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Member postings for DMB

Here is a list of all the postings DMB has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Digital books from Camden Miniature Steam
21/06/2023 20:18:51

Hi All,

I also have a Galaxy Tab A of unknown age, must be about 7 or more years by associated events! It opens with the title and followed by 6 which I assume is the Android number. I have in the past experienced exactly the same difficulties in downloading stuff from Camden, but in all fairness, I suspect it's not Adam's fault but more me, as in a past ( very aggravating)work colleagues annoying quote, "operator malfunction." After passage of time and unreliable memory, cant remember how I resolved the problem which I succeeded in doing....eventually. As regards MichaelG 's remark about the age and mine seems to take ages to recharge and is a bit flakey in operation, I decided to splash out this week and obtained an up to date S8. I will also have to fork out another tranche of dosh to replace my even much older mobile which keeps cutting out mid- call, volume so low I have to put in on loudspeaker just to hear it normally. Back to subject, I find Adam's downloadable guff is less than satisfactory from my point of view, to the extent of putting me off any further purchases of that type. I emphasize that it's me and my struggles with technology - been left school too long!


Thread: At It Again - But New Twist? (Scammers)
20/06/2023 19:00:48

Michael G,

I didn't intend to bring Politics into this thread and still don't believe that I have. What I said was that little or nothing will get done until the 'bigheads' get affected and the sooner that happens the better. I fail to understand how that could be political. More a case of us and them.


20/06/2023 14:58:50

I keep hoping that the scammers hit many of the 'big nobs' really hard so as to ensure that strings get pulled hard and something done abou it. People like senior Judges an Barristers and seniors in Police, Armed Forces, occupants of the House of Lords, royal family members, Privvy Councillors and so on. In other words, all the filthy rich get knee capped by scammers something WILL get done. Want to see all those huge pension pots drained - will serve them right for not getting off their butts and providing proper help and protection for those that they employ on peanuts to keep them in their fancy lifestyles.

Thread: Hot Weather Workshop Issues
17/06/2023 20:11:02

Years ago, I had a hot workshop problem, my nosey cat kept trying to get in the open door, so I had to make a screen to keep him out. Sharp steel swarf on floor and moggie barefoot!

17/06/2023 20:07:35

Orange sauce? Luvverly! Just needs fortifying with Cointreau!

17/06/2023 20:03:11

Orange sauce? Luvverly! Just needs fortifying with Cointreau!

Thread: Subscriptions?
15/06/2023 17:16:31

Thanks JasonB but wonder why its arrived yet again?

Mort ons' brain dead??

Thread: Drill Press Wear
14/06/2023 07:18:15

Nick, quite agree, I now always clamp down. I have busted very few drills over the years but I had a surprise in recent times. I thought that keeping below 3/16"dia., I might get away with no clamp. Work in very heavy 5" drill vice not bolted down, the 3/16" drill jammed, wrenched drill vice handle out of my hand, vice spun round and chucked off table down on to bench and busted drill. Lesson learned!


Thread: Radius Fixture
12/06/2023 08:23:59

Quite agree with MichaelG. Listen to intro. on video, hear producer saying he couldn't be bothered to hump heavy rotary table on to mill to do a rounding job. Then he goes to all that trouble to make what I think is a poor mans rotary table! He demonstrates a rough and ready linisher method, which if carefully done, will, in my opinion, be adequate for most purposes. An easier way of getting better results would be to have a leadscrew controlled slider with a number of interchangeable vertical pegs, one to fit hole in work. Slider would incrementally move peg nearer to sanding belt while moving the job by hand, around the peg.

My thoughts are the whole idea is willy waving - "look what a clever machinist I am." Or am I missing something? Can't remember last time I was accused of being thick!

Thread: Subscriptions?
09/06/2023 20:13:41

Wonder why I have received an email apparently from ME to "pre-order" the 2nd issue for June, no. 4719? I have only recently paid my annual DD Subs. Email was inviting me to open a link.

Another scam? Or is it a case of scatter - gun advertising using their whole customer data base? Or was it a ballsup by inefficient staff?

Didn't " buy" it, of course.

Thread: Well I never knew that - Cluppert Ring
06/06/2023 16:12:14

Old iron,

Several years ago, Keith Wilson did a long series of Model Engineer articles entitled "How to make em" in which he described his methods of producing 7.25"G GWR loco models. Somewhere in those articles he mentions using Clupet rings. A very impressive set of articles, e.g., quartering driving wheels by keyway broaching, a simple regulator in the smokebox design.


Thread: Behaviour of Banks
03/06/2023 22:57:32

Samsaranda, please note that Lloyd's bank and EDF will insist upon calling the club's accounts, " my" business.

I am wondering what happens if I snuff it whilst still Treasurer. Would the 2 bank accounts be classed as part of my assets in the course of my executor having to fill in a Probate Form? I am planning to write a signed and dated letter to be kept with my will and an identical one with the club's papers, just in case....                                   The letter confirming that the funds are held in the name of and on behalf of, the club and in no way amount to personal assets, as no telling what may happen when I'm no longer around to argue.


Edited By DMB on 03/06/2023 23:00:54

03/06/2023 22:40:32

Hi All,

I am a Treasurer of a Miniature railway club and I had an awful bank form to fill in last year.

"The Register of Overseas Entities", launched in August 2022. It was intended to reveal the ultimate owners of 50,000 Foreign owned Properties in the UK. Nearly half failed to declare (in other words, just ignored letter and form from their bank). The foregoing was from BBC News and Transparency International a few weeks ago. Apparently there is now increased pressure on those culprits with threats of fines running into thousands £s.

I offer help based upon the form which I filled in and returned but not had any adverse reaction, so assume that it was satisfactory. This is what Lloyd's sent to me -

"TheForeign Account Tax Compliance Act"(FATCA) and The Common Reporting Standard (CRS) tax regulations require us by law to collect information from customers for whom we are unable to confirm their tax residency or FATCA and CRS entity status.It rambles on and the guidance wasn't very helpful. They say that it will help tax authorities around the world to have a clearer view of where people hold assets outside of their country of tax residency. The law requires the bank to report such certain foreign tax resident customers to tax authorities local to where their financial accounts are held.

All seems to point to this being instigated in the USA and oligarchs come to mind. They are all holed up in Turkey with their yachts.

6 Part form, Entity details and it's Country of Tax Residency, FATCA classification, CRS classification,Controlling persons and Declaration of accuracy.

The following were my answers.

Part 1 Legal Name of Entity put in name of club. Country of Incorporation or Organisation, put in United Kingdom.

Permanent Residence Address, I entered postal address of club premises. Correspondence address was entered as my own.

Part 2 Entity Country of Tax Residency TIN Reason for no TIN, A B C (select on for each CoTR)

Reasons for no TIN, A The Country of Tax Residency does not issue TINs. B is that country doesn't require TIN disclosure.

C is Startup Non Financial Entity awaiting TIN. I selected A because our HMRC issues tax numbers and UK doesn't issue TINs.

Part 3 FATCA classification. 3a Are you Inc or org in USA? "No", move to 3c Is the entity a Foreign Financial Institution? "No" move to 3f Non - Financial Foreign Entity (NFFE) is Non - Profit Organisation (NPO). Move to Part 4 all options. Part 4 CRS Classification. 4A Financial Institution (FI). Is the Entity an FI ? "No", move to 4b.Non - Financial Entity ( NFE) v Non -Profit Organisation (NPO) . Move to part 6 all options - Declaration. Sign, date, print full name and capacity - Club Treasurer.

I did in fact fill in part 5 - Controlling Person 1, enquires surname,  first name, address and TIN or not. I put in details of the usual 3 club controllers - chairman, secretary and treasurer. 

If you carefully read the above, it is obvious that you stick to NPO.

I have reorganised the club's bank account to have a relatively smallish current account balance, sufficient to pay normal club operations and Bill's. A separate savings account for around 80% of total funds which is shown in the club accounts as a contingency fund for various needs, including satisfying the lease requirements to return the site to previous condition in the event of the club vacating the site. The club has under 60 members and makes a small annual excess of Income over Expenditure, so easily passes the test of NPO.

Hope all the above may answer a few questions and maybe assist in filling the form in.


Edited By DMB on 03/06/2023 22:50:38

Thread: Keyless car theft has never been so easy
31/05/2023 16:23:05

Burglars likely to try you grandparents hiding places first, so Don't! Tea caddy, bottom of wardrobe, tops of wall cupboards.

I keep my keys in my pocket as much as poss and take them with me, then I know where they are.

I think that car keys could be lobbed into any old tin whilst at home and they would be safe from transmitting.


Thread: Steel prices
31/05/2023 16:15:35

Home base gone, so has "Texas".

Decades ago there were so many shops in Brighton alone, flogging ME supplies, Bennets did handtools and Sievert gear, Elliots hand tools ( now a Gregg's grub), Browns, Banfields, Airds for handtools, Myford accessories and I even bought a new Super 7 from them. Their shop now flogs grub like so many others. AFAIK, " last man standing" is Dockerills and they have downsized their shop. Westbourne tools in Hove gone. Various metal suppliers also gone. Bottom line cost of Mail order metal a joke. I am going to try making a shopping list of wants, work out best place to buy and try to include the trip to collect with places to visit. Still not easy though. Means raiding the junk box to see what can be machined to requirements. Have to start copying the Americans with their "Bill of Materials" methods! Do miss the good old days of Guildford ("just up the road" clubs July min. traction engine do, with Blackgates and others attending.


Thread: Words and music
26/05/2023 10:11:14

Hi Ian,

Just checked internet & answer is Vols 94 - 97, reprinted Vols. 121 - 126.


Thread: Scams
24/05/2023 21:17:50

I have been asked by my club if I would agree to club putting on an event for the benefit of some other organisation. I used a favourite reason to refuse - ask if it's a scam due to bad spelling, pointing out where in the message. Too bad if genuine messages sent by people with inadequate spelling skills. Getting older and grumpier with todays sloppy ways.


Edited By DMB on 24/05/2023 21:19:04

24/05/2023 20:15:30

I am too nervous of what's going on that I don't know about, as in spying devices like Alexa. As said by others, its listening and transmitting to goodness knows to whom or where. Security - humf!

Anything new will be considered as, could I make good use of whatever it is, is it any good, does it work or rather, can I get it to do what I want. As an example, I can just about use puters for everyday living but I dont think that I have enough lifetime left to 'waste' struggling to get CNC working. I have more pressing things that I want to get on with and enjoy. Been wanting to visit West Somerset railway for years and kept putting it off but made the effort to go some weeks ago, killing 2 birds with one stone - also get to see and hear the exhaust of 'Lady of Legend' which was running there. That is far more exciting than sitting at home scratching head over CNC or other electronic trickery that I struggle to understand. Having said that, I do so enjoy online banking, the convenience is wonderful. I have complete confidence in my security software and of the bank's security system.


Thread: to divide a circle
23/05/2023 08:57:11

Depending upon the degree of accuracy required, you could use a simple plastic school device to set out the angle necessary. Divide 360° by say, 5 in this example, get 72° per side. Mark out carefully on piece of thick cardboard, plywood, hardboard, almost anything, then carefully cut out the wedge. Mill a small flat on work then rotate work to rest flat on your wedge and mill another flat. Keep going til jobbie done. Many, many more ways to achieve end result but above assumes a lack of better equipment and also very dependent upon the degree of accuracy required.


Edited By DMB on 23/05/2023 08:59:21

Thread: Scams
23/05/2023 08:42:20


My point is, leave banking apps at home, on home devices - not on any device that leaves the house. If you must have your latest bank balance to hand when out, look it up at home, write it on a blank piece of paper as a number with no other identifying info.

Be aware that someone could try to 'shoulder surf' to get your pin no then steal your device and let themselves in. Apparently this is one of the latest tricks.

I travel by 'old codgers card' and pay in shops by card or occasionally cash but never use phone. Friends say I'm obsessed with security, yeah, of course! I consider that everyone should be.


Edited By DMB on 23/05/2023 08:46:10

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