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Member postings for Limpet

Here is a list of all the postings Limpet has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Changing the speed on a bench drill
14/07/2018 15:28:20


I have an older Medding floor standing drill and found them extremely helpful for advice and spares when contacted.


Edit spelling

Edited By Limpet on 14/07/2018 15:29:03

Thread: Replacing Gears - CH-10M mill/drill
09/07/2018 18:18:16

Good to know you're up and running again


Thread: Workshop in this weather..?
09/07/2018 18:17:08

It's sad when pets need to be rescued from some unspeakable fate I have two in my pond that have been blessed with an extra 4 years.

Nick I am surprised a model engineer has been stumped by a bottle opener wink


Thread: Children's safety in the workshop.
06/07/2018 18:15:33

I learnt very early in life not to trust my dad with any type of tooling. My earliest memory is when he decided to put a light in the outside loo. He took the two wires from the 15amp (round pin) socket in the kitchen twisted them together and put into one side of the new light switch and the two wires from the bulb were twisted together and put in the other side of the switch. It did make a very big bang and put the house in darkness. He tried 4 or 5 times before admitting defeat. It still makes my brother and me laugh.


Thread: Workshop in this weather..?
06/07/2018 14:54:12

Dave W

I only have a few feet of exposed pipes and they're lagged and like you gravity feed from pond, sieve, bead, eazypod on skimmer, 2 water pumps, 2 air pumps but only 1 UV. The heat exchanger is on the return of the shed c/h circuit (separate zone). As I'm just about to enter retirement I'm seriously looking at 2kW of solar to offset the pond running cost. We use a lot of electricity.


Thread: a new skill
05/07/2018 17:50:50

The skill to travel backwards in time, partly to see the masters of old and also to give me time to actually finish something.


Thread: Workshop in this weather..?
05/07/2018 17:45:48

I do my best to not let the pond 4000 gallon(ish) go below 5 degrees which was hard this last winter even in tropical Devon and keep the pumps running all year (although much slower) as I fear the exposed pipework will freeze and crack. Next winter will be easier as it now has a heat exchanger fed from the c/h boiler if it gets too cold, although I dread the cost if I have to use it.


05/07/2018 17:09:05


The water in the pond is continually pumped from the bottom of the pond to the top for the filtration system with a complete water turnover of about a hour, the temp is measured on the return to the pond. I was once told that we don't keep Koi we keep water.

The largest rise in temp was 2.4 degrees C in one day, a bit too much for them really


Edited By Limpet on 05/07/2018 17:15:35

04/07/2018 22:55:52
Posted by Mark Rand on 04/07/2018 22:47:27:

Small world! I was living in Ashburton and went to school at Newton Abbot Grammer.

I was living at Bovey and went to school in Ashburton. It is indeed a small world.


04/07/2018 22:13:30
Posted by Mark Rand on 04/07/2018 21:49:34:

In the summer of 1976 I took my A levels. After that, while waiting to go to Aston to study Electrical Engineering & Electronics, I worked at the Candy Tile factory in Heathfield, Devon (It's now British Ceramic Tiles and the largest tile factory in the UK). Then there were two conveyor belt kilns, Bisque firing and Glaze firing. In between the kilns were all the workers pressing the clay, putting them on cranks, taking cooked biscuit off the cranks, printing and glazing them, putting them on glaze cranks, taking the finished tiles off those, packing them. Sorting first's second's and scrap at several stages. Basically working their cotton socks off between two bloody great 100 yard long kilns.

The entire workforce had a vote and decided to work from 06:00 to 14:00 without a break, rather than 08:00 to 16:30 with a half hour lunch. It was still bloody hot, but at least fewer people fainted...

Mark it seems I was just across the road from you in '76 working as a fitter at W. L. Vallance. I have to remember the year well as it was when I got married!!!!!!! Workshop at the moment (well before the rains came) just crept to 26 I am so glad I put the insulation in the roof. My 4000 gallon pond was up to 25. Anyone for boiled Koi


Thread: Hot rail tracks
28/06/2018 09:48:23
Posted by Mick Henshall on 26/06/2018 18:25:25:

Heavy rain, gales, landslips,trees on line,leaves on line, snow now too hot, looks like they have all the bases covered


And don't forget the high tides for us in South Devon


Thread: New Milling Machine - advice requested
25/06/2018 16:08:29


I have the 12/20 Nylon(ish) spare as I upgraded my Chester Conquest mill to belt drive several years ago. I am quite happy to post to you with the other 2 gears and shaft foc just send me pm with an address if you require them



Edit correct spelling l

Edited By Limpet on 25/06/2018 16:09:20

Thread: Lost and Found
20/06/2018 10:04:40

I must be exceptionally bad with cars. First lost the car in a multistorey carpark in Bristol (how was I to know you didn't enter on the ground floor) took about an hour to find it. I've also walked home from work after driving in, thought the car was nicked from the drive until SWMBO put me right. And in the late 70 got in my Cortina parked in the high street only to realise as I checked the mirror to pull out that I didn't have fluffy dice hanging from the mirror my proper car was parked two down in the street. Don't you feel so guilty when you realise.


Thread: What's the best alternative to 'loctited'
04/06/2018 17:48:38

Who would have thought it, a supposedly simple question now on page 6. Personally loctited, bonded, stuck, glued etc. doesn't really matter ( I draw the line at nailed devil though) . Surely as model engineers we are able to assess the correct adhesive to use, (even if we do have several bottles, jars etc on the shelf). I see the additional information of more use to the complete novice that is unaware of the different types, brand names available, but isn't that what the forum is for, for us newbies to ask what may be deemed as stupid questions by some, although I believe if the answer is not known how can it be stupid. Could we not have a 'glues reference' maybe as a sticky post with Web addresses for manufacturers reference data

Just my twopenneth worth


Thread: What did you do Today 2018
22/05/2018 08:51:27

Many thanks for the good wishes Neil


21/05/2018 18:38:25

Well today I got involved with renovating, not on any type of machine we all generally work on but on myself. I had a right knee replacement this morning. Hospital staff excellent what a marvellous job they do caring for us Grumpy old men, can't praise them enough. Any another 3days in hospital then banned from the workshop for 6weeks by the boss.


Thread: Hello from Devon
29/04/2018 21:37:39

Welcome on board Ron.. Lots of helpful advice to keep you going forward. I'm another from the bottom of Devon


Thread: Warco WM250 Lathe and Warco WM18 Milling machine (Advice please)
10/04/2018 17:28:42

Stk. Just to put your mind at rest I received my WM16b from Warco about a week ago, delivered by a very nice man who put as close to the workshop as he could get with the pallet truck. Although they were still waiting for delivery of some of the items purchased on their open day, (still another two weeks to wait). I had to split the mill in half to manhandle (on my own) into the workshop (too many steps for cranes). Just finished cleaning and reassembling now read to cut metal.

When I bought my Chester DB8 a few years ago it was all they could do to leave it on the pavement.

Keep patient


Thread: Electric cooker temperature
05/04/2018 22:52:12

We had a new Belling cooker last year and the wife had the same problem so I checked the oven temp and it was about 15degree low. Anyway we called the man in (under warranty) and he reset the thermostat correctly and he said that the ovens were generally set low. All good after that


Thread: What did you do Today 2018
30/03/2018 21:06:43
Posted by Bob Dring on 30/03/2018 20:21:11:


For those that can see retirement coming soon. Sit down and think about it. How would you like to spend your time? What things do you like doing once in a while and what very often. Like any big project, retirement is easier to handle if you think it through first and plan for it.

Couldn't agree more. Although I still have 4 1/2 months to retirement at 65 (who's counting?) I have several hobbies and interests and been planning and building up resources, tools, experience in not only model engineering but also my other interests. Although I've mostly enjoyed my working life (we all have bad times) being with my present company for 35 years I feel it's time for some 'me' time. Who knows I may decide to go back to work for a couple of days a week in a couple of years but personally I can't see it happening. Bring it on!


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