelling is so close to real machining that it's worth modelling to be sure holes, pipes and whatnot won't accidentally interfere. For example, I can make holes and run pipes in the model with the model microcontroller fitted in the base, seeing instantly if any of them are bad news. Not a good idea to machine actual metal with delicate electronics or anything else attached!





I think I'd be using Kunifer brake pipe (or similar), to keep it more compact, it's easier to bend too.



Edited By blowlamp on 01/05/2023 17:30:17

01/05/2023 17:20:57

There are no special tools to do this in MoI, just draw the line and Sweep the profile.

Notice how there's no need to position the profile on the rail - as long as the profile is outside the bounding box of the rail, then MoI will assume you want it rotated & centred along the rail. If you position the profile yourself, then it will be swept accordingly.

By adding Points to the curve, you can see that it's possible to create more complex shapes - the generated solid can be updated by moving the Points, or even by updating the diameter of the profile.




Edited By blowlamp on 01/05/2023 17:32:37

Thread: Alibre - A First Attempt
01/05/2023 13:09:40
Posted by SillyOldDuffer on 01/05/2023 13:01:37:

The problem is me. I've been using the 2D sketcher for months. The 3D sketcher is similar, and I've forgotten the differences, so it doesn't do what I'd expect (in 3 dimensions).


Isn't it just a matter of starting a line/curve in one view (say Front) and then continuing into Top and the Left view etc, until you have the shape you need, then finishing with a Sweep to make the solid?


01/05/2023 12:19:14
Posted by SillyOldDuffer on 01/05/2023 11:08:20:

...I share Nigel's pain. After a 6 month break I went back to Solid Edge's 3D sketch-tool last night. It's good for modelling pipework. After 40 minutes cursing repeat failures I went to bed in a huff - I've forgotten everything! I know SE works...


Edited By SillyOldDuffer on 01/05/2023 11:10:13


What made it difficult to do?

Something like this?



01/05/2023 00:31:11
Posted by lee webster on 30/04/2023 23:58:46:

Alibre Atom 3D is £200. That's only 54p per day for the first year. You can't even get a Twix bar for that. Ooo, 365 Twix bars......

Can I remind you that there are about 365.25 days in the year to eat Twix bars? wink 2


01/05/2023 00:27:02
Posted by Nigel Graham 2 on 30/04/2023 23:35:08:

Martin -

Maybe. See above.

I have learnt only some absolute basic moves, far below any useful level I doubt I could achieve in fourteen months, let alone fourteen days.

Besides, though Alibre Atom is not expensive by specialist software standards, for me it is still a serious gamble with no guarantee of "winning" - the prize being becoming able to justify its cost by serious use.

Nothing to do with pride. I am not proud of failure, ignorance or incompetence; but I do not want to take other's time in remote lessons deserved by those capable of learning such things.


David Jupp has made it very clear that he is willing to 'waste' his time on you. Has it occured to you that this constant back and forth is 'wasting' the time of those on here offering their help?

If you accept David's offer and you make no progress, then you will have been proved correct in your stated belief that you can not learn Atom and you'll both have lost an hour of your lives. On the other hand, if David can move you on a little, then that is progress, but you first have to accept his offer.

As I said before, stop procrastinating by telling us what you can't do and grab the best chance you're ever going to get to show us what you can do.


30/04/2023 22:33:59


We know you are finding it difficult to learn 3d CAD.

You have two weeks left on your trial of Atom, so I suggest you stop contemplating, swallow your pride at your lack of progress and grab David Jupp's offer with both hands and see if he can help. Don't procrastinate - investigate!


Thread: CAD Doodlings.
30/04/2023 19:50:08

A video of nothing in particular - just doodling some Offsets to lines and solids, which add features that might otherwise take a while to do.


Thread: Improved Experimental Pendulum
28/04/2023 23:05:58

" The wild jumping about at the end is due to me eating breakfast next to the clock and vibrating it. "

The size of the jump in the graph seems to indicate you had a 'Full English' for breakfast. smiley


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