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Member postings for DMB

Here is a list of all the postings DMB has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Sandown Model Engineer Exhibition 2009
08/12/2009 09:14:57
Me 2! Got advance ticket, will go! Friday.
Thread: Model Engineer 4366
07/12/2009 18:01:10
My copy of ME4366 arrived today in post, after I`d seen it in Smith`s, Churchill Sq., Brighton. There was only one copy of ME a number of MEW and about 15 EIM.
Thread: How many Boiler makers?
06/12/2009 14:56:56
I remember an ME exhibition some years ago, where there was a stand occupied by, I think, a company based in Manchester, demonstrating small (1 1/2"? square ) pure white cubes for insulation whilst boiler-making. They were using a propane burner to show how very little heat was going into their blocks. Seem to recall they were quite expensive, but apparently very effective. 
Perhaps someone may know mor and suggest a supplier?
Thread: Metric vs Imperial - Practical or Traditional?
11/11/2009 11:58:02
I also suffered being taught irrelevant historical measurments like rods poles perches.
Also, decimetres hectometres and so on. Then there was our historic money  with farthings threpenny-joeies, guineas, tanners and so on.
How much easier is the new currency to add, divide and multiply.
The same goes for metric e.g.,  we seem to be using only mm, cm and M, having apparently cut out all the in - between ones like decimetres. Pity 600mm has to be used for kitchen cupboards instead of .6M  Its all about visualising, like Ian said 18,288mm. Why not  make it simpler by saying 18.288M then mentally add on another 10% (1 .8) and you have near enough, 20 (yards!) I am making a Harold Hall design to his metric drawing which uses piece of metal 70 mm long; no prob. visualising this. Equally, I can look for a piece of stock thats around 3 ins. long for it. Most people have digi-calipers and/or DROs, so whats prob? Just seems like something to moan about.

Edited By John Coleman 1 on 11/11/2009 12:00:07

Thread: MT sleeve taper converters
14/10/2009 10:09:13
I need a plain external shank with an internal 1 MT taper. 
Is there such a thing available as a commercial item and does any one have one they would sell/give away? I live in Brighton.
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