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Member postings for Chris Goodwill

Here is a list of all the postings Chris Goodwill has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: material choice
28/06/2023 17:10:18

OK, so this doesn't need to be case hardened or anything special, just basic mild steel.

That will making it a lot easier..


28/06/2023 15:09:37


I need to replace a vice handle, the current one is bent, too thin, end caps don't fit well, rusty ect. I have been looking on ebay and stainless steel is cheap. It's going to be 16mm dia about 30cm long. Anybody think of a reason why 304 stainless would be a bad choice for a vice handle?

Thread: Odd Thread Size
25/06/2023 20:17:46

Thank you everyone

The vice is an old record 34 steel and I did wonder about the countersinks as the holes looked a bit odd, been 60 Deg makes a lot more sense

25/06/2023 19:40:22

Just to add this bolt is 7.7mm dia and with my pitch gauge is ithere 26 tpi or 1 mm.

I think i will thread a piece of bar M8 X 1 and see if it fits.

25/06/2023 19:06:58


I was Given an old record vice last year and have just got around to looking at it. After drilling out the sloted countersunk screws that hold the jaws on, I am having trouble identifying the thread. They could be a metric M8 x 1 fine thread or a 5/16 26tpi. The only other bolt on it is a 5/16 BSW.

I have tried looking up 5/16 26tpi but this seems to refer to a bicycle thread. Anyone know what size these screw are suppose to be?

Thread: Unknown tooling
07/03/2023 10:50:09

Thanks, I needed some more views, I was thinking training equipment, but wanted to check there was not some odd anti-static / Spark use. When you look at these and see how the system works it is a very clever idea.

I will now try and write an ebay advert to see if I can find a collector

Thanks Chris.

05/03/2023 09:55:27


I am in the process of clearing my Dad’s house and workshop and came across these two cases.

I have seen milling Clarkson chucks before, but never in plastic! One is aluminium and the large cutters attached (one Green) are aluminium.

They both have 3 trays of cutters all either 6,8,or 10mm all HSS.

Has anybody seen these before?


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