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Member postings for Essm

Here is a list of all the postings Essm has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: 5 inch Lion (Titfield Thunderbolt) Boiler top
10/01/2022 15:56:00

Take a look here Brian.

Nigel has converted from square casting to round
Thread: The demise of UK fossil fuel Power Stations
17/01/2021 19:12:12

Its not model engineering but its steam and coal and engineering at its best.

During my career I was lucky to visit many of these sites and the photos brought back many memories


Thread: Next issue late?
17/12/2020 11:30:27

Wowee - my patience has been rewarded - Issue 4653 dropped thro' the letterbox this morning - together with Issue 4654 - All my Christmases have come at once!

14/12/2020 13:31:46

"As to you getting the same number of issues as you subscribed to I quite agree - however if you want to have a complete run you have to pay 2 1/2 times the cost of your extra issue to buy the missing one from MagsUK"

I fully agree with you Nick and after reading some of the previous comments it seems that the people trying to defend MTM policies have either received their copies or subscribe digitally.

It is obvious that the Post Office are at full stretch with extra Christmas mail and also the virus home test kits etc but I think that a fortnight is long enough for me to consider my copy of ME4653 to have gone astray - or do others think I am being a little previous?

It may be that I am in a tiny minority so If you have not received your copy please let us all know - I'm not interested in those who have received theirs - just those who haven't

Keep safe everyone

Thread: Tilting/rotating frame design
10/10/2020 18:30:16

John, if you have a look at " Model Engineers Laser " site there is a listing in the kits section for parts for a 5" Building frame


Thread: KITS
18/09/2020 11:37:04

This is the next part of the story which seems to be a good outcome for engineering in general


Thread: Facing bar ends parallel on the lathe.
08/08/2020 09:32:38

It turned out about 0.03mm out of parallel across 100mm. Not good!

Good grief man thats a tad over one thou - I think its fantastic!

Thread: Cleaning emergency !
02/08/2020 16:56:56

Gerry - this may help **LINK** but then again nothing is guaranteed

Thread: Pulley Sizes For An X2 Clone Conversion
22/06/2020 13:12:23

Hi William,

Soon after buying my X2 clone I went through the phase of design and build my own conversion and in the end bought a kit from this guy in Turkey **LINK**

It was simple to fit and has performed well over the years

There are a couple of photos in my album of it fitted

Thread: How easy is it to make a chain sprocket?
30/05/2020 18:39:44

HPC Gears list that size of sprocket - available from 8 to 72 teeth

Thread: Workshop Gloves
30/05/2020 09:25:48

For a number of years before I retired it was mandatory for all trades in the water and wastewater construction industry to wear hand protection and so I have continued the practice in the workshop.

I use "Polyco Matrix P Black" gloves which are readily available thro' the internet.

I wear them all the time - except when trying to fit 10BA nuts! - even when working on the lathe.

Thread: Enamel Paint
02/05/2020 09:16:04

Have a look at the Paragon Enamel Paints website


Thread: Source of Small Extension Springs
02/04/2020 19:48:41


I have sent you a PM

Thread: Steam operated drain cocks
16/01/2020 22:26:52

Hi again - please try this link for a drawing


16/01/2020 21:52:18

Hi Guys

Search in Wikipedia for steam drain cocks for a drawing and then you can also follow various links

Edited By Essm on 16/01/2020 21:55:03

Sorry - search should be for Automatic cylinder cocks and not as previously shown

Edited By Essm on 16/01/2020 22:03:19

Please disregard this post altogether  - I am searching for correct link

Edited By Essm on 16/01/2020 22:10:52

Thread: Part built Allchin 1.5 inch
13/11/2019 21:56:30

Hi Derek,

What size is the pipe for the valve? - Maidstone Eng. Supplies have a globe valve for 1/8" pipe

Will that be small enough?

09/11/2019 22:07:24

Thanks Derek

09/11/2019 21:07:42

Hi Derek,

that cladding looks really neat so now its your turn to help someone - how thick was the sheet and how did you cut it particularly the circular holes?

any hints and tips would be appreciated



Thread: Brass sheet
24/10/2019 20:05:48

Blackgates Model Engineering in Dewsbury will cut any size you need and charge by weight

Thread: Part built Allchin 1.5 inch
31/08/2019 14:54:49

Hi Derek,

I use hylomar and have had no problems with it but I would still be inclined to make a thin card gasket and then smear hylomar on both sides of it.

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