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Member postings for old Al

Here is a list of all the postings old Al has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Knurling wheels misterry
07/04/2023 14:00:42

The real question is , does it give a suitable knurl. And if not have you tries setting the tool on ctr height, a bit below and a bit above and then upside down to all of the above.

I dont use science in what i use unless it dosnt work. Life is too short

Thread: New highway code rule.
23/01/2022 17:42:57

I have been practicing opening the car door with my left hand. Its not difficult, but when you transfer to the right hand to fully open the door, wind can snatch the door away from you and the door opens uncontrolably. I cant work out how this give anybody any advantage and i cant see how i might get seen opening with the wrong hand. But hey, hoe, its fun playing to different rules

I havent seen the new rules at rounderbouts yet, im working on one rule at a time, still got 5 days to work it out

Thread: The great workshop bake-off (paint that is)
24/12/2021 17:20:19

Painting in the cold is nor recommended and if it doesnt cure in a week, its best removed and done on a warmer ,dryer day.

Even after 40 years, i still try my luck, but getting good at stripping paint now

Thread: choices of material to turn
16/08/2021 08:53:11

their is a lot to learn about lathe work, machining in general and the materials we use. Its a very hard way to learn if all you are doing is playing on the lathe and reading books on it.
Go join a club and get a few lessons from someone with experience

Thread: Practice material for a newbie
07/06/2021 09:19:08

If you are near East Kent, you can have a rummage through my stock. Always pleased to help a beginner

Thread: Barrier Creams
26/03/2021 20:40:05

I have an aerosol tin with the brand name of 'Care'. It must be about 30 years ols but it was really good when i used it in anger all of those years ago. must see if it squirts out of the tin, so i can use it.

We protect all of the other parts of our bodies , so why miss out the hands

Thread: 2 Inch Ransomes
26/03/2021 20:31:13

I started one of these years ago (project number 1), still fancy completing it. lovely looking tractor. Keep up the good work and keep those photos coming.

I might even slip a few ransom bits into my work schedule


Thread: Advice for surface finishing
20/01/2021 09:41:07

Thats a long piece of unsupported material thats been turned whatever grade it it.When you turned it, did you have a centre in it.

You cant just throw money at a problem thinking it will sort your problem out. Start with the basics. Thinking doesnt cost anything(unless you get it wrong)

Thread: Re-grinding 2 MT Socket
05/01/2021 15:12:09

if it were mine, i would bin it and buy another. They are cheap nowadays.Waste your time on something more interesting

Thread: Re sharpened machine reamers
14/12/2020 10:20:55

These should be put in the bin marked 'May be useful one day' Because we all have one and only put things in there and never take them out

Thread: Parting-off Tools for Small Lathe
14/12/2020 10:14:44

I use the tapered blade type parting off tool. It always looks wrong as it cranks the blade over so one side is vertical and the other side has all of the taper. Been meaning to change it for the last 25 years

Thread: Motorcycle General Discussion
29/11/2020 16:52:46

My first old bike was an 1953 AJS 500 twin in 1983 and i paid £100. Soon after we brought a triumph terrier for £150 and as it didnt have a rocker oil feed pipe, we bought a 62 tiger cub + spare engine for £50. To date, none of these bikes have been refurbished. Big argument over the cost of a main switch for the tiger cub so it got covered up in disgrace. Nobody wanted them back then and i was throwing it together and painted the frame with Hamerite, proper Hamerite smooth and shaky tins for the rest

They are on the list amounst other bikes and a few locos. Should all get done some day as long as i live to 150 in good health

Thread: Threading Stainless Steel
14/11/2020 10:43:21

Have you cut a thread with this specific die and then decided the tread was too tight and readjusted the die. Then tried to rethread the stainless thread. then tried to cut another thread.

Even tough stainless can be thread cut using dies, but stainless will work harden very easily and become tougher than the die if you are not careful

Thread: Newbie with no prior skills on lathe
11/11/2020 17:41:15

Books are a good second choice and the books mentioned are very good and easily found. A few minuits with someone that knows lathe work could take months to learn from a book

Thread: Stellite 98M2 tools
25/10/2020 22:49:39

Interesting thread on stellite. I have a load of the stuff 'under the bench'somewhere. its not a regular size, about 1/4" sq by about a foot long. where would i go and buy some of this stuff if i wanted it.

Looks like its for welding, whats it worth

Thread: What is a Good Second Steam Engine Model to Build?
15/10/2020 09:51:10

If you dont pick out the type of model yourself and do the research on whats available and all of the 'want to build' thinking about things, you will never finish your project.

Building anything needs a lot of dedication, whatever the subject matter. Most if not all model makers have been sidetracked by another project or two or three.

Building the next model means committing hundreds/thousands of hours away to one project. you have to be real sure that is the model for you, not someone else. Ask questions about your chosen design, their are some real rubbish designs hidden away to catch people out and their are some really good designs out there.

Take your time in deciding, dont hurry, and love it before you start.

Thread: Gear Train noise?
14/10/2020 11:52:18

Try setting the gears with paper first and if that doesnt work, try it again. some of those chinese gears are not cut concentrically.

The last thing i would do is use lapping paste or anything on the gears. maybe just a little fresh grease, but it shouldnt need it.

We di have a similar lathe to yours in the next workshop to where i worked and the gears were set badly. The supervisor knew everything so we never offered to help. It was loud.

Thread: Mk1 Colchester student clutch
08/09/2020 14:40:59


I have been turning some 15"dia stainless plate and the lathe keeps slowing down and stopping.

My immediate thought was that the motor was overheating, not so. my next thoughts were the clutch. I know the mk 1 1/2 has a working clutch, but where that is (the top belt pulley area) is getting hot.

Is their any friction material stuffed into that area that might be giving me grief



Thread: How to move a Colchester Student ?
04/09/2020 16:15:47

I moved my Student with the help of 3 others and we were 20 years younger then. We took the tailstock off, headstock off and bed off.

Its a lot of work getting the saddle off.

We had to man handle the lathe through the length of someones house, they had rear access when the lathe was installed.The base is extreamly heavy and difficult to pick up, they dont drag nicely over someones carpet!

We put the whole lot in a twin axle transit. It didnt like it one bit and we only moved it about 5 miles.

In hindsite, it would have been a much better solution to move it in two trips. In the garage, i have 3 scaffold poles and its easy to shove around at will

Thread: How to stop scam phone calls for good?
21/07/2020 13:31:05

The call guardian is part of the phone. Buy a new phone with it.

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