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Member postings for Bill Dawes

Here is a list of all the postings Bill Dawes has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Gear milling
10/12/2009 21:47:05
That's great, thank you very much. Had a look at Tracy Tools website and have sent off for catalogue.
Best regards
Bill Dawes
10/12/2009 12:59:03
Anyone done any gear cutting with a milling cutter. I did some proper gear hobbing in my apprenticeship days many moons ago but my workshop won't run to that. Not found any supplier so far that does such a cutter.
I have Tubal Caines hand little book and it states that the type of cutter determines the size of gear you can cut (or visa versa I suppose)
Bill D.
Thread: Gear wheels
06/12/2009 11:54:32
 Less haste more speed!! It's Sunday morning and breaking off decorating to attend to this.
Thanks to all, useful info. Thought the HPC website excellent.
Bill D.
06/12/2009 11:51:14
Thanks to all, useful info. Tthought the HPC website excelleny.
Bill D.
04/12/2009 12:38:44
Hi all.
I am planning to make the sheet metal rolls featured some time ago in ME.
This requires some gears to link the rolls, I have done many searches on the web but not yet found anything, does anyone have a source of supply for such things. I am talking steel gears rather than plastic of course.
Bill D.
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